
10/28/2019 WWE Raw Results: A Divorce Court, Carolina Debuts & A Falls Count Anywhere Match

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Paige makes her way to the entrance ramp to start tonight’s show, Paige welcomes everybody to Raw. Paige says she has been the advisor of The Kabuki Warriors, Paige then brings out The Kabuki Warriors. Paige talks about introducing The Kabuki Warriors as a tandem over six months ago, Paige talks about all she has down as the advisor for The Kabuki Warriors. Asuka grabs the microphone and she says some stuff in japanese, Sane takes the microphone next and she says some stuff in japanese as well. Asuka sprays the mist into Paige’s eyes and various WWE officials tend to her, Becky Lynch hits the ring and she brawls with Sane before clearing the ring. Lynch leaves the ring to battle both of The Kabuki Warriors on the arena floor, Lynch throws Asuka into the crowd before going after Sane again.

Kairi Sane w/Asuka vs. Becky Lynch

The match begins with Sane feigning an injury before attempting to attack Lynch, Lynch corners Sane and kicks away at her. Sane fights back and she exits the ring to talk with Asuka, Lynch reaches out for Sane and she gets kicked in the head. Sane corners Lynch and attacks her with a lot of strikes, Sane drags Lynch around the head while smashing her face first into the top turnbuckle multiple times. Lynch fights back and she nails Sane with a bulldog, Lynch follows that up by nailing Sane with a drop kick. Lynch goes to the top rope and Sane crotches her before knocking her to the mat below, Sane gets Lynch up before nailing her with chops. Lynch trips up a kicking Sane before landing a few arm drags, Lynch holds Sane down while wrenching away on her arm. Sane gets free and Lynch kicks her in the face for a near fall, Lynch goes back to attacking the arm of Sane. Lynch looks for a Disarmer and Sane gets free before exiting the ring, Asuka distracts Lynch to prevent her from making a suicide dive. Lynch leaves the ring and she drops an attacking Sane with a clothesline, Sane recovers and she shoves Lynch into the ring steps as we go to a commercial break.

We return from the break to see Sane holding Lynch in a bow and arrow stretch, Lynch gets free and Sane nails her with a knee strike. Sane gets Lynch to her knees before attacking her with slaps, Lynch fights back and Sane shoves her to the mat below. Lynch recovers and she nails Sane with a series of thrust kicks followed by clotheslines, Lynch then nails a cornered Sane with a series of strikes and an exploder suplex for a near fall. Sane recovers and she gets Lynch in a bridging Boston crab, Lynch gets free and she rolls up Sane for a near fall. Lynch then nails a swinging Sane with a flying shoulder tackle, Sane catches Lynch in a small package for a near fall. Lynch goes for a suplex and Sane counters with a DDT for a near fall, Sane goes to the top rope and Lynch crotches her before meeting her up there. Sane traps Lynch upside down in the corner and Lynch gets free, Lynch then throws Sane off the top rope and to the mat below. Lynch then hits Sane with a guillotine leg drop for a near fall, Lynch goes to the ring apron before nailing Sane with kicks. Asuka tries interfering and Lynch takes care of her, Sane hits Lynch with a spinning back fist from out of nowhere for a near fall. Lynch recovers and she gets Sane in the Disarmer and a tap out follows.

Winner: Becky Lynch

– Highlights are shown of Rusev attacking Bobby Lashley & Lana at a restaurant last week on Raw.

– Charly Caruso interviews R-Truth, who says that Buddy Murphy isn’t his buddy and he says that he knew that the Singh Brothers were two people. R-Truth bought a pair of glasses to help see the brothers better, Buddy Murphy interrupts and he says that R-Truth should be focused on him.

R-Truth vs. Buddy Murphy

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Murphy and R-Truth, Murphy nails R-Truth with an elbow strike before attacking him with strikes in the corner. R-Truth fights back and he cracks Murphy with a few rights, R-Truth then takes Murphy down with a head scissors takedown. Murphy recovers and he boots a charging R-Truth in the face, R-Truth recovers and he nails Murphy with a flying forearm strike for a near fall. Murphy avoids a scissors kick from R-Truth to eat a leg lariat for a near fall a few moments later, a bunch of wrestlers are shown chasing the Sing Brothers around the ring. R-Truth joins in on the chase and Murphy nails him with a knee strike when he gets back in the ring for a three count.

