
11/20/2019 AEW Dynamite Results: Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin & A Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Rey Fenix vs. Nick Jackson

The match begins with Jackson getting Fenix in a headlock, Jackson and Fenix also exchange a few shoulder tackles until Fenix goes down. Fenix recovers and he nails Jackson with a drop kick, Jackson and Fenix battle to the arena floor until both get back into the ring to attempt drop kicks. Jackson and Fenix exchange some chops in the middle of the ring, Fenix then nails Jackson with a series of diving headbutts. Fenix then knocks Jackson out of the ring with a springboard arm drag, Jackson gets back in the ring and he knocks Fenix out of if with a spinning head kick. Jackson goes for a dive and Fenix avoids it before landing a cutter on the arena floor, Fenix gets Jackson back in the ring before going to the top rope. Fenix nails a downed Jackson with a swanton bomb for a near fall, Jackson fights back and Fenix misses a penalty kick before eating multiple knee strikes. Jackson then hits Fenix with a bulldog and running knee strike for a near fall, Jackson and Fenix both attack each other with super kicks.

Jackson and Fenix go to the top rope and Jackson lands a super rana for a near fall, Jackson goes for a sharp shooter and Fenix gets free. Jackson then cracks Fenix with another spinning head kick, Fenix recovers and he nails Jackson with a super kick. Jackson responds by exchanging more super kicks with Fenix, Jackson and Fenix exchange more strikes in the middle of the ring. Fenix gets Jackson to the ring apron before taking him down with a rana to the arena floor, Fenix gets Jackson back in the ring before missing a moonsault. Jackson gets up and he nails Fenix with a series of kicks, Fenix catches a charging Jackson with a cutter for a near fall. Jackson drags Fenix to the ring apron and they exchange more strikes, Jackson nails Fenix with a German suplex on the ring apron. Jackson gets Fenix back in the ring before landing a face buster, Jackson follows up with a slingshot destroyer for a near fall. Jackson traps Fenix in the sharp shooter and Fenix gets to the ropes to break the hold, Fenix fights back and he catches Jackson in a roll up before landing a super kick.

Fenix then hits Jackson with a springboard head kick, Fenix then nails Jackson with a muscle buster for a three count.

Winner: Rey Fenix

Dr. Britt Baker vs. Hikaru Shida

The match begins with Baker getting Shida in a headlock, Shida gets free and Baker drops her with a shoulder tackle. Baker and Shida also exchange a few arm drags and leg sweeps, Baker takes Shida down and she looks for the Lockjaw. Baker corners Shida before landing a few strikes, Baker follows that up by dropping Shida with a clothesline. Baker also traps Shida in the ropes before landing more strikes and a clothesline, Baker then hits Shida with a suplex for a near fall. Baker slows things down further by applying a modified chin lock to Shida, Shida fights back and she corners Baker before landing forearm strikes. Shida then places Baker on the top rope before nailing her with a running knee strike, Shida drags Baker to the arena floor before throwing her into the barricade. Shida grabs a chair and she sets it up on the arena floor, Shida launches herself off the chair to nail Baker with a knee strike. Shida gets Baker to the ring apron before going to the top rope, Baker fights back and she nails Shida with more strikes. Baker then drapes Shida arm first onto the top rope, Baker then drops Shida with a sling blade.

Baker follows that up by nailing Shida with a pump handle slam for a near fall, Shida fights back and she misses a knee strike before falling to the ring apron. Baker nails Shida with a knee strike before landing a pendulum DDT for a near fall, Shida fights back and she nails a charging Baker with another knee strike, Shida and Baker exchange strikes in the middle of the ring. Shida then hits Baker with a judo throw followed by a back breaker for a near fall, Shida also catches Baker with a knee strike. Shida recovers and looks for Lockjaw and Shida escapes, Baker then hits Shida with a spinning neck breaker for a near fall. Shida blocks a thrust kick to roll Baker up for a near fall, Shida then nails Baker with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Shida follows up by nailing Baker with a running knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– A video airs showing a guy in a subway getting his glasses broken and mocked while a voice over says that people should be joining the Dark Order.

