
WWE NXT UK Results for 10/10/19 Piper Niven vs Jazzy Gabbert, Dave Mastiff Returns to Action

Piper Niven takes on the right hand of Jinny, save Mastiff returns for the first time since losing to Joe Coffey and Jordan Devlin is in action!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of today’s edition of WWE NXT UK headlined by a match of two undefeated Superstars in Piper Niven and Jazzy Gabbert!

-Tom Phillips is introduced as the replacement for Vic Joseph.

The Hunt vs Pretty Deadly

Lewis and Wild start for their respective teams, Wild dropping Lewis and hitting a shoulder tackle in the corner into a senton before Primate hits a springboard clothesline. Primate slams Lewis to the mat and Primate slams Wild Boar onto Lewis before Sam distracts Boar and Lewis dropkicks him. Sam hits a running uppercut for a two count before Pretty Deadly isolate Wild Boar in their corner, stringing together tag team offense and tags until Wild Boar hits a German suplex and sweeps Sam’s legs. Primate comes in and hits a running splash in the corner and a high angle back body drop before spearing Lewis. The Hunt then hit a double diving headbutt for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Hunt defeat Pretty Deadly via pinfall when The Hunt hit Lewis with a double diving headbutt.

-After the match Imperium’s Aichner and Barthel come out before The Hunt to after them and Wolfe comes out and Imperium overpower and outnumber The Hunt when they send them into the ring steps.

-We then see Jazzy Gabbert with Jinny, getting ready for Jazzy’s match against Piper Niven in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Ilja Dragunov who is set to return next week.

Jordan Devlin vs Jack Starz

Jordan takes Jack down and sends him into the ring post shoulder first before Jack hits a military press slam and backs Jordan into the corner. Jordan turns it around and stomps Jack down in the corner before hitting a shoulder breaker and stepping on the now injured shoulder before hitting a uranage. Jordan hits a standing moonsault for a two count before locking in a shoulder lock and kicking Jack in the side of the face while yelling at him. Jack comes back with uppercuts and Jordan dodges him before hitting a slingshot cutter for a near fall that Jordan breaks up. Jordan then hits Kawada kicks and Devil Inside for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Devlin defeats Jack Starz via pinfall with Devil Inside.

-After the match Jordan gets on the mic and calls out Dave Mastiff before Dave comes out and Jordan rolls out of the ring and Dave says that he wants a match with Jordan before Jordan leaves as we go to commercial.

Dave Mastiff vs Kenny Williams

They lock up and Dave throws Kenny across the ring before Dave stops an Irish whip and Kenny gets a two count off of a crucifix before hitting a springboard back elbow. Dave sends Kenny over the top rope and down onto the floor before Kenny hurts his leg going for a springboard and Dave runs him over when he tries to run the ropes and limps. Dave then hits Kenny with clubbing blows and hits a back body drop before missing a senton and Kenny hits a rebound sling blade for a near fall before Dave hits Into the Void for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dave Mastiff defeats Kenny Williams via pinfall with Into the Void.

-After the match Dave and Kenny shake hands before Xia Brookside is interviewed and gets interrupted by Nina Samuels before they exchange words as we go to commercial.

-The NXT UK Tag Team champions Mark Andrews and Flash Morgan Webster come out to the ring and talk about winning the titles from Grizzled Young Veterans and how they intend to retain against Gallus next week before they’re interrupted by Mark Coffey and Wolfgang.

-Noam Dar is interviewed backstage before he’s interrupted by Trent Seven and they almost come to blows until they’re separated by officials and Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala and it’s announced that they’ll face off in two weeks.

-We see a recap of last week’s altercation between Piper Niven and Jinny and Jazzy Gabbert ahead of their match in our main event as we go to commercial.

Piper Niven vs Jazzy Gabbert

Jazzy powers Piper back before they run in each other and try to knock each other over until Piper sends Jazzy through the ropes and out onto the floor. Jazzy regroups with Jinny at ringside and Jinny hits Piper with punches to the kidneys in the corner before Jazzy hits a scoop slam for a quick two count. Jazzy punches Piper in mount and steps on her before stretching her and ramming her knees into the back of Piper before Piper rocks her with a headbutt. Piper hits a scoop slam into a jumping splash before she drags Jinny into the ring and ducks slaps before dropping her with a headbutt. Rhea Ripley then attacks Jazzy at ringside before she tosses her back into the ring and Piper hits a senton for the pin and the win.

Winner: Piper Niven defeats Jazzy Gabbert via pinfall with a senton.

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