
ROH Wrestling Television Results for 11/29/19 Episode #428 Four Corners Survival Match

It’s a battle of the veterans versus the young up and comers in a four corners survival match on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling!

-The show opens with a recap of The Briscoes and Jay Lethal and Jonathan Gresham before we get a video vignette for four corners survival match between PJ Black, Ultimo Guerrero Kenny King and Eli Isom from ROH The Experience whose participants were voted on by the fans in tonight’s main event.

-We see Josh Woods and Silas Young backstage before their match where Josh is doing visualization.

Four Corners Survival Tag Team Match

Josh Woods & Silas Young vs Coast 2 Coast vs The Bouncers vs Soldiers of Savagery

Josh and LSG start the match off with Josh getting a series of quick two counts with his superior grappling skills before Silas comes in and hits an ax handle off of the second rope. LSG drives Silas into the corner and Ali sends him out of the ring before Brian misses a leg drop and BCB hits a shotgun dropkick into a sidewalk slam by Brian for a two count. Ali superkicks BCB who slams him down for a two count before hitting him with right hands and biting him. SOS then rush in and hit BCB from behind and knock Brian off of the apron as we go to commercial.

SOS double up on BCB before BCB gets his knees up when Moses goes for a Vader bomb and hits a double DDT when they go for a double chokeslam. Brian gets the tag and hits running moves in opposite corners before he adds in C2C and clears the ring. BCB hits a Samoan drop before Brian hits a senton for a near fall before C2C hit a complete shot for a near fall. Silas and Josh hit their tag finisher for a near fall before C2C take out everyone at ringside before Josh superplexes BCB onto everyone else on the floor. Josh rolls Kahn back into the ring and hits a rolling German suplex for a near fall before Ali hits a complete shot and Brian hits a Brawler slam. Moses hits a diving cross body and BCB hits a DDT before LSG hits a springboard shining wizard before Silas hits the Anarchist suplex. BCB and Silas brawl before they’re attacked by SOS who sends Silas out of the ring and hits BCB with a double chokeslam. Everyone then hits a move before Silas hits a slingshot into a jumping knee by Josh for the pin and the win.

Winner: Josh Woods & Silas Young defeat The Bouncers, Coast 2 Coast and Soldiers of Savagery.

-We then have various members of the ROH roster wishing the fans Merry Christmas and happy holidays as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Shane Taylor before he cuts a promo outside talking about his match against Dragon Lee at Final Battle and how he’s going to crush the fairytale ending for RUSH and Lee with the two ending the show as brothers with gold.

-We get a video recapping partnership and one-ups-manship between Dalton Castle and Joe Hendry the past several weeks as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for the undefeated ROH World champion RUSH before he defends his title against PCO at Final Battle.

-We get highlights of a WOH tag match between Sumie Sakai and Jenny Rose versus Angelina Love and Mandy Leon of The Allure from ROH Unauthorized in which The Allure won when Angelina pinned Sumie with The Botox Injection before she was challenged by Maneater in her in ring debut at Final Battle as we go to commercial.

Four Corners Survival Match

Kenny King vs Ultimo Guerrero vs Eli Isom vs PJ Black

The four men form a circle before pairing off and Kenny locks in a single leg Boston crab before they apply a four man submission as we go to commercial.

Ultimo drops Eli with a shoulder block before sweeping him and dropkicking Eli off of the apron and into the railing. Ultimo hits a head stand bronco buster in the corner to Kenny before Eli and PJ team up and hit stereo suicide dives. When they get back in the ring PJ and Eli duck each others kicks before running into each other with cross bodies. Kenny hits a chin checker into a spinning kick to Eli for a two count before Ultimo hits everyone with a scoop slam. Eli hits a diving cross body that takes everyone out before hitting PJ and Ultimo with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Eli hits Kenny with a deep six before clearing the ring and hitting an Asai moonsault as we go to commercial.

PJ, Ultimo and Eli chop each other at ringside before Kenny runs into everyone and they hit a tower of doom once they’re back in the ring. Ultimo slams PJ from the top when he goes for a superplex before Eli superkicks him and hits a variation of a burning hammer for a near fall that PJ breaks up. PJ then hits a moonsault double foot stomp to Eli for the pin and the win.

Winner: PJ Black defeats Eli Isom, Ultimo Guerrero and Kenny King via pinfall when he pins Eli with a moonsault double foot stomp.

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