Dynamite Dozen Battle Royal
Hangman Page vs. Orange Cassidy vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Kip Sabian w/Penelope Ford vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. Jungle Boy vs. Marko Stunt vs. Pentagon Jr. w/Rey Fenix vs. Sonny Kiss vs. Joey Janela vs. MJF vs. Billy Gunn

The match begins with Rey Fenix moving his mask and he’s revealed to be Christopher Daniels, Taylor then dumps a distracted Pentagon Jr out of the ring. A brawl breaks out between the remaining competitors in the match, MJF dumps Kiss out of the ring after he was posing with Gunn. A bunch of the wrestlers jump Gunn and Gunn fights back against them all, Gunn eliminates Havoc with a clothesline over the top rope. Stunt jumps on Gunn’s back and Gunn dumps him out of the ring for an elimination, Havoc returns with a staple gun and he attacks everybody with it. The referees get Havoc out of the ring as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Sabian and MJF working over Taylor. Sabian focuses his attack on Gunn, Gunn fights back and he attacks everybody in the match with strikes. Cassidy goes after Gunn before getting eliminated by MJF, Gunn attacks MJF and nails him with a fame asser. Gunn goes to toss MJF and MJF hangs onto the ropes, Wardlow comes out and Page dumps Gunn after landing a Buckshot Lariat.

Gunn goes after all of the competitors left in the ring, Taylor is knocked to the ring apron and Ford distracts him so Sabian can get the elimination. Boy then uses a rana to knock Sabian out of the ring for an elimination, MJF sneaks behind Boy and eliminates him to end the match.

Winners: MJF & Hangman Page

Chris Jericho and Jake Hager are backstage, they bump into The Librarians and mock them both.

– Highlights are shown of Scorpio Sky defeating Chris Jericho in a tag match last week on AEW Dynamite.

– AEW World Champion Chris Jericho and Jake Hager make their way to the ring, Jericho tells everybody that he has an announcement to make. Jericho admits that he had a temper tantrum last week and was fined for his actions, Jericho starts apologizing and he has Hager say that he is sorry. Jericho says that he will finally get the thank you he deserves next week from everybody, Jericho says a Thanksgiving celebration will happen next week on AEW Dynamite. Jericho says next weeks celebration will be a great moment, SCU interrupts and makes their way to the ring. Scorpio Sky has a microphone and he calls Jericho’s apology admirable, Sky says Jericho threw the tantrum last week because Sky pinned him. Sky says he was celebrating all weekend after the big victory, Sky says that he never meant to embarrass him last week. Jericho says that Sky isn’t in the league of Jericho, Jericho says he is the greatest of all time and they will have a singles match.

Christopher Daniels says they need time to prepare Scorpio and Jericho says the match will happen next week, Frankie Kazarian mocks Jericho and they goad him into giving Scorpio a title shot. Sky says he has been waiting fifteen years for an opportunity and he promises to make Jericho his bitch, a huge brawl breaks out and the rest of The Inner Circle attack. Daniels and Kazarian get handcuffed to the ropes as Sky gets worked over, the Jurassic Express come out and they get laid out until Luchasaurus goes face to face with Hager.

Peter Avalon w/Leva Bates vs. Luchasaurus w/Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy

The match begins with Avalon grabbing a microphone and he promises to turn Luchasaurus into motor oil, Luchasaurus immediately drops Avalon with a head kick. Luchasaurus nails Avalon with an inverted power bomb for a three count.

Winner: Luchasaurus w/Marko Stunt & Jungle Boy

Matt Travis Memorial Match
Proud N’ Powerful (Santana & Ortiz) vs. Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

The match begins with Santana backing Kassidy into the corner before taunting him, Santana then scores a takedown on Kassidy. Kassidy gets Santana down with an arm drag before catching him in a roll up, Santana regains control and he nails Kassidy with a shoulder tackle. Kassidy recovers to hit Santana with an arm drag followed by a drop kick as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Quen working over Ortiz. Santana tags in and a distraction from Ortiz allows Quen to get double teamed, Santana hits Quen with a German suplex for a near fall. Santana then hits Quen with a back breaker before stretching him out, Santana releases the hold to tag Ortiz in and land a passing suplex. Santana tags back in and he continues the passing suplex, Ortiz tags back in and he ends it with a falcon arrow for a near fall. Ortiz takes off Quen’s vest before ranking his back, Quen fights back and Ortiz rakes his back once again.