Winner: Buddy Murphy

– A video package airs on the AOP, who talk about warfare being both a physical and mental game.

– The Street Profits make their way to the ring after celebrating with all of their fans, Montez Ford talks about their successful in-ring debut last week on Raw. Ford says that they made The OC feel the blues last week, Angelo Dawkins credits Kevin Owens for the assist last week. Ford says that The Street Profits want the smoke and they start dancing while some music plays, the party continues as The Street Profits go back into the crowd while chanting “we want the smoke.”

Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair are shown backstage.

Ricochet w/Hulk Hogan vs. Drew McIntyre w/Ric Flair

The match begins with Ricochet attacking McIntyre with a suicide dive as he made his way to the ring, Ricochet gets McIntyre back in the ring before knocking him out with an overhead kick. Ricochet follows that up with another suicide dive against McIntyre, Ricochet gets McIntyre back in the ring and McIntyre knocks him to the arena floor after dropping him midsection first on the top rope. McIntyre exits the ring to attack the injured ribs of Ricochet, McIntyre then hits Ricochet with an exploder suplex on the arena floor. McIntyre attacks Ricochet with a chop before getting him back in the ring, McIntyre traps Ricochet in the ropes while pulling back on his head. McIntyre follows that up by propelling Ricochet across the ring, Ricochet fights back and McIntyre kicks him in the head before landing a leg drop. McIntyre exits the ring to go face to face with Hogan, McIntyre goes back in the ring and he gets Ricochet in an abdominal stretch. McIntyre releases the hold before nailing Ricochet with a hip toss and release suplex, McIntyre holds Ricochet down while wrenching away on his arm.

Ricochet gets free and he drops McIntyre with a head scissors takedown, McIntyre recovers and he nails Ricochet with a back body drop. McIntyre follows that up by nailing Ricochet with a buckle bomb before mocking Hogan, McIntyre throws Ricochet out of the ring before assaulting him with more strikes. McIntyre then drops Ricochet on the top of the barricade, McIntyre gets Ricochet in the ring before getting dropped with a pair of boots to the face. Ricochet gets up and he attacks a cornered McIntyre with a few strikes, McIntyre recovers and he kicks Ricochet in the midsection for a near fall as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see McIntyre stomping away on a downed Ricochet, McIntyre sets up Ricochet for a move and Ricochet counters with a roll up for a near fall. McIntryre regains control by propelling Ricochet into the top turnbuckle, McIntyre goes for another buckle bomb and Ricochet uses a rana to send him into the corner. Ricochet then nails McIntyre with a step up enzaguri, Ricochet follows up by nailing McIntyre with a rolling drop kick and springboard clothesline.

Ricochet then hits McIntyre with a springboard moonsault for a near fall, McIntyre fights back and he nails Ricochet with an inverted Alabama slam for a near fall. McIntyre goes for a double arm DDT and Ricochet counters with a roll up for a near fall, McIntyre recovers and nails Ricochet with a spinning clothesline for a near fall. McIntyre gets Ricochet to the top rope and he follows him up there while looking for a superplex, Ricochet fights back and McIntyre still propels him off the top rope. Ricochet recovers and nails a charging McIntyre with a super kick, Ricochet misses a leap off the top rope and Randy Orton appears out of nowhere to nail Ricochet with an RKO.

Winner: Ricochet w/Hulk Hogan, by DQ

– The OC meet Humberto Carrillo backstage, AJ Styles talks about being impressed with Carrillo’s match with Seth Rollins from last week on Raw. Styles said that Carrillo should’ve tried to prove himself against him, Styles challenges Carrillo to a match tonight before walking away.

The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar) vs. The Chicago Cubs (Rizzo & Bryant)

The match begins with Rizzo tagging Bryant into the match, Erik decides to just take out both competitors. Ivar tags in and he nails Bryant with a seated senton in the corner, Ivar then hits Rizzo with a bronco buster. Erik tags in and he slams Ivar onto a downed Bryant, Erik finds Rizzo and he destroys him with a knee strike. Ivar tags in and The Viking Raiders hit Bryant with The Viking Experience for a three count.

