
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 9/24/19 Roman Reigns & Daniel Bryan Meet Face to Face

The Big Dog and The New Daniel Bryan will meet, Shane McMahon has invited Kevin Owens to Smackdown! Live and more tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown! Live! Enjoy the show and be sure to hang out afterwards for the post-show podcast!

-Rowan comes out to the ring to start the show and talks about how everyone knows he’s right and that they’re afraid before Daniel Bryan comes out to the ring and demands that Rowan fight him right now.

Daniel Bryan vs Erick Rowan

Rowan tosses Daniel across the ring and turns him inside out with a clothesline before hitting an elbow drop and jumping headbutt before hitting a running cross body when he tosses him out of the ring. Rowan sends Daniel into the ring post and rolls him back into the ring before driving his knee into his spine and cranking on his head and neck before Daniel tries to come back with strikes and kicks, but Rowan immediately drops him with a spin kick for a two count as we go to commercial.

Rowan powerbombs Daniel into the ring post and Daniel gets back into the ring at nine before Rowan stomps him in the corner and hits a running splash in the corner before Daniel dropkicks his knee. Daniel chop blocks Rowan’s leg and wraps his leg around the ring post before he hits running dropkicks in the corner and Rowan catches him coming in with a jack hammer for a near fall. Rowan locks in a bear hug and powerbombs Daniel for a near fall as we go to commercial.

Daniel sends Rowan out of the ring and into the ring post before hitting Kawada kicks and a buzzsaw kick for a one count before he locks in a cross face and Rowan gets to the ropes before Daniel takes out Harper at ringside. Harper then gets un-phased and Rowan hits Daniel twice with the iron claw for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rowan defeats Daniel Bryan via pinfall with the iron claw.

-After the match Roman Reigns tries to save Daniel after the match, Daniel hitting Harper with a flying knee before Roman spears Rowan and helps Daniel up. Daniel then sets up a tag match between the four at Hell in a Cell.

-We get a video package for the career of Brock Lesnar before he challenges Kofi Kingston at the first Smackdown! Live on FOX next month before WWE champion Kofi Kingston is interviewed about their match.

Chad Gable vs Mike Kanellis

Chad immediately hits Mike with a German suplex and locks in an ankle lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: Chad Gable defeats Mike Kanellis via submission with an ankle lock.

-After the match Elias shows up on the big screen and sings a song about Chad.

-Charlotte talks to R-Truth backstage and congratulates Carmella before their tag match as we go to commercial.

Charlotte & Carmella vs Sasha Banks & Bayley

Sasha is in control of Carmella to start the match before she comes back with an inverted atomic drop and clotheslines Sasha for a quick two count before Sasha tosses her out of the ring and tags Bayley in. Bayley hits Carmella with forearms and rolls her back into the ring for a quick two count before she and Sasha double up on Carmella while Charlotte and R-Truth look on. Carmella gets the tag to Charlotte who drops Bayley and knocks Sasha off of the apron before she hits Bayley with a back suplex and an exploder suplex before dropping Bayley with a boot. Charlotte then goes for the Figure Eight, but Sasha breaks it up with a meteora before Carmella tags herself in and superkicks Sasha for a near fall that Bayley breaks up before Sasha locks in the Banks Statement and forces Carmella to tap for the win.

Winner: Sasha Banks and Bayley defeat Carmella and Charlotte when Sasha submits Carmella with the Banks Statement.

-After the match Sasha and Bayley go after Charlotte before she’s saved by Becky Lynch.

Ali vs Shinsuke Nakamura w/Sami Zayn

Shinsuke kicks Ali and knees him in the midsection before Ali hits a pop-up dropkick that sends Shinsuke out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive. Ali rolls Shinsuke back into the ring and hits a diving cross body for a quick two count before he’s distracted by Sami Zayn and Shinsuke sends him into the ring post as we go to commercial.

Ali comes back with an enzuigiri and a rolling sit-out facebuster into knees in the corner and catches Shinsuke in midair with a dropkick for a two count before Shinsuke drops Ali with a wheel kick. Shinsuke hits a sliding snap German suplex before he goes for Kinshasa and Ali superkicks him and hits a tornado DDT before he goes for an 045 and Sami pulls Shinsuke out of the ring. Ali then hits a flipping senton to the outside before he chases Sami around ringside and into the ring before Shinsuke hits the Kinshasa for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Ali via pinfall with the Kinshasa.

-We get a video package for the latest saga between Kevin Owens and Shane McMahon as we go to commercial.

New Day (Big-E & Xavier Woods) vs The B Team

X and Curtis start the match off, but Bo is quick to come in and the B Team double up on X for a quick two count before kicking him out of the ring and playing to the crowd. Xavier then sends Curtis into the ring post before he and Big-E hit Up Up Down Down for the pin and the win.

Winner: New Day defeat The B Team via pinfall with Up Up Down Down.

-We see Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville backstage Otis shows up and asks for a selfie which Mandy obliges.

Kabuki Warriors vs Fire & Desire

Asuka and Kairi start the match off by taking out Sonya in the ring and Mandy at ringside respectively before Kairi hits Mandy with a huricanrrana and a sliding forearm in the corner. Kairi then knocks Sonya away, but she pulls Kairi to the back by her hair from ringside before Asuka comes in and lays Mandy out with strikes before Kairi hits the Insane Elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kabuki Warriors defeats Fire and Desire via pinfall when Kairi pins Mandy with the Insane Elbow.

-Shane McMahon and his bevy of lawyers make their way out to the ring before Shane asks Kevin to the ring and Shane talks about the lawsuit before Kevin says that Shane doesn’t deserve to be in the locker room and that everyone wants to see him fired. Kevin then makes a final match between the two with both sides’ careers on the line, Kevin making it ladder match as we go to Becky Lynch being interviewed backstage. We then end the show with Sasha attacking and laying out Becky backstage as we go off the air.

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