IMPACT Wrestling Results for 9/27/19 Tessa Blanchard vs Dave Crist, The Wedding of Brian Cage
The Diamond of Profesional Wrestling takes on one third of OvE for a chance to join the X-Division Championship match at Bound For Glory!
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Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you had a great day and are ready for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling on the Pursuit Network and Twitch TV!
-We open the show with the announce team talking about tonight’s wedding ceremony between Brian Cage and Melissa Santos before The North cosplaying as LAX come out to the ring and disrespect LAX and Konnan before saying that Konnan doesn’t have enough power to overturn The North before Konnan comes out to the ring. Josh and Ethan mock Konnan before Konnan levels various insults and RVD and Rhino come out and they brawl before the referee rushes into the ring and makes the match official.
Non-Title Match
The North vs RVD & Rhino
RVD is in control of Josh as we return from the break, hitting his signature Rolling Thunder before Rhino comes in and chops Ethan before dropping him with a clothesline for a quick two count before RVD gets distracted by Josh and Ethan drops him with a boot for a quick two count. The North double up on RVD while Ethan plays mind games with Rhino who inadvertently keeps distracting the referee when he tries to get into the ring several times. RVD hits an enzuigiri and tags in Rhino as Josh gets the tag on the opposite side and Rhino whips him into the corner before hitting a running splash and sending Ethan into him for a two count. Ethan superkicks Rhino when he goes for a Gore for a near fall that RVD breaks up before RVD and Ethan go over the top rope and Josh grabs the belts and tries to hit Rhino with them. Konnan then grabs the belt from Rhino and Rhino Gore’s Josh before RVD hits the Five Star Frog Splash for the pin and the win.
Winner: Rhino and RVD defeat The North via pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash to Josh.
-We see the Desi Hit Squad strategizing backstage as we go to commercial.
-Eddie Edwards is interviewed at the wedding before he’s interrupted by Reno Scum and leaves before Johnny Swinger shows up and leaves before we go to Gama Singh in the ring to introduce DHS.
Shera vs Cousin Jake
Shera backs Jake into the corner and chops him before Jake rocks him with right hands and a clothesline before he’d distracted by Rohit on the apron and Shera clotheslines him. Shera shoves Jake halfway across the ring before Jake comes back with running clotheslines in the corner and a spear in the corner. Jake knocks Raj off of the apron before Shera hits a powerbomb into a powerslam for the pin and the win.
Winner: Shera defeats Cousin Jake via pinfall with a powerslam.
-After the match Shera takes out Cody before we get a vignette for Ken Shamrock as we go to commercial.
-TJP and Fallah Bahh have a back and forth at the wedding before a drunk Eddie Edwards stumbles into frame before we go back to the action in the IMPACT Zone.
Madison Rayne vs Tenille Dashwood
They lock up and exchange wrist locks before Tenille hits a snap mare into a headlock and Tenille slams Madison back down to the mat when she gets back up. Tenille drops Madison several times before dropkicking her out of the ring and dragging her back to the ring when she tries to leave. Tenille sends Madison face first into the apron and hits a neckbreaker in the ropes for a two count before Madison sends her into the middle turnbuckle and sets her on the top turnbuckle before hitting a hangman’s neckbreaker. Tenille fights out of a cravat and Madison immediately hits a snap mare into a sliding lariat for a two count before Tenille gets a near fall off of a roll up and Madison gets a near fall off of a cutter before Tenille yanks her from the top turnbuckle and hits a running cross body for a near fall. Tenille then hits a lariat for a near fall before Madison hits an enzuigiri into a northern lights suplex for a near fall and they counter each other until Tenille hits a swinging neckbreaker into a drive by dropkick for the pin and the win.
Winner: Tenille Dashwood defeats Madison Rayne via pinfall with a drive by dropkick.
-RVD and his wife Katie Forbes are interviewed at the wedding before Rich Swann and Willie Mack show up before RVD and Katie leave as we go to commercial.
-UFC Hall of Famer Ken Shamrock comes out to the ring and cuts a promo about Moose and why he’s come to IMPACT and that he’s ready to face Moose, but Moose isn’t there. Ken calls Moose out before we see that Moose is at Ken’s home gym before he cuts a promo about their match at Bound For Glory. Moose then gets in an octagon before he beats up a few guys and says that he’s the most dangerous man and not Ken before leaving as we go to commercial.
-Taya Valkyrie tries to convince Rosemary to take out Tenille for her and she’ll give her a title shot before saying that she needs to defend her title and Taya gives Rosemary a dress before leaving.
-We get the IMPACT+ moment of the week featuring the wedding of Erick Young and ODB. OvE then try to enter the wedding, but they’re denied entry before they leave as we go to commercial.
-Tommy Dreamer and Rich Swann try to calm Brian down before his brother Ryan shows up and we go to Melissa with Taya Valkyrie, Kiera Hogan and Madison Rayne and cut back to the IMPACT Zone.
X-Division Championship Ladder Match Qualifying Match
Dave Crist vs Tessa Blanchard
They go back and forth to start the match until Tessa launches Dave over the top rope and back first onto the floor before Fulton goes after Tessa and Jake keeps him at bay, not wanting Dave to be disqualified before he’s ejected from ringside. Dave accidentally chops the ring post and Jake grabs Tessa’s foot when she runs the ropes before Dave chokes Tessa in the ropes and rakes her eyes before beating her down in the corner. Dave chokes Tessa and Jake does so when Dave distracts the referee before Dave spits on Tessa and Tessa hits him with a flurry of forearms into a drop toe hold and a dropkick. Tessa then gets a near fall off of a roll up before Dave hits a variation of a GTS for a near fall and they counter each other until Tessa hits the buzzsaw DDT for the pin and the win.
Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Dave Crist via pinfall with a buzzsaw DDT to gain entry to the X-Division Championship ladder match.
-After the match Tessa fights off the Crists before Fulton chokeslams her several times.
-We return to the wedding with everyone there, Rosemary literally appearing next to Fallah Bahh who tries to leave, but TJP stops him before Tommy leads Melissa down the aisle, Brian’s brother officiating before Taya interrupts and criticizes the wedding before Ethan gets up and talks about how bad the company is and referencing WWE before announcing a wrestling union and referencing the pay scale at AEW. A drunk Eddie Edwards crashes the wedding and throws up all over Ryan before he hits him when he goes to swing at Ace Austin. Tommy tries to find someone to officiate the wedding before James Mitchell shows up and they exchange rings before he begins officiating while acting very lecherous and pronouncing them as husband and wife through the power of the Church of Satan and the state of Nevada as we go to commercial.
-We return to the IMPACT Zone where we have the reception and the first dance which is crashed by Sami Callihan, Sami saying that he’s there to party and that he’s happy for them and that his feelings are hurt over before barred from the wedding. Sami says that they were all friends at one point and that he wants the best version of Brian Cage for their match at Bound For Glory. Sami then calls brisk a bitch before Brian grabs him and Sami goes to hit Brian with a bottle, but misses and hits Melissa as we go off the air with everyone checking on her and Sami leaving.