Winners: The Viking Raiders (Erik & Ivar)

– Bobby Lashley & Lana are shown backstage.

– Charly Caruso interviews Sin Cara, who says that he will have Carolina by his side tonight to counter Zelina Vega.

Andrade w/Zelina Vega vs. Sin Cara w/Carolina

The match begins with Cara knocking Andrade out of the ring with a head scissors takedown, Cara goes to the top rope and Andrade shoves him to the arena floor. Andrade gets Cara back into the ring after landing a few strikes, Andrade then nails Cara with an inverted back breaker for a near fall. Andrade keeps Cara down while applying a modified abdominal stretch, Cara gets free and Andrade drops him with a knee lift. Andrade corners Cara before landing a running knee strike for a near fall, Andrade goes for a second running knee strike and he crashes to the arena floor after a miss. Cara goes to the top rope before taking Andrade out with a dive, Cara gets Andrade in the ring before landing a destroyer. Vega jumps on the ring apron and Carolina takes her out with a power bomb onto the barricade, Andrade catches Cara witha roll up while his feet were on the ropes for a three count.

Winner: Andrade w/Zelina Vega

– Natalya & Charlotte Flair are shown backstage.

Charlotte Flair & Natalya vs. The IIconics (Billie Kaye & Peyton Royce)

The match begins with Flair tripping up Royce before briefly trying to lock in a four four, Flair then hits Royce with some chops. Flair catches a leaping Royce before nailing her with a fall away slam, Natalya tags in and she works with Flair to hit Royce with a double suplex. Royce fights back and she uses a hair pull to drop Natalya, Kaye tags in and she double teams Natalya with Royce. Kaye holds Natalya down while applying a modified chin lock, Kaye releases the hold to attack Natalya with knee strikes. Royce tags in and she traps Natalya in a submission hold while she was in the ropes, Natalya catches Royce in a small package before eating a spin kick for a near fall. Royce keeps Natalya down while holding her in a chin lock, Kaye tags in and Royce bulldogs Natalya into her knee for a near fall. Flair hits the ring and she attacks The IIconics, Natalya gets Kaye in a sharp shooter and a tap out follows.

Winners: Charlotte Flair & Natalya

– Charly Caruso interviews Seth Rollins, who says he has a lot on his plate tonight because he is facing Erick Rowan tonight. Rollins says he took things to another level by burning down the Firefly Fun House, Rollins says The Fiend is more dangerous than ever.

Falls Count Anywhere Match
Seth Rollins vs. Erick Rowan

The match begins with Rollins attacking Rowan with a drop kick followed by several strikes, Rowan fights back and Rollins nails him with a blockbuster. Rollins keeps the pressure on Rowan by attacking him with more strikes, Rollins then sends a charging Rowan out of the ring. Rowan drags Rollins out of the ring before nailing him with a headbutt, Rowan then throws Rollins into the barricade a few times. Rowan follows that up by dropping Rollins face first on the barricade before landing a big boot for a near fall, Rowan tosses Rollins into the crowd and he follows him in there. Rowan follows Rollins around while landing strikes, Rowan and Rollins battle up the stairs while swinging away at each other. Rowan and Rollins battle into the concession area, Rollins grabs a pipe and he attacks Rowan with it. Rowan grabs Rollins and he throws him into a merchandise stand, Rowan uses a uranage to put Rollins through a table as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Rollins and Rowan battling around the ringside area, Rollins gets in the ring to attack Rowan with suicide dives.

