
IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV Results for 10/22/19 This is IMPACT Special

IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV kicks off tonight with its first show with original programming featuring exclusive matches from Bound For Glory!

Good evening Fight Fans and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on AXS TV featuring never before seen matches taped at Bound for Glory!

-We open the show with Josh and Scott discussing Bound for Glory from this past Sunday night where Ace Austin became the new X-Division champion before we go to Don Callis on the set of a film Ace will be in before they talk about recent additions to the roster including RVD, Jordynne Grace, Rhino, Madman Fulton, TJP, Willie Mack and Tenille Dashwood before we finish with the return of Ken Shamrock. Josh and Scott then talk about Michael Elgin before we get an extended video package for his career in IMPACT since joining earlier this year.

Madison Rayne vs Shotzi Blackheart

They exchange words and mock each other before Shotzi hits a dropkick into a cannonball in the corner before Madison comes back with forearms when Shotzi goes after Madison after she gets out of the ring and sits on Kiera Hogan’s lap who is at the announce table for a quick two count as we go to commercial.

Madison has Shotzi in a choke before she drives her into the corner to break the hold before Madison hits a northern lights suplex for a quick two count and locks in a cravat while kneeing her in the face for a two count. Madison hits an enzuigiri before Shotzi hits one and drops Madison with a roundhouse kick for a two count before hitting a 619 and misses a second one before Madison snaps her neck into the ropes. Madison then hits a twisting neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne defeats Shotzi Blackheart via pinfall with a twisting neckbreaker.

-Josh and Scott discuss the Knockouts division, Scott talking about how they have always respected their women’s division while calling out WWE for making their women performers fight over Vince McMahon in the Attitude Era.

-We get a video recapping the Knockouts Championship Fatal Four Way Monsters Ball match between the champion Taya Valkyrie, Rosemary, Su Yung and Havok in which Taya retained to become the longest reigning Knockouts champion.

-We go to Don and Ace Austin discussing his movie, winning the X-Division Championship at just twenty two years old before Ace is needed on the set and Don is recognized by a different name by an actress backstage as we go to commercial.

-Josh and Scott discuss the depth of the tag team division and possible threats for The North’s tag team titles, including The Desi Hit Squad, Rich Swann and Willie Mack and The Rascalz before we get a recap of the final match of LAX in IMPACT where they lost to The North and were forced to leave the company. We then get a promo outside by the undefeated tag team champions who issue an open challenge before Josh and Scott talk about the egos of the team before Scott says that they’re putting their money where their mouths are so far.

-We get a video recapping the triple threat match for the IMPACT Tag Team Championship from Bound for Glory where RVD turned on Rhino and The North retained before we get a recap of UFC hall of famer Ken Shamrock and Moose in which Moose cheated to win with the help of former UFC fighter Frank Trigg before we see Ken backstage after the match and we’re told that he will address his future on next week’s show. Josh and Scott then interview Moose via satellite about their match where Moose says that he kept his promise and has no regrets or remorse for what he did to Ken before saying that he will be on the show next week and show why he’s the greatest wrestler on the planet as we go to commercial. 

-Taya Valkyrie is interviewed by Melissa Santos where they talk about her being the longest reigning Knockouts champion and her retaining against Tenille Dashwood at Bound for Glory before we get a recap of the match in which she won with the Road to Valhalla after she distracted Tenille with a chain to bring her reign that night to two hundred and eighty eight days. Taya talks about how her first match ever was against Tenille and that Tenille has wrestled all over the world, but nothing prepared her for Taya. Taya then throws to a video of John E Bravo interviewing people on the streets of Windsor, Ontario, Canada ahead of Taya returning to their city next week before Taya is dismayed and runs off to find John as we go to commercial.

