
MLW Fusion Episode 87 Results Contra Unit vs The Hart Foundation, Swamp Fight & Battle Royal

Contra Unit and The Hart Foundation go head to head in the main event of this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

-We open the show with a recap of the MLW World Heavyweight Championship match from last week where Jacob Fatu retained and Tom Lawlor turned on the Von Erichs before we’re told that Tom will explain himself later tonight as well as the Hart Foundation versus Contra and Jimmy Havoc versus Mance Warner in a Taipei Death Match.

Battle Royal Match

Nearly the entire men’s roster are in the ring to start the match before Barrington Hughes is eliminated first before no one is eliminated for well over 10 minutes and Ricky Ortiz and all three members of Injustice are quickly eliminated. Vega and Leo Brian are eliminated next before Zenshi is eliminated and Holliday tosses one of the members of American Top Team before Richard is eliminated. Gorgan eliminates Garrini before he’s teamed up on by the remaining three until they turn on each other and Gorgan chokeslams Gringo out of the ring. Gorgan takes out Douglas James before it’s just him and Timothy Thatcher who slaps Gorgan across the face. Gorgan then sends Tim over the top rope before booting him off of the apron and down onto the floor for the win.

Winner: Gorgan wins by being last eliminated.

-We get an interview with Tom Lawlor via satellite where Tom explains by he turned on the Von Erichs and that their friendship only benefited them and that they made everything about themselves when it should have been about him. Tom makes it clear that he still hates Contra and that he’s only loyal to himself before saying that he can do whatever he wants.

-We get a video package for the history of the Opera Cup and how Davey Boy Smith Jr. donated the historic opera cup to MLW to revive the tournament.

Swamp Match

Leo Brien vs Savio Vega

Leo and Savio brawl in the dark in the swamp before Leo hits Vega with a cowbell and chokes him with it. Vega hits Leo with a branch before choking Leo with the bull rope the bell is attached to and trying to hang him. Leo comes back and hits Vega with the cowbell for a near fall before Vega rocks him with a headbutt and sends him into the fence. Vega then drops Leo with a spinning heel kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: Savio Vega defeats Leo Brien via pinfall with a spinning heel kick.

-After the match Vega chokes Leo before the referee makes him back off.

-We get an interview with the Von Erichs over the betrayal of Tom Lawlor and Marshall vows to get revenge before we get a video package for the returning ACH after his departure from NXT.

-We get highlights of the MLW World Heavyweight Championship match from last week where Jacob Fatu retained against Ross Von Erich.

Contra Unit (Ikuro Kwon & Simon Gotch) w/Josef Samael vs Hart Foundation (Brian Pillman Jr. & Davey Boy Smith Jr.)

Brian and Kwon start things off for their respective teams to dueling chants by the crowd before they lock up and Brian hits a snap mare into a headlock. Kwon comes back with a knee and drags Brian to the corner where Simon tags himself in and he and Kwon and Simon make frequent tags. Brian and Simon exchange chops before Simon hits a brainbuster for a quick two count and goes for an armbar, but Brian counters into a headlock before Simon hits a Saito suplex. Brian hits a running clothesline in the corner and chops Kwon before Davey enters the match for the first time. The Hart Foundation isolate Kwon in their half of the ring before Davey hits a delayed suplex for two before Kwon counters a suplex by Brian and tags in Simon.

Simon hits a snap mare into a PK before chopping Brian in the corner and choking him with his boot. Simon locks in a rear chin lock before transitioning to a sleeper hold and Brian hits a stunner to get free before Davey runs in when he becomes legal and takes out both members of Contra. Davey makes Simon and Kwon clash heads before hitting a leg drop for a near fall and Brian hits a diving clothesline before Davey pins Simon with a jack knife cover for the pin and the win.

Winner: Hart Foundation defeat Contra Unit when Davey pins Simon after Brian hits a diving clothesline.

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