
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 12/10/19 Sami Callihan vs Ken Shamrock Madman Fulton vs Tessa Blanchard

The #DRAW takes on the Most Dangerous Man Alive and The Diamond of Profesional Wrestling takes on the Madman of OvE!

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Good evening Fight Fans, it’s Tuesday night which means that it’s time for IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV and Twitch TV! We hope you enjoy the show and I’ll see you back here tomorrow night for NXT!

Old School Rules Special Guest Referee Match

RVD w/Katie Forbes vs Rhino

RVD punches and kicks Rhino, backing him into the corner before Rhino drops him and hits a back drop onto the apron when RVD gets out of the ring. Rhino tosses a chair and a mop into the ring before hitting RVD with a hard back chair and smashing his face into the apron. RVD hits a cannonball off of the apron before rolling Rhino back into the ring and dropping him with a jumping side kick into the Rolling Thunder for a two count. Rhino hits RVD with the mop and chokes him before slamming him onto a chair and goes for a falling headbutt, but RVD moves out of the way. Rhino drops RVD throat first across a chair before hitting a snap mare and driving a chair into the throat of RVD before lying it on top of him.

RVD crotches Rhino on the chair he laid against him before RVD hits a rolling kick in the corner and hits a running dropkick on the corner into a chair. Rhino powerbombs RVD onto a chair for a near fall before RVD sends Rhino throat first into the bottom rope and tosses a trash can into the ring. RVD wedges the trash can in the corner before doing the same thing to a chair and setting up a table in the ring. Rhino headbutts and clotheslines RVD before setting up the table in a corner and RVD drops him with kicks before missing a springboard split legged moonsault. Rhino Gores RVD through the table before Katie pulls Tommy out of the ring for a near fall and RVD sends Rhino into the trash can in the corner.

RVD then hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: RVD defeats Rhino via pinfall with the Five Star Frog Splash

-RVD then attacks Tommy after the match before we go to a video camera promo by OvE where Sami talks about the promotion they do for IMPACT and about the Crists planning to win the tag team open later tonight and his match against Ken Shamrock and Tessa Blanchard’s match against Madman Fulton.

Moose vs Acey Romero

Moose and Romero try to knock each other over with shoulder blocks before Acey drops Moose who hops back up and Acey tosses Moose across the ring. Acey hits a running splash in the corner before tossing Moose back across the ring and Moose rolls out of the ring before Acey hits a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

Moose is in control of Acey as we come back to the action as we see that Moose sent him into the ring post during the break. Moose poses and chokes Acey in the ropes before Acey counters a suplex and suplexes Moose before hitting a running cross body hitting a back drop into a spinebuster for a two count. Acey hits a running splash in the corner before Moose follows him with several running dropkicks in the opposite corner and hits Go to Hell for a two count. They exchange until Moose goes for a spear and Acey shoves him away before turning Moose inside out with a lariat for a near fall. Acey then dodges a running splash in the corner before hitting Acey with a spear for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Acey Romero via pinfall with a spear.

-We go to James Mitchell talking to Suzie before she touches a noose and gets flash backs of her time as Su Yung before he says that she can only trust him and that he’s trying to help her as we go to commercial.

-We get a backstage interview with Michael Elgin who explains why he interfered in the match between Eddie Edwards and Brian Cage before challenging Eddie to a match with his number one contender trophy on the line.

Raj Singh w/Gama Singh & Rohit Raju vs Fallah Bahh

They brawl before Bahh hits a belly to belly suplex and a twisting elbow drop before Gama grabs the foot of Bahh and Bahh stomps on his hand. Raj capitalizes with a jumping neckbreaker before hitting several running senton for a two count before Bahh comes back with chops and a running cross body. Bahh then hits a running hip attack in the corner before hitting a banzai drop for the pin and the win.

Winner: Fallah Bahh defeats Raj Singh via pinfall with a banzai drop.

-Desi Hit Squad attack Bahh after the match before he’s saved by the returning TJP and we get a segment backstage where Joey Ryan is summoned to wrestling court by Tommy Dreamer as we go to commercial.