Ortiz follows that up by applying the Boston crab to Quen, Santana tags in and he kicks a downed Quen in the head. Santana and Ortiz apply a double submission to the down Quen, Santana then rolls up Quen for a near fall. Quen fights back and he knocks Ortiz off the ring apron, Santana and Ortiz then double team Quen to halt his momentum. Ortiz tags back in and he applies a front headlock to a downed Quen, Ortiz also attacks Quen with crossface strikes. Santana tags back in and he stomps away on a downed Quen, Ortiz tags back in and he applies a bear hug to Quen. Quen gets free and he tags Kassidy into the match, Kassidy quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Kassidy nails both opponents with head kicks before nailing Santana with a moonsault on the arena floor, Kassidy then hits Ortiz with a slingshot code red for a near fall. Santana argues with the ref on the arena floor and Quen takes him out with a dive, Private Party go for Silly String and Quen’s back is too hurt to complete the hold.

Santana and Ortiz then double team Kassidy for a near fall, Santana tags in and he continues double teaming Quen for a near fall. Santana grabs a slapjack while Ortiz distracts the ref, Nick Jackson comes out to take the slapjack from Santana. Private Party then hit Santana with Gin & Juice for a three count.

Winners: Private Party (Isaiah Kassidy & Marq Quen)

After the match, Sammy Guevara attacks Nick Jackson, but Dustin Rhodes returns to attack the Inner Circle members.

– A video airs showing Kenny Omega training for his return to action next week, Omega tells the fans that they have seen him do some non-Kenny Omega things in recent weeks. Omega says things started going wrong with he lost to Pac at AEW All Out, Omega says he will get a chance at revenge and to restart everything next week.

Jon Moxley vs. Darby Allin

The match begins with Allin nailing Moxley with a suicide dive before he even got in the ring, Allin sends Moxley into the crowd and they brawl. Moxley gains control and Allin is sent over the barricade, Allin lands on his feet and he dives over the barricade onto Moxley. Moxley again sends Allin over the barricade and they battle to the ringside area, Moxley then sends Allin into the ring post. Moxley follows that up with an overhead belly to belly suplex on Allin, Moxley gets Allin in the ring and the ref sounds the bell. Allin quickly nails Moxley with a shotgun drop kick, Allin goes for a top rope cross body block and Moxley blocks it. Moxley follows up by nailing Allin with a shotgun drop kick of his own, Moxley grabs Allin and tosses him across the ring a few times. Moxley starts focusing his attack on the arm of Allin, Moxley also catches Allin with a back breaker for a near fall. Moxley traps the arm of Allin while attacking him with chops, Allin fights back and Moxley nails him with a back elbow strike for a near fall.

Moxley holds Allin down while stomping away on him, Moxley keeps Allin down while applying a cloverleaf. Moxley quickly transitions to an STF against Allin, Allin eventually makes it to the ropes to break the submission attempt. Allin fights back before sending himself and Moxley to the arena floor, Allin attacks Moxley with strikes before shoving him into the ring steps. Moxley gets Allin back in the ring and Allin knocks him back to the arena floor, Allin goes to the top rope and Moxley meets him up there. Moxley knocks Allin off the ropes and he nails him with a release suplex afterwards, Allin rolls to the ring apron and Moxley knocks him to the arena floor. Moxley gets Allin back in the ring and Allin quickly returns to hit him with a suicide dive, Allin gets Moxley back in the ring and he gets back in with the body bag. Moxley quickly nails a charging Allin with a clothesline, Moxley opens the body bag and he puts Allin in it. Moxley then stomps away on the trapped Allin, the referee eventually frees Allin from the body bag.

Allin bites the injured hand of Moxley before nailing him with a stunner, Moxley recovers and he nails a charging Allin with a sidewalk slam. Moxley goes for a Paradigm Shift and Allin escapes to send him into the ring post and roll him up for a near fall, Allin then hits Moxley with a code red for a near fall. Allin goes for a Coffin Drop and Moxley catches him in a rear naked choke, Allin again rolls up Moxley for a near fall. Moxley goes to the top rope and Allin follows him up there, Moxley bites Allin before landing a super Paradigm Shift for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

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