
Renee Young On Jim Cornette Appearing On WWE Backstage: Lol Hard No

LOL. Nope.

WWE Backstage might not be afraid to address the hot topic issues in wrestling. But even they want nothing to do with Jim Cornette. Cornette, who resigned from his position as NWA Powerrr commentator on Wednesday after making a racist comment on Tuesday’s episode, promoted his upcoming podcast, hinting that he’ll explain everything behind the decision. A fan suggested Cornette go on WWE Backstage to explain the situation, tagging host Renee Young, frequent panelist Paige and other members of the show.

Neither Young nor Paige were very receptive to the idea.

Episode 7 of NWA Powerrr was edited upon initial airing due to Cornette’s racist comment where he said, “Trevor Murdoch is the only man that I’ve ever known that can strap a bucket of fried chicken on his back and ride a motor scooter across Ethiopia.”

NWA issued a statement on the matter following the episode before announcing Cornette had resigned on Wednesday.

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