
11/4/2019 WWE Raw Results: The NXT Championship Is Defended & Rey Mysterio Lays Out Brock Lesnar

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for WWE Raw. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– A bunch of vehicles are shown entering the arena, Triple H gets out of one and he talks to a person inside of a different one.

– WWE Champion Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are in the ring, Heyman says Lesnar can quit one brand and join another because Lesnar is special and entitled. Heyman also says the Lesnar is better that every single person out there, Heyman says there is nobody in the locker room that is man enough to step up to Lesnar. Heyman says that somebody will stooge out Rey Mysterio to Lesnar or Lesnar will destroy the Nassau Coliseum tonight, they head backstage and he attacks a member of personnel while hunting for Mysterio.

– Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman are still looking for Rey Mysterio as we return from a commercial break, Lesnar approaches a car and he drags somebody out of it.

The Kabuki Warriors (Asuka & Kairi Sane) vs. Charlotte Flair & Natalya

The match begins with Sane giving Natalya a little shove, Natalya and Sane take turn working over each others arms. Natalya picks up Sane and nails her with a spinning slam, Asuka tags in and takes her down as both look for leg locks. Asuka gets Natalya in an ankle lock and Natalya quickly gets free, Natalya tags Flair in and she shoves Asuka to the mat below. Sane interferes and double suplexes are landed on the Kabuki Warriors as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Asuka holding Natalya in a headlock. Natalya gets free and she exchanges shoulder tackles with Asuka until Asuka goes down, Asuka leaves the ring and Natalya does so before eating a head kick. Asuka gets Natalya in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Asuka holds Natalya down while wrenching away on her arm. Sane tags in and she double teams Natalya alongside Asuka, Sane keeps Natalya down while applying a scarf hold.

Natalya gets free and Sane nails her with a drop kick for a near fall, Sane goes after Flair and Natalya rolls her up. Flair tags in and she cleans house against the opposing team, Flair knocks Asuka to the arena floor before nailing Sane with chops. Flair catches a leaping Sane before landing a fall away slam, Flair then hits Sane with a Natural Selection for a near fall. Asuka interferes and Flair attacks her on the arena floor, Flair gets Asuka in the ring and she kicks her in the face. Flair goes to the top rope and she nails both opponents with a moonsault for a near fall, Asuka attacks Flair as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Sane tagging in and preventing Flair from tagging Natalya in, Sane corners Flair while kicking away at her. Sane goes for a sliding forearm strike and Flair kicks her in the face, Natalya and Asuka are tagged in by their respective partners. Natalya quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Natalya then hits Asuka with a release German suplex. Natalya goes for a sharp shooter and Asuka counters into an arm bar, Asuka transitions into a triangle choke and Natalya gets free to apply a sharp shooter.

Sane hits the ring and she nails Natalya with a double knee strike before eating a spear from Flair, Natalya goes for a second sharp shooter and a tap out follows.

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Natalya

After the match, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar come to the announce table and they want to know where Rey Mysterio is. Heyman threatens violence against Jerry Lawler, Dio Maddin defends him and Lesnar puts him through the announce table. Mysterio comes out and he attacks Lesnar with a pipe, Mysterio also nails Lesnar with his title belt.

– Rey Mysterio is backstage and he talks about how Brock Lesnar attacked him and his son, Mysterio says he is coming for the WWE Championship and he challenges Lesnar to a title match at WWE Survivor Series.

Cedric Alexander vs. Buddy Murphy

The match begins with Alexander nailing Murphy with a head scissors takedown followed by a drop kick that knocks him out of the ring, Murphy drags Alexander out of the ring before throwing him into the barricade. Murphy goes for a chop and he winds up hitting the ring post, Alexander gets Murphy back in the ring and Murphy uses dirty tactics before throwing him into the ring post for a few near falls. Murphy holds Alexander down while wrenching away on his arm, Alexander gets up and Murphy sends him shoulder first into the mat below. Murphy holds Alexander down again while wrenching away on his arm, Alexander gets free and he nails Murphy with a forearm strike followed by more strikes. Alexander follows that up with a spinning elbow strike before knocking him out of the ring with a handspring enzaguri, Alexander then hits Murphy with multiple suicide dives. Alexander gets Murphy back in the ring before landing a springboard flat liner for a near fall, Murphy catches a leaping Alexander before attempting a Murphy’s Law.

Alexander counters with a roll up followed by a Michinoku Driver for a few near falls, Alexander goes for another handspring enzaguri and Murphy counters with a knee strike. Muprhy then hits Alexander with Murphy’s Law for a three count.

Winner: Buddy Murphy

– Highlights are shown of NXT stars invading Smackdown.

Seth Rollins is shown backstage.

– Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring and he grabs a microphone, Rollins says it has been a rough couple of months for him. Rollins says he knows some people are happy he lost the WWE Universal Title to The Fiend at WWE Crown Jewel, Rollins is concerned because The Fiend is on Smackdown and Brock Lesnar is back on Raw. Rollins says he doesn’t know if he has the energy to fix everything again, Rollins says he doesn’t know what is next for him. Triple H interrupts and makes his way to the ring, HHH says that their paths cross everytime Rollins is at a crossroads. HHH talks about Rollins being in NXT and the birth of The Shield, HHH also talks about how Rollins became the WWE Champion. Rollins questions who benefitted from everything that happened, HHH says NXT dominated Smackdown and Rollins questions just how the job got done. HHH says that people are wondering what NXT and Rollins are going to do next, HHH says that he knows how to make Rollins great again. The Undisputed Era come out through the crowd and they come to ringside, The OC come out and they make their way to ringside as well.

The OC chase The Undisputed Era into the crowd, a bunch of NXT wrestlers come out and they attack The OC. Members of the Raw roster come out and they chase the NXT stars through the crowd, Rollins doesn’t make any decisions and heads backstage.

– Seth Rollins confronts Triple H backstage, Rollins says he would only come to NXT as the top guy and he wants an NXT Title Match tonight against Adam Cole and Triple H makes the match.

Andrade & Zelina Vega vs. Sin Cara & Carolina

The match begins with Andrade jumping Cara from behind to land a few strikes, Cara quickly dumps a charging Andrade out of the ring. Vega prevents a Cara dive and Carolina takes Andrade out with a dive of her own as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see both Andrade and Cara down. Andrade gets up and he attacks a downed Cara, Andrade corners Cara and then drops him with a chop. Andrade places Cara on the top rope and he follows him up there, Cara and Andrade exchange strikes until Cara nails Andrade with a sunset flip bomb. Carolina and Vega are tagged in by their respective partners, Carolina nails Vega with a few drop kicks. Carolina nails Vega with a middle rope cross body block. Vega goes after Carolina’s mask and then she kicks her in the face, Carolina hits Vega with a Glam Slam for a near fall. Andrade interferes and Cara knocks him to the arena floor, Carolina attacks Vega as Cara nails Andrade with a dive. Carolina catches a leaping Vega and Vega still sends her into the corner, Vega nails Carolina with a spike rana for a three count.

Winners: Andrade & Zelina Vega

– Highlights are shown of what went down last week on The Divorce Court.

– Rusev is shown backstage.

– Rusev is in the ring after the commercial break and he grabs a microphone, Rusev says he wants to end all the drama tonight. Rusev tells Bobby Lashley that he can have Lana, but Rusev calls out Lashley and Lashley comes out wearing crutches. Lashley announces that he is injured and isn’t medically cleared to compete tonight, Lashley says he tore his groin while doing the nasty with Lana. Lana says that Rusev isn’t interested in hearing about their sex life, Lana says somebody has volunteered to fight Rusev and that person is Drew McIntyre.

Drew McIntyre vs. Rusev

The match begins with McIntyre nailing a distracted Rusev with a Glasgow Kiss, McIntyre follows Rusev around the ring while attacking him with strikes. Rusev fights back and he nails McIntyre with a clothesline followed by shoulder rams in the corner, Rusev keeps McIntyre cornered while kicking away at him. McIntyre fights back and he attacks a cornered Rusev with strikes, McIntyre drops Rusev before choking him with his boot. Rusev fights back and McIntyre drops him with an elbow strike, McIntyre stands over Rusev while attacking him with strikes. Rusev recovers and he knocks McIntyre out of the ring with a fall away slam as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see McIntyre wrenching away on the arm of Rusev. Rusev gets free and he nails McIntyre with a few strikes, McIntyre recovers and he nails a charging Rusev with a spine buster. Rusev gets up and he drops McIntyre with a clothesline, Rusev continues attacks McIntyre with clotheslines and a spinning heel kick.

Rusev goes for a Machka Kick and McIntyre avoids it before placing him on the top rope, McIntyre avoids a leaping Rusev and both go down after simultaneous high cross body attempts. McIntyre and Rusev have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Rusev knocks McIntyre out of the ring after landing a Machka Kick. Rusev exits the ring and he grabs McIntyre before smashing him face first into the ring steps, Lashley appears out of nowhere and he attacks Rusev.

Winner: Rusev, by DQ

After the match, Bobby Lashley continues attacking Rusev before getting him back in the ring. Rusev fights back and he cracks Lashley with a few strikes, Ruseb throws Lashley shoulder first into the ring post. Randy Orton comes out of nowhere and he nails Rusev with an RKO, Lashley attacks Rusev and Orton joins in until Ricochet makes the save.

Becky Lynch is shown backstage.

