Uriah Hall Not Giving Up On MMA Career

Uriah Hall entered UFC Fight Night 99 as a heavy underdog against Gegard Mousasi in their rematch from UFC Fight Night 75, the odds makers were correct as Hall lost his third straight fight.

“It’s a loss; sometimes you go in there and it doesn’t go your way,” Hall said at the UFC Fight Night 99 post-fight press conference. “You take it as an athlete, as a professional. You just got to pick yourself up. It doesn’t determine or dictate where I can go from there or say I should stay there. It just happens. I have a lot of kids that are looking up to me, so what kind of example would I set by just quitting? I’m going to keep doing it until I get it. I’m going to fail sometimes, but I’m going to keep doing it until I get it.”

This isn’t the first time Hall has faced a losing streak in his career, as he had skids in both 2010 and 2013. He hopes past experiences will help turn things around for him.

“I’ve been here before, the fight before that (an early stoppage) kind of happened,” Hall said. “It’s part of the business. There’s nothing I can say. As much as I can complain and (expletive) and moan, it is what it is. I didn’t hear the ref, he said he was screaming, ‘Fight back.’ I didn’t really hear him. Gegard was punching the (expletive) out of me, but I was like, ‘Alright, I’m good.’ I can take a punch. It’s what I do for a living. But it is what it is, man.”

Hall wouldn’t mind stepping into the octagon for a third time with Mousasi, but he also acknowledges that Mousasi should be getting a middleweight title fight.

“It’s 1-1,” Hall said. “I do think he deserves a title shot, though – he worked his ass off. Maybe down the line when he gets it, we’ll cross paths again. Nothing against the guy – he brings out the best in me. I’m sure I do to him. I’m sure after my last fight he said, ‘You know what? F this, man. I shouldn’t have lost to this guy.’ We’ve seen him win; he’s been dominating. I lit a fire under his ass. But I’m sure down the line, respectfully, I would like to go up against him again.”

Hall’s next move has yet to be announced yet, but with three straight losses, his back is against the wall in the UFC.

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