
Match Ratings For WWE Raw 9/23/19 From Sean Ross Sapp Of Fightful.com

Opening segment

  • We get our first STRUCTURE reference.
  • Rollins brings up Bray Wyatt and the Fiend, before mentioning Braun Strowman.
  • Strowman comes out and says Bray plays Mister Rogers with puppets.
  • Rollins and Strowman go back and forth until they decide that they’re going to face each other tonight.
  • Running back a Clash of Champions match already. For the title? Not for the title? I dunno.
  • This is supposedly the SEASON FINALE I guess.
  • There’s also a five-way this week for a title shot.

Viking Raiders defeated The OC

  • The OC have some great new music.
  • VIking Raiders are over. The two man slam works really well with the crowd.
  • I’m a big fan of Ivar’s falling forward side slam.
  • AJ Styles gets booted, and Cedric Alexander meets him on the stage and beats him up.
  • We get a commercial, but Ivar gets a big pop for a corner senton.
  • Viking Raiders seem very over.
  • This is an opening match with some build that the crowd cares about.
  • Erick kicks out of the Boot of Doom and they win with the Viking Experience.
  • Crowd was HOT for this.

Backstage Crappenings

  • Becky says she wants Sasha Banks on a hot streak, and that Sasha wanted to take her out. I like these sit-down Michael Cole.
  • Street Profits are doing their narration. Miz shows up to announce his child’s birth to a huge pop, and takes a shot at Mike Kanellis. He announces Hogan and Flair for Miz TV next week and Hogan gets booed.
  • Another AOP promo. This one shows them beating people up.

Rusev defeated EC3

  • EC3 tried to start a “we want Lana” chant during the break.
  • He gets crushed completely
  • What a waste of EC3, but I guess it beats him not being on TV at all.

Sasha Banks (w/ Bayley) defeated Nikki Cross (w/ Alexa Bliss)

  • A couple of solid arm drags and monkey flips land.
  • I hereby call the dropping on your back when someone has you in a choke or sleeper the Bam Bam Bomb
  • Sasha spends a bunch of time outside the ring before she Bam Bam Bombs to the floor.
  • This is good work, even though it’s a very long match. Sasha hits with Meteora hard.
  • Sasha works over Nikki’s leg big time.
  • Nikki flies off the apron with a big body press. She also catches Sasha in the ring skirt, where I assume she attacked Sasha. I couldn’t see because of the cameras.
  • Banks rolls through a body press and taps out Nikki with a Banks Statement.
  • After the match, she does it to Alexa Bliss, too.
  • I said last week that Sasha Banks needed to start beating some people up, but I don’t know if we need to have one person beating up all the tag champs every show.

Lacey Evans defeated Ember Moon

  • We are bout to find out the answer to the age-old question: Where Does Ember Moon Fit In To All Of This?
  • If WWE doesn’t mention Lacey Evans getting pulled over, they’re missing out.
  • Ember Moon throwing some nice, snug strikes.
  • I really enjoy Lacey’s slingshot dropkick.
  • Natalya is watching on.
  • Ember Moon fires up, but Lacey hits a really good sweep kick.
  • Moon turns a spot where she’s hanging on the ropes into a modified Eclipse.
  • Women’s Right and a Sharpshooter taps out Ember Moon.
  • Ember Moon doesn’t need to be losing to Lacey Evans right now. They tried the Lacey main event push.

WWE 24/7 Championship
Carmella defeated R-Truth (c) to become champion

  • Lucha House Party, Drake Maverick, Mojo Rawley, Curt Hawkins, Zack Ryder are out.
  • Carmella says she’s exhausted and can’t keep running anymore.
  • Truth hugs her and gets rolled up.
  • Truth helps her escape.

Chad Gable defeated Baron Corbin via DQ

  • King Corbin has altered music, a bearskin-ish robe and a new crown. He makes a short joke.
  • Gable starts out strong, but gets heaved over the barricade before the commercial.
  • We come back to see Corbin working over Gable and the crowd is letting him have it.
  • Corbin can’t get the job done. He keeps landing move after move after move.
  • Gable gets a big moonsault, and the crowd is behind him.
  • Huge “Gable” chants from the crowd.
  • Gable counters an End of Days into an Ankle Lock.
  • Corbin cracks Gable with the scepter.
  • The crowd really turned it up for this match.

Top Contender Match
Rey Mysterio beats Bobby Roode, AJ Styles, Shinsuke Nakamura and Ricochet

  • What in the hell do they have Ricochet out there saying? What the fuck is this?
  • Nakamura gets some shine with some heavy strikes.
  • Ricochet does a nice spinning suplex and the Recoil, but Nakamura catches him with the Kinshasa and eliminates him.
  • Raw has had some good, loud crowds the last couple of weeks.
  • Roode is still hanging around outside.
  • Styles and Nakamura go at it a little bit, and Styles beats him with the Phenonemal Forearm.
  • Roode pins Styles with a Glorious DDT.
  • Mysterio avoids the Glorious DDT, 619 and Frog Splash for the win.

Braun Strowman defeated Seth Rollins via DQ

  • