
10/30/2019 AEW Dynamite Results: The First Ever AEW World Tag Team Champions Are Crowned

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for AEW Dynamite. We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

– Tony Schiavone is shown at the airport when Dustin Rhodes and Cody exit a plane, Cody and Schiavone walk to a car while talking about Cody’s upcoming match with Chris Jericho.

– Highlights are shown of what went down after last weeks edition of AEW Dynamite between Jon Moxley, Pac, Kenny Omega and Hangman Page. Moxley is also shown speaking with AEW owner Tony Khan, where it is revealed that Moxley will face Omega in a Lights Out Match at AEW Full Gear. Moxley is angry that the match is unsanctioned.

Hangman Page vs. Sammy Guevara

The match begins with Guevara and Page battling for control while locking up, Page gains control by attacking Guevara with chops. Page follows that up with a big boot to the face of a charging Guevara, Page then nails Guevara with a suplex before getting a two count. Guevara fights back and he gets Page in a headlock, Page gets free and Guevara drops him with a drop kick. Guevara catches Page in a suplex of his own for a one count, Guevara gets Page up while attacking him with more strikes. Page fights back and Guevara nails him with a pump kick, Page catches a leaping Guevara before landing a fall away slam followed by a clothesline that knocks Guevara out of the ring. Page goes after Guevara and Guevara trips him up to send him crashing to the arena floor, Guevara follows that up by throwing Page into the barricade and then back into the ring. Guevara hits a rocked Page with a Samoan drop for a near fall, Guevara goes to the top rope and he leaps off before slapping Page.

Page gets angry and he attacks Guevara with a plethora of strikes, Guevara recovers to nail Page with a super kick and Page responds by landing a lariat. Page then hits Guevara with a corner clothesline followed by a back suplex, Guevara rolls to the ring apron and Page follows him out there. Page looks for the Dead Eye and Guevara kicks him in the face, Page recovers and he nails a charging Guevara with a sidewalk slam on the ring apron. Page gets Guevara in the ring before landing a power bomb for a near fall, Page throws Guevara out of the ring and he goes to the top rope afterwards. Page then hits Guevara with a top rope moonsault before getting him back in the ring, Page sets up for the Buckshot Lariat and Guevara creates some distance so it won’t happen. Guevara and Page exchange some strikes until Page finally lands a Buckshot Lariat for a three count.

Winner: Hangman Page

After the match, Hangman Page grabs a microphone and he says things haven’t been going so well for him lately. Page says tonight felt good and he’ll do some cowboy stuff at AEW Full Gear by taking Pac’s head off.

The Rock N’ Roll Express are shown talking to The Private Party backstage.

Shanna vs. Hikaru Shida

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Shanna and Shida, Shanna focuses her attack on the arm of Shida. Shida gets free and she wrenches away on the arm of Shanna, Shanna gets free and she nails Shida with a few arm drags. Shanna then nails Shida with a rolling neck breaker for a near fall, Shida fights back and Shanna throws her out of the ring. Shanna goes for a dive and Shida nails her with a knee strike that causes her to fall to the arena floor, Shida grabs a chair and she launches off of hit to nail Shanna with a knee strike. Shida gets Shanna back in the ring and she attacks her with a few strikes, Shida then hits Shanna with a back breaker for a one count. Shida keeps Shanna down while attacking her back with some strikes, Shida corners Shanna before landing a running knee strike for a near fall. Shanna gets up and Shida drops her with a combination of strikes, Shida talks with the ref and Shanna catches her in a small package for a near fall. Shida gets angry and she attacks Shanna with more strikes, Shida and Shanna have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Shida ends the exchange and the competitors exchange some ranas afterwards, Shanna then drops Shida with a flying forearm strike for a near fall. Shanna follows up by landing a double underhook implant buster for a near fall, Shanna goes to the top rope and Shida nails her with some strikes before following her up there. Shanna nails Shida with a few strikes and Shida gets hung up in the ropes, Shanne hits Shida with a top rope double stomp for a near fall. Shanna goes for another implant buster and Shida blocks it from happening, Shida then crushes Shanna with a modified pile driver. Shanna rolls to the ring apron and Shida goes to the top rope, Shida brings Shanna back into the ring while landing a superplex for a near fall. Shida and Shanna exchange roll ups for a few near falls, Shida nails Shanna with a knee strike followed by a falcon arrow for a near fall. Shida nails Shanna with a running knee strike for a three count.

Winner: Hikaru Shida

– Highlights are shown of Brandi Rhodes attacking Jamie Hayter from last weeks AEW Dynamite, followed by a video package airing showing Brandi having a box full of pictures of the other women who compete in AEW.

– Chris Van Vliet interviews The Rock N’ Roll Express, who come out with the NWA World Tag Team Championships. Robert Gibson talks about their history when they get jumped by Proud N’ Powerful, Santana and Ortiz attack Gibson and Ricky Morton with a loaded sock. Proud N’ Powerful then put Morton through a part of the staging before getting chased off by The Young Bucks. 

– Tony Schiavone and Cody are shown riding in their limo on the way to the arena, Schiavone and Cody share some stories about the late Dusty Rhodes. Cody says his mom is going to be in attendance at the event tonight and he would like to impress her, Schiavone gives advice to Cody about AEW Full Gear and his match with Chris Jericho. 

Orange Cassidy & Best Friends (Trent Berretta & Chuck Taylor) vs. QT Marshall, John Silver & Alex Reynolds

The match begins with Taylor getting Silver in a headlock before dropping him with a shoulder tackle, Berretta tags in and he works with Taylor to hit Silver with a double shoulder tackle. Berretta then nails Silver with chops, Silver removes Berretta’s wig before nailing him with a head kick. Silver then corners Berretta before triple teaming him with his partners, Berretta fights back to hit Silver with a tornado DDT. Taylor tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Berretta tags in and he nails Silver with a running knee strike. Reynolds hits the ring and he gets double teamed by Best Friends, Marshall then attacks the Best Friends to prevent a hug. Cassidy hits the ring and he knocks Marshall out of the ring with a drop kick, Best Friends and Cassidy hug before Cassidy does a suicide dive. Best Friends then hit Silver with Strong Zero for a three count.

Winners: Orange Cassidy & Best Friends (Trent Berretta & Chuck Taylor)

– AEW World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho comes on stage for the contract signing, Cody and Tony Schiavone are shown arriving at the arena before they come out to the stage for the contract signing. Schiavone grabs a microphone to welcome everybody to the contract signing, Cody signs the contract first. Jericho grabs the microphone and he talks about the importance of the upcoming title match, Jericho talks about how Cody has always wanted to become a world champion. Jericho says he will sign the contract and then teach Cody a lesson, Jericho finally signs the contract. Jericho and Cody come face to face as Schiavone and the lawyer leave, the duo shake hands before Cody pulls Jericho closer to him. Sammy Guevara appears on the big screen and Dustin Rhodes is shown being beat up by Jake Hager, Hager nails Rhodes with a low blow before smashing his head into the side of the limo. Hager then smashes the car door on the arm of Dustin before Cody arrives with MJF and others, The Inner Circle leaves while Dustin is being checked on.

The Elite (Kenny Omega, Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson) vs. Kip Sabian & The Hybrid 2 (Jack Evans & Angelico)

The match begins with The Elite getting jumped before the bell rings by their opposition, Sabian takes The Bucks out with a dive that sends them all crashing to the arena floor. Angelico and Evans double team Omega inside of the ring, Omega fights back before hitting both with a double Kitaro Krusher. The Bucks hit the ring and they double team Sabian, Omega joins in and Sabian gets triple teamed by the opposition. Nick knocks Sabian out of the ring after landing a top rope double stomp, Sabian and The Hybrid 2 drag The Bucks out of the ring. Omega is eventually knocked out of the ring and Evans takes him out with a suicide dive, Sabian gets Matt in the ring before nailing him with a suplex. Sabian brings Matt to the top rope before nailing him with a springboard super rana for a near fall, Evans tags in and he double teams Matt with Angelico. Angelico tags in and he gets a downed Matt in a modified abdominal stretch that gets broken up as we go to a commercial break, we return from the break to see Matt nailing Sabian with a spear while Nick tags out somebody with a penalty kick.

The Bucks then hit Sabian with a Risky Business for a near fall, Sabian fights back and he nails Matt with a reverse rana. Evans and Omega are tagged in by their respective partners, Omega quickly starts cleaning house against the opposing team. Omega misses a V Trigger and Evans nails him with a handstand head kick, The Bucks hit the ring to double team Evans. Sabian nails Matt with a tornado DDT before eating a super kick from Matt, Angelico goes after Matt as Evans takes out Nick with a dive. Omega returns and he nails Angelico with a V Trigger, the ring gets cleared and The Elite catch a diving Sabian before nailing him with a triple power bomb. Evans is then nails with a triple super kick on the inside of the ring, Omega then hits Evans with a V Trigger followed by a One Winged Angel for a three count. 

Winners: The Elite (Kenny Omega, Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson)

After the match, Proud & Powerful attack The Young Bucks. 

– Peter Avalon & Leva Bates make their way to the ring to mock the fans for the way they look, Avalon mocks the arena they are in as Jon Moxley comes through the crowd. Moxley hits the ring and he nails Avalon with a Paradigm Shift, Moxley grabs the microphone and he talks about his match with Kenny Omega at AEW Full Gear being an unsanctioned match. Moxley isn’t happy about the match being unsanctioned, Moxley talks about how he has been insulted by various “suits” throughout his career. Moxley says he’s the baddest person in pro wrestling and he is unsanctionable, Moxley warns everybody to be careful for what they wish for. Moxley tells everybody to kiss his ass and to stay out of his way.

AEW World Tag Team Title Tournament Finals
The Lucha Brothers (Pentagon Jr. & Rey Fenix) vs. SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky)

The match begins with Pentagon Jr and Kazarian exchanging a ton of strikes, Sky and Fenix hit the ring as a brawl breaks out between both teams. Pentagon Jr and Fenix eventually drop Kazarian with a double super kick, Fenix then hits Sky with a back stabber. Pentagon Jr follows up with a pump handle driver on Kazarian for a near fall, Sky returns to the ring and he attacks Pentagon Jr with strikes. Pentagon Jr recovers and he drops Sky with a sling blade, Fenix returns and he nails Kazarian with a top rope penalty kick. Pentagon Jr then rolls up a dazed Kazarian for a near fall, Fenix tags in and he double teams Sky with Pentagon Jr. Kazarian returns and he drops both opponents with a double clothesline, Kazarian slams Fenix before landing a springboard leg drop for a near fall. Pentagon Jr interferes and he accidentally kicks Fenux in the head, Pentagon Jr is knocked out of the ring and Sky takes him out with a rana. Fenix is then double teamed by the opposing team for a near fall, Fenix rakes the eyes of Sky before knocking him out of the ring. 

Fenix follows that with with a double jump arm drag on Kazarian, Pentagon Jr takes out Sky with a super kick on the arena floor. Kazarian is knocked out of the ring so Pentagon Jr can attack him with kicks, Fenix nails Kazarian with a leg drop on the arena floor while Pentagon Jr held him on his knees. Kazarian is thrown back in the ring so Fenix can land another leg drop for a near fall, Pentagon Jr tags in and he attacks Kazarian with some more strikes. Fenix tags back in and he nails a cornered Kazarian with more strikes, Fenix then hits Kazarian with a drop kick for a near fall. Fenix looks for an arm bar and Kazarian rolls to the ropes, Kazarian fights back and he nails Fenix with the Angel’s Wings. Sky tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Sky knocks Pentagon Jr out of the ring before taking him down with a suicide dive. Kazarian uses a top rope rana to send Fenix from the ring apron to the arena floor, Pentagon Jr is thrown back in the ring and Kazarian nails him with a tornado DDT.

Sky then nails Fenix with his own DDT for another near fall, SCU looks for their finisher and Pentagon Jr breaks it all up. Pentagon Jr then nails Kazarian with a destroyer, Fenix then hits a charging Sky with a rolling cutter for a near fall. Sky and Fenix then take each other out with a simultaneous leap, Pentagon Jr grabs Kazarian and he puts him through a table. Sky is then double teamed by the opposition for a near fall, The Lucha Brothers and Sky rolls up Pentagon Jr for a three count as Kazarian takes out Fenix.

Winners: SCU (Frankie Kazarian & Scorpio Sky), your first ever AEW World Tag Team Champions

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