
WWE NXT UK Results for 11/7/19 Grizzled Young Veterans vs South Wales Subculture

Two former NXT UK tag team championship teams square off in the main event of this week’s episode of NXT UK today at 3PM EST!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time for NXT UK headlined by a huge tag team main event between two former champions!

Joe Coffey vs Tyson T-Bone

Joe backs Tyson into the ropes for a clean break before Tyson hits Joe with a right hand to the body and backs Joe into the ropes. Joe comes back with strikes and knees before Tyson hits a running cross body and Joe hits a belly to belly suplex and a backbreaker. Joe hits a sliding lariat for a quick two count before Joe takes Tyson down to the mat and locks in a straight armbar before Tyson gets to his feet and headbutts Joe. Tyson hits a belly to back suplex for a quick two count before Joe hits a cross body into the Glasgow Send Off and All the Best for the Bells for the pin and the win.

Winner: Joe Coffey defeats Tyson T-Bone via pinfall with All the Best for the Bells.

-After the match we go backstage to Xia Brookside being interviewed about comments Kay Lee Ray made about her before we get a video package for Ridge Holland who will be debuting soon as we go to commercial.

-We return to an extended video package for Piper Niven where she talks about growing up watching the Attitude Era and taking inspiration from The Undertaker for her reason for wanting to pursue professional wrestling as well as highlights of her career so far in NXT UK and her goal of becoming NXT UK Women’s champion.

Killer Kelly vs Isla Dawn

They rush each other before Isla takes Kelly down and locks in a Boston crab before Kelly gets to the ropes for the break and Kelly drops her with a boot. Kelly beats on Isla in mount and stomps her before Kelly hits an uppercut and a wrist lock lariat for a two count before locking in a cravat. Isla hits an arm drag and slams Kelly into the corner before rocking Kelly with a back elbow and hitting a Saito suplex for a near fall. Kelly kicks Isla away before snapping her neck across the top rope and hitting a shotgun dropkick into a delayed dropkick in corner. Isla then hits a bridging German suplex out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Isla Dawn defeats Killer Kelly via pinfall with a bridging German suplex.

-Kassius Ohno versus Tyler Bate is announced for next week’s show before we get a video package where Ohno talks about the history of British wrestling, British Strong Style and his career and how BSS is dead aside from Tyler Bate after Trent Seven and Pete Dunne have been gone for some time as we go to commercial.

-Xia Brookside versus Nina Samuels and a rematch between Travis Banks and Ligero is announced for next week.

South Wales Subculture vs Grizzled Young Veterans

Zack and Flash kick things off for their respective teams by exchanging headlocks and Zack drags him to his corner before James comes in and Flash rolls him up for a quick two count. Flash drags James to the corner and tags in Mark before GYV roll out of the ring and regroup before Mark and James exchange headlocks and head scissors. Mark gets a two count off of a back slide before SWS double team James for a two count and Mark hits a huricanrrana before Zack gets the blind tag and SWS clear the ring. Back in the ring Mark and Flash hit a double hip toss into a standing moonsault, standing shooting star press combo for a two count. GYV hit their diving knee drop backbreaker at ringside before James hits a backbreaker and they hit a shoulder break reverse slam.

Zack slams James on top of Flash for a two count before James clotheslines him and Zack locks in an arm triangle and James drops him with a stiff forearm. Flash gets the tag to Mark after several minutes when Gallus come out and distract James, Mark knocking Zack off of the apron before rocking James with an enzuigiri and hitting a jumping stomp and a tornado DDT for a near fall. GYV come back with a superkick into a reverse DDT for a near fall before Mark hits James with a sit-out powerbomb before hitting Zack with a huricanrrana at ringside and Flash gets a near fall. Flash rocks Zack with a headbutt before James tags himself in and Zack hits a draping code breaker in the corner for a near fall. Everyone then hits a move as Mark Coffey and Wolfgang look on from the ramp before Imperium come out and Gallus run away before Imperium take out SWS and GYV.

Winner: No contest due to interference by Imperium

-After the match Imperium and Gallus stand on opposite sides of the ring on the apron before they get into the ring and Ilja Dragunov comes out to the ring before Ilja joins Gallus and evens the odds as we go off the air with the two sides brawling and Gallus clearing the ring.

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