– Charly Caruso interviews Becky Lynch, it is revealed that it will be Lynch versus Bayley versus Shayna Baszler at WWE Survivor Series ‘19. Lynch says she is the target of the other two women at WWE Survivor Series, Baszler interrupts and she gets face to face with Lynch. Baszler says that she knows all about Lynch and that she is friends with Ronda Rousey, Baszler says she isn’t Rousey and she will beat her at WWE Survivor Series ‘19. Lynch says she doesn’t know if she respects her or wants to attack her, Lynch says she is coming for Baszler at WWE Survivor Series ‘19.

– AJ Styles gets a microphone before the next match to issue a warning to NXT, The Street Profits come out with Humberto Carrillo next and they talk about how they beat The OC two weeks ago on Raw.

The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows) vs. Humberto Carrillo & The Street Profits (Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford)

The match is joined in progress after a commercial break and we see Carrillo nailing Styles with a diving headbutt for a near fall, Dawkins tags in and he nails the arm of Styles with a middle rope axe handle smash. Styles nails Dawkins with a few strikes before tagging Anderson in, Dawkins eventually nails Anderson with a drop kick. Ford tags in and he double teams Anderson with Dawkins for a near fall, Ford holds Anderson down while wrenching away on his arm. Ford releases the hold and Styles distracts him a few moments later, Anderson knocks a distracted Ford to the arena floor. Gallows interferes and he drops Ford with a clothesline on the arena floor, Anderson gets Ford in the ring for a near fall on a pin attempt. Styles tags in and he works over Ford before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Ford recovers and he nails Styles and Anderson with drop kicks. Gallows tags in and he drops Ford with a boot to the face, The OC exchanges quick tags while attacking a cornered Ford.

Gallows eventually drops Ford and then he applies a chin lock as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Anderson holding Ford in a chin lock. Ford gets free and Anderson attacks him with a few strikes, Anderson reapplies the chin lock and Ford gets free before sending Anderson into the ring post. Gallows tags in and Ford nails him with a rolling neck breaker, Carrillo and Styles are tagged in by their respective partners. Carrillo quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team, Carrillo hits Styles with a standing moonsault and springboard head kick. Carrillo then hits Styles with a top rope moonsault for a nera fall, everybody from both teams hit the ring and they all take each other out. Carrillo avoids a leaping Styles to land a few strikes, Styles catches Carrillo in a roll up with his feet on the rope for a three count.

Winners: The OC (AJ Styles, Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows)

– A video package airs highlighting Adam Cole.

– Triple H & Adam Cole are shown talking backstage.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. East Hampton Polo Boys

The match begins with Erik attacking both of the boys, Erik uses a running double knee strike to knock one boy out of the ring. Ivar grabs a boy and smashes him into the barricade, Ivar tags in and he nails a boy with a top rope splash for a three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) 

After the match, The Viking Raiders grab some microphones to say that they were defeated by The OC at WWE Crown Jewel ‘19. The Viking Raiders tell The OC to enjoy their trophy, Ivar says that The OC won one battle, but nothing will stop the raid. 

– Seth Rollins is shown backstage.

NXT Championship
Adam Cole (c) w/Triple H vs. Seth Rollins

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Cole and Rollins, Rollins backs Cole into the ropes before taunting him. Cole backs Rollins into the ropes before eating a clothesline followed by rights, Rollins then clotheslines Cole out of the ring before landing a dive. Rollins gets Cole back in the ring and Cole nails him with a few strikes, Rollins drops Cole before missing a curb stomp as Cole leaves the ring. Rollins exits the ring and he throws Cole into the barricade a few times as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Cole holding Rollins in a chin lock. Rollins gets free and Cole drops him with a pump kick for a near fall, Rollins and Cole have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Rollins and Cole exchange enzaguris as well, Rollins trips up Cole and he lands a thrust kick for a near fall. Cole propels Rollins to the ring apron before eating a few strikes, Rollins goes for a springboard move and Cole counters with a super kick for a near fall. Cole goes to the middle rope and he goes for a Panama Sunrise, Rollins counters to hit Cole with a buckle bomb for a near fall.

Cole exits the ring and Rollins nails him with a series of suicide dives, Rollins gets Cole back in the ring before landing a springboard knee strike. Cole recovers and he nails Rollins with a modified neck breaker for a near fall, Cole then nails Rollins with a running knee strike for a near fall. Cole misses the Last Shot and Rollins rolls him up for a near fall, Rollins and Cole then take each other out with a double clothesline. Cole goes to the top rope and Rollins meets him up there to land a superplex into a falcon arrow for a near fall, Rollins sets up for a curb stomp and The Undisputed Era hit the ring to attack him.

Winner: Seth Rollins, by DQ (Adam Cole retains)

After the match, members of the Raw roster come to the ring and more NXT stars hit the ring as a huge brawl breaks out. Ricochet takes out the majority of the brawlers with a springboard shooting star press, Keith Lee follows up by taking people out with a dive of his own.

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