-We return to the announcement of Josh Alexander going one on one with Marufuji next week before Josh and Scott discuss the reign of Brian Cage and how he’s overcome everything, including Sami Callihan before we get an extended promo that Sami cut before their match at Bound for Glory. We then come back to Brian Cage being interviewed at the desk where he says that he’s ready to put his troubles behind him and we get a recap of their No Disqualification match from Bound for Glory this past Sunday night. They are then interrupted by Sami Callihan who shows up and says that Brian will give him a rematch next week before Sami threatens his family and that OvE knows where he lives and we see a video of the rest of OvE outside of Brian’s home. Sami then begs Brian to break his neck and that if he does no one will be able to stop OvE before Brian agrees to the rematch Tuesday night and Sami leaves as we go to commercial.

-Josh and Scott discuss Sami Callihan and how he has crossed the line before we’re told that Brian and Sami will be in a steel cage match for the IMPACT World Championship next week before D’lo Brown joins the desk and says that Sami Callihan will win if Brian can’t get past the mind games by Sami. Scott says that Brian needs to make sure his family is okay and that he needs to be laser focused on defending his title before asking D’lo about how to keep focused. D’lo says that Brian has to maintain his focus and composure.

-We get a video package for the career of Tessa Blanchard since she debuted last year before Josh, Scott and D’lo discuss the X-Division Championship Ladder match that she participated in and failed to win the title due to interference by OvE before we get the IMPACT+ Flashback of the week featuring the match between Sami Callihan and Tessa Blanchard at Slammiversary where Sami defeated Tessa.

-We then go to the assistant director of Ace Austin’s film directing Ace Austin and a female actress in what appears to be a pornographic film as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Eddie Edwards career the past year with his feuds with Sami Callihan, Moose, Killer Kross and Ace Austin where he completely lost his mind before Scott says that Eddie has held every title in the company, the longest tenured performer on the roster. We get a recap of the gauntlet from Bound for Glory where Eddie entered number one and won the entire match and subsequently winning an opportunity to challenge for any title he chooses before a grudge match between Eddie and the X-Division champion Ace Austin is announced for next week’s show.

-We then get a video recapping the Ultimate X match at Homecoming in which Rich Swann won to become the champion until his reign ended at the hands of Jake Crist of OvE. Scott talks about the former X-Division champion before he and Josh bring up alum and current WWE Superstar AJ Styles among others.

-We then go back to the set where the adult film is being filmed before we go to commercial.

-Johnny Swinger is interviewed backstage by Jimmy Jacobs where he claims to have invented the swinging neckbreaker and says that he’s there to take someone under his wing before he plugs his fan club after not knowing what social media is and calling himself Johnny Impact before he’s told that there already was one and he insults the former champion who’s headed to WWE for a second time.

Aerostar, Taurus & Dr.Wagner Jr. vs The Rascalz

The AAA guys attack The Rascalz before the match starts and triple team Wentz for a quick two count before double teaming Trey and hitting a flap jack before Wagner applies a bow and arrow and Aerostar hits a diving stomp as we go to commercial.

We return to team AAA running around the ring before Dez clears the ring and hits Aero with an enzuigiri into a slingshot dropkick and Wentz hits a bronco buster before The Rascalz triple team the big man Taurus. Wentz superkicks Wagner and hits a meteora for a two count before Wentz hits a suicide dive and Aerostar hits a flipping senton before Trey hits an Asai moonsault and Wagner hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring Wagner chops Dez in the corner and sets him up top before hitting a draping cutter and removing his mask before hitting a sit-out powerbomb. Taurus hits a German suplex before Aerostar hits a springboard splash for a near fall and everyone hits a move until Aerostar hits a rolling cutter for a near fall. Trey hits a cheeky nandos into a 619 and a diving meteora before The Rascalz pin Aerostar with their finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Rascalz defeat Aerostar, Taurus and Dr.Wagner Jr. via pinfall.

-We end the show with Josh and Scott going over next weeks show featuring the IMPACT World Championship rematch in a steel cage between the champion Brian Cage and the challenger Sami Callihan as we go off the air.

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