
WWE NXT Results for 10/30/19 Women’s War Game Match Announced, Kabuki Warriors Retain

The Kabuki Warriors come to NXT to defend their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships!

Good evening Fight Fans, it’s time for NXT headlined by the WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship match! Enjoy the show and be sure to stick around afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-We open the show with a recap of last week’s show to a song by singer and YouTube personality Poppy before Io Shirai comes out to the ring to another song by Poppy, Poppy accompanying her to the ring for her match against Candice LeRae.

Io Shirai vs Candice LeRae

Io does her best to play mind games and avoid Candice until she’s ready and hits a suicide dive before Candice hits one of her own and tosses Io back into the ring. Candice hits a neckbreaker in the ropes for a quick two count before Io traps her in the corner and hits a magnum before stomping her in the corner and choking her for a two count. Io locks in a rear chin lock before hitting a shotgun dropkick and Candice gets a two count off of a sunset flip before Io lands on her feet when Candice goes for a huricanrrana. They then end up on the apron and counter each other until Candice hits Io with a back elbow and Io knocks her from the top turnbuckle and down onto the floor as we go to commercial.

Candice hits a frankensteiner as we come back to the action for a two count before Io slams her from the top turnbuckle and goes for a moonsault, but Candice gets her knees up. Candice gets a two count off of an inside cradle and Io locks in a head scissors, Candice getting to the ropes right before tapping. Io then brings a chair into the ring and the referee grabs it before Candice rolls her up for a near fall and hits a flat liner and misses a springboard moonsault, Io then covering her for the pin and the win.

Winner: Io Shirai defeats Candice LeRae via pinfall.

-After the match Io attacks Candice before she’s ran off by Rhea Ripley before an NXT Tag Team Championship match between Undisputed Era and Matt Riddle and Keith Lee is announced and we get a video package for the return of Finn Bálor as we go to commercial.

-A rematch between Pete Dunne and Damian Priest is announced for next week’s show before Finn Bálor comes out to the ring to address his attack on Johnny Gargano last week. Finn says that he’s the hottest thing in the business and that everyone has their opinions, Finn saying that there’s too many fans in the locker room and that he doesn’t watch the business, that the business watches him. Finn congratulates Johnny for getting out of hospital before saying that he’ll put him back in if he steps to him again before he leaves.

-We get a video package for the WWE Women’s Tag Team champions, The Kabuki Warriors ahead of their title defense later tonight against Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai.

-We get a video package for British Strong Style before Tyler Bate versus Cameron Grimes is announced for later tonight.

Shane Thorne vs Bronson Reed

Reed turns Shane inside out before Shane hits a cannonball and they exchange chops until Reed drops Shane with a discus clothesline. Shane hits a roundhouse into a side suplex and Kawada kicks. Reed hits a release German suplex into a reverse piledriver for a near fall before Shane catches him on the top turnbuckle and Reed shoves him from the top rope and down onto the mat before hitting a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed defeats Shane Thorne via pinfall with a diving splash.

-We get a video package for Mia Yim before Tegan Nox and Dakota Kai come out to the ring for their title match.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match

Kabuki Warriors (c) vs Tegan Nox & Dakota Kai

Asuka and Nox start the match before Kairi drops Nox with a chop and they exchange open hand palm strikes until Kairi stomps on her foot and Nox hits a single leg dropkick to Kairi and Asuka before everyone ends up at ringside and Kairi sends Tegan into the ring steps as we go to commercial.

We come back to Kai and Nox double teaming Asuka for a quick two count before Kai hits a snap mare into a PK for another quick two count before Asuka hits a dragon screw leg whip and a running hip attack that sends Kai off of the apron and onto the floor. Back in the ring Asuka focuses on the leg of Kai before Kairi hits a sliding forearm for a two count and locks in the anchor. Kai gets free and Asuka locks in a variation of a camel clutch before Kai rolls Asuka up for a two count and Asuka drags her to the corner before she brawls with Kairi. Kairi drops Kai with a shotei before applying a head scissor. Kairi drags Kai to the corner and she and Asuka slam her knees into the mat before Asuka hits a snap mare into a PK to the spine for a two count before choking Kai in the ropes. Asuka kicks Kai in the side of the head several times and plays to the crowd before applying a single leg Boston crab as we go to commercial.

Asuka is in control of Kai as we come back to the action in the ring until the Kabuki Warriors hit a flurry of double team offense for a near fall. Kai sends Kairi out of the ring and drops her with a kick once Kairi gets back in and tries to block Kai from tagging in Nox. Nox gets the tag and hits Kairi and Asuka with running uppercuts in opposite corners before Kairi accidentally runs into Asuka and Nox hits a diving cross body for a two count. Asuka locks in a kneebar before Nox applies an armbar that Kairi breaks up before Kai drops Asuka and Kairi drops her, everyone collapsing to the mat. Kai hits Asuka with forearms and a shotgun dropkick before hitting a Yakuza kick and Asuka mists Kai when Kairi distracts him before Asuka hits a buzzsaw kick. Kairi then hits the Insane Elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Kabuki Warriors retain their WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships by defeating Dakota Kai and Tegan Nox via pinfall when Kairi pins Kai with the Insane Elbow.

-After the match the Horsewomen come out to the ring and attack Tegan and Kai before Shayna goes to stomp on the elbow of Nox, but is interrupted by Rhea Ripley and Io attacks Rhea from behind. Bianca Belair comes out and attacks Rhea before Candice attacks Io and Bianca takes her out before it’s just Rhea and Shayna in the ring. Everyone then gets into the ring and brawls until they’re separated and NXT General Manager William Regal comes out onto the scaffolding and makes the first ever women’s War Games match at Takeover as we go to commercial.

Tyler Bate vs Cameron Grimes

They go hold for hold to start the match before they lock up and Grimes takes Bate down before they exchange wrist locks and Tyler locks in a variation of a Fujiwara armbar. Bate hits a deep arm drag into a straight armbar before they run the ropes and Tyler hits a dropkick into an airplane spin and another dropkick that sends Cameron out of the ring. Cameron then comes back with a deep six for a two count as we go to commercial.

We return to Cameron getting a near fall off of a bridging German suplex before hitting a sliding knee for a two count before Cameron focuses on joint manipulation. Tyler hits a high knee into a diving uppercut before hitting a running uppercut into an exploder suplex and a standing shooting star press for a two count before hitting a huricanrrana for a near fall. They exchange until Cameron hits a Spanish fly for a near fall before Tyler hits a rebound lariat for a near fall of his own and clotheslines Cameron out of the ring before hitting a rolling kick into a diving cross body to the outside. Tyler then tosses Cameron back into the ring before he’s distracted by Killian Dain and Cameron hits The Cave In for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes defeats Tyler Bate via pinfall with The Cave In.

-After the match Dain attacks Tyler and tells him to tell Pete Dunne that they have unfinished business before we get a video package Angel Garza about his family’s historic dynasty in professional wrestling before it’s announced that Shayna Baszler and Rhea Ripley will be captains for their respective teams at War Games.

Undisputed Era (Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish) vs Matt Riddle & Keith Lee

UE immediately send Matt out of the ring and double up on Keith before Lee hits a double running cross body and knocks Kyle from the apron before Bobby crawls underneath him and out of the ring to regroup before Matt drops Kyle with a kick. Bobby gets back in the ring and Keith holds him before he and Matt chop Bobby and Kyle and Matt spears Kyle before hitting Bobby with a jack hammer for a two count as we go to commercial.

We return to the ring where Matt hits a series of gut wrench suplexes before UE isolate Matt and take turns beating on Matt in the corner until Kyle repeatedly knees Matt in the ribs. Bobby hits a slingshot senton for a two count before hitting a high angle back drop driver for another two count and locking in a body scissors before Kyle accidentally boots Bobby. Matt kicks his way out of a heel hook and goes to tag in Keith, but Bobby sends him off of the apron before Kyle drops Matt with a Yakuza kick in the corner. Matt hits a double high knee before UE hit a brainbuster roundhouse kick for a near fall that Keith breaks up before Bobby applies a guillotine. Matt finally gets the tag to Keith who repeatedly drops both members of UE with clotheslines and hits running splashes in opposite corners and a double clothesline.

Keith hits a double back drop before Kyle sweeps his legs out when he goes for a powerbomb before Keith hits a pop-up slam and ascends the top turnbuckle before missing a moonsault. Bobby hits a Samoan drop for a near fall before Kyle locks in an armbar and Keith powers to his feet before hitting a sit-out powerbomb. Matt hits a Pele to Kyle before hitting both members of UE with exploder suplexes and a senton into a PK and a release German suplex before Matt takes out Adam and Roderick when they try to interfere. Matt then hits an Asai moonsault before UE hit the High Low for the pin and the win.

Winner: Undisputed Era defeat Matt Riddle and Keith Lee via pinfall when they hit Matt with High Low.

-After the match UE attack Keith before he’s saved by Tommaso Ciampa and Matt hits Kyle with the Final Flash before Keith hits a military press and throws Kyle over the top rope and onto the rest of the Undisputed Era at ringside before Ciampa picks up the NXT Championship that Adam left in the ring and says that Goldie will have to wait because hes going to war, implying the men’s War Games match for Takeover as we go off the air.

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