Rowan catches a leaping Rollins and Rollins gets free to shove him into the ring steps, Rollins grabs Rowan and throws him into another set of ring steps. Rollins goes for another dive and Rowan nails him with the ring steps, Rowan knocks Rollins out of the ring after landing an avalanche followed by a drop kick. Rowan then hits Rollins with a running cross body block for a near fall, Rowan follows that up by power bombing Rollins into the ring post for a near fall. Rowan picks up Rollins and he brings him up to the entrance stage, Rollins gets free and he nails Rowan with elbow strikes. Rowan gets angry and he drops Rollins with a clothesline, Rowan looks for a choke slam through the announce table and Rollins gets free to land a thrust kick. Rollins then hits Rowan with a curb stomp on the announce table for a near fall, Rollins jumps off the announce table and he lands on Rowan to send them both crashing to the arena floor. Rollins grabs a steel chair and he follows Rowan backstage while attacking him with it, Rowan fights back and he throws Rollins into a bunch of poles.

Rowan follows that up by throwing Rollins into a forklift and a road case, Rowan throws a road case at Rollins and Rollins avoids it. Rollins finds a ladder and he attacks Rowan with it, Rollins then hits Rowan with a curb stomp on the ladder. Rollins puts Rowan under a fork lift and he has someone lower it onto Rowan, Rollins then gets a three count on Rowan.

Winner: Seth Rollins

– Bobby Lashley & Lana are shown backstage again, Lashley offers to come to the ring tonight with Lana and Lana turns him down.

– Aleister Black is shown and he talks about the definition of madness, Black says he doesn’t want his outcomes to change. Black says that one of two things will happen the next time he comes to the ring, which is that he will make sure his opponent has an intimate relationship with fear and they will be ready to pick a fight with him.

– Highlights are shown of Brock Lesnar attacking Cain Velasquez and The Mysterio Family from this past weeks Smackdown.

AJ Styles w/Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows vs. Humberto Carrillo

The match begins with Carrillo getting Styles in a headlock, Carrillo then hits Styles with a back elbow strike followed by a springboard arm drag. Styles fights back and he exchanges strikes with Carrillo, Carrillo drops Styles with a flying top rope headbutt for a near fall. Carrillo avoids a roll up to drop Styles with a series of kicks for another near fall, Carrillo then hits Styles with a moonsault for another near fall. Carrillo follows that up by knocking Styles out of the ring after landing a drop kick, Carrillo goes after Styles and Styles backs him into the barricade before landing a tornado DDT on the arena floor as we go to a commercial break. We return from the break to see Styles holding Carrillo in a chin lock, Carrillo gets free and he eventually drops Styles with a spin kick to the face. Carrillo follows that up by nailing a backing Styles with a running drop kick, Carrillo goes to the top rope and he nails Styles with a missile drop kick. Carrillo follows up by nailing Styles with an Aztek Press for a near fall, Carrillo lands on his feet during a moonsault attempt and Styles nails him with a reverse DDT for a near fall.

Styles goes for a Phenomenal Forearm and Carrillo trips him up, Carrillo then hits Styles with a top rope moonsault for a near fall. Carrillo leaps off the top rope again and Styles nails him with a mid air chop block, Styles gets Carrillo in a calf crusher and a tap out follows.

Winner: AJ Styles w/Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows

After the match, AJ Styles disrespects Humberto Carrillo before nailing him with a Styles Clash, Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows hit the ring before The Street Profits come out to make the save.

– Highlights are shown of the deteriorating relationship between Rusev and Lana.

– Jerry Lawler is in the ring for The Divorce Court, Lawler brings out tonight’s guests, who are Rusev and Lana. Lawler says that Rusev would like to reconcile with Lana and keep their relationship together, Lana talks about how the WWE Universe has treated her badly since they broke up. Lana says Rusev just wanted sex from her all the time every day and everywhere they were at, Lana says that Rusev just wanted to get Lana pregnant. Lana talks about how having a baby would affect her modeling career, Lana then says that Rusev cheated on her because Bobby Lashley told her so. Lashley comes out and a brawl breaks out with Rusev. Rusev throws Lashley into the barricade and ring steps, Rusev gets Lashley into the ring and the brawl continues. Lashley goes for a spear and Rusev stops him before landing a Samoan drop, Lashley takes off his wedding ring and he feeds it to Lashley. Lana attacks Rusev with a kendo stick and that allows Lashley to nail him with a low blow, Lana slaps Rusev before Lashley low blows him again. Lashley and Lana make out over the downed Rusev.

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