
WWE 205 Live Results for 9/24/19 Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Drew Gulak & Tony Nese

The Boston Brawler brings his tag team partner to 205 Live to take on the Cruiserweight champion and The Premiere Athlete!

Hey Fight Fans, it’s time to finish tonight’s action with 205 Live! We hope you enjoy the show and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out Fightful Select, and I’ll see you back here Wednesday afternoon for NXT UK! Have a great night!

-We open the show with a video recapping the number one contender match for Drew Gulak’s Cruiserweight Championship between Oney Lorcan and Lio Rush on NXT last week before Drew cuts a promo about Lio and the tag match he’s involved in in tonight’s main event.

Humberto Carrillo vs Angel Garza

They lock up for a clean break before exchanging standing switches and headlock takeovers before they run the ropes and flip. Humberto lands on his feet when Angel goes for a huricanrrana before they trade arm drags and sweeps and Humberto kicks the hand of Angel away when he goes for a hand shake. Angel rips his pants off and dropkicks Humberto from the apron before hitting a moonsault to the outside and chopping Humberto at ringside before Humberto gets back into the ring at the count of seven. Angel hits a basement dropkick once Humberto gets back into the ring for a quick two count before Angel traps Humberto in the ropes and hits a running dropkick in the corner for a near fall. Humberto fights out of a headlock and Angel dropkicks him when he’s upside down for a two count before locking in a variation of an abdominal stretch. Humberto gets back to his feet and hits a hip toss into a back elbow before hitting a running shotgun dropkick into a hand spring arm drag and a moonsault for a two count.

Humberto hits a missile dropkick for a near fall and gets caught up top for a near fall before Humberto comes back with a diving back elbow for a two count before they exchange submissions until they collapse. Angel gets a near fall off of an inside cradle before they clothesline each other and Angel hits a moonsault for a two count before Angel goes shoulder first into the ring post. Humberto then hits the Aztec Press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo defeats Angel Garza via pinfall with the Aztec Press.

-We get a video recapping The Brian Kendrick’s attack on Jack Gallagher and Akira Tozawa before he’s interviewed backstage and talks about how he’s the leader of the locker room and that he is the corner stone of 205 Live and that he deserves a title shot.

Oney Lorcan & Danny Burch vs Drew Gulak & Tony Nese

Danny decides to start off the match for his team, the Cruiserweight champion doing the same for his before Drew backs Danny into the corner for a clean break, Danny putting Drew in a side headlock that he struggles to get out of for several minutes before Drew counters into a head scissors. Drew backs Danny into the ropes and Danny reapplies the side headlock before Oney and Danny drop Drew with a chop before they hit a double Russian leg sweep for a one count. Oney and Danny hit a double suplex for a two count and Danny stomps the hand of Drew before locking in a straight armbar, Tony distracting Danny allowing Drew to capitalize and tag in Tony. Tony beats on Danny and wrenches his neck before Oney drops him with a running uppercut and hits both Gulak and Nese with running back elbows in the corner. Tony pokes Oney in the eye before hitting a springboard triangle moonsault and rocking Oney with strikes before choking him in the ropes.

Oney comes back with right hands before Tony drops him with a spinning back kick for a two count before locking in a variation of a camel clutch. Tony and Drew hit a double back suplex for a two count before Drew locks in a rear chin lock and headbutts Oney who sends Tony off of the apron and sends Drew out of the ring. Drew does his best, but Oney gets the tag to Danny and hits a running uppercut into a missile dropkick and Oney chops Drew before hitting a running blockbuster, Danny and Tony spilling out of the ring. Danny and Oney lock in double submissions before Drew kicks Oney into Danny to break the hold. Drew sends Danny into Oney before Tony takes out Oney at ringside and hits Danny with a 450 for a near fall that Oney breaks up before Danny nearly knocks Tony out with a headbutt.

Danny and Oney then hit an uppercut variation of a doomsday device for a near fall before Tony gets a near fall off of a roll up and Oney turns him inside out with a lariat before Danny and Oney hit their finisher to Tony for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch defeat Tony Nese and Drew Gulak via pinfall.

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