-Joey enters the wrestling court room as the defendant before Johnny Swinger comes in as the prosecution and Joey tries to get a lawyer, but Joseph Park is no longer in the company. They move the court out of the men’s room and to a bigger room before D-Lo Brown shows up and talks about how they can condemn anyone who violates the business. Madison Rayne testifies at the lewdness of the company and Gama attacks Joey before they’re broken up and Joey gives a final statement about how he’s always been blamed for other people’s problems in the business and that he’s glad he’s not from the 80’s and 90’s. Joey says that wrestling should be fun and everyone should keep an open mind and that he’s not the reason for all of the problems. Joey is then declared guilty before Tommy declares that Joey will face Acey Romero next week.

Tag Team Open Match

The Rascalz (Dez & Wentz) vs OvE (Jake Crist & Dave Crist) vs Reno Scum vs Rich Swann & Willie Mack

Everyone gets into the ring and brawls until Dez and Wentz send Reno out of the ring and Jake takes them out with a suicide dive into a double tornado DDT. Rich and Willie send Dave out of the ring before doubling up on Luster and send him to the outside before Rich and Willie hit an electric chair neckbreaker into a powerbomb. Willie hits a Samoan drop into a standing moonsault for a two count before hitting a tope to the outside and Rich launches Dave over the top rope and onto everyone at ringside. Willie is checked on by the officials at ringside before the doctor comes out and tells Willie that he can’t continue in the match as we go to commercial.

Reno double team Rich before hitting them with a double Lethal Injection and OvE hit him with a fear factor for a near fall that Wentz breaks up. Reno hit Dave with a German suplex into a jumping stomp for a two count before putting Dave in the tree of woe and hitting a razors edge with Rich into Dave for a two count. The Rascalz drop Luster with a flurry of high paced moves before hitting their finisher for a near fall that Jake breaks up and Rich drops OvE with chops and kicks. OvE then go for the All Seeing Eye before Rich rolls through and pins Dave for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann and Willie Mack defeat OvE, Reno Scum and The Rascalz via pinfall when Rich pins Dave to earn he and Willie a shot at The North’s IMPACT World Tag Team Championship at Hard to Kill.

-We get an interview with Taya Valkyrie about her defending her Knockouts Championship match being made a triple threat match between her, Jordynne Grace and ODB at Hard to Kill before we get the IMPACT+ Flashback Moment of the Week featuring a Knockouts Championship Triple Threat match.

-Jimmy Jacobs interviews Brian Cage about the last couple of months, losing the IMPACT World Championship to Sami Callihan and what’s next for him before Brian says that he has no problem facing anyone before RVD and Katie show up and start making out. RVD then says that Brian stole plenty of moves before he and Katie leave as we go to commercial.

Tessa Blanchard vs Madman Fulton

Tessa hits Fulton with forearms, but it just enrages him before she slaps him and he drives her into the corner before stomping on her and sending her face first into the bottom of the middle turnbuckle. Fulton walks over top of Tessa and Tessa counters a powerbomb into a sunset flip before dropkicking him out of the ring and hitting a suicide dive. Fulton catches Tessa when she goes for a diving cross body and tosses her back into the ring before Tessa hits a tornado DDT. The Crists then attack Tessa for the disqualification.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Madman Fulton via disqualification when the Crists interfere.

-After the match Ken Shamrock comes to the save and clears the ring before Sami shows up and makes Fulton leave as we go to commercial.

Sami Callihan vs Ken Shamrock

They shove each other before Sami slaps Ken and quickly backs into the ropes before spitting in his face. Ken drops Sami with kicks and hits him with knees to the face before they exchange chops at ringside and Ken kicks Sami in the arm. Ken stalks Sami at ringside and sends him into the railing before Sami chops and headbutts Ken and sends him face first into the table the ring bell is sitting on. Ken clotheslines Sami and drops him again with a kick before tossing him back into the ring and Sami hits a DVD for a two count before he runs at Ken who catches him and hits a powerslam. Sami pulls the referee in front of him and Ken accidentally takes him out before Ken ducks Sami trying to hit him with the title.

Ken then locks in the ankle lock before Fulton comes out and hits Ken with an end of days and Sami locks in an ankle lock and the referee calls for the bell because Ken is unconscious for the referee stoppage and the win.

Winner: Sami Callihan defeats Ken Shamrock via referee stoppage.

-Fulton then attacks Ken and throws him over the top rope and down onto the floor before Sami finally manages to control him when he stops listening to him as we go off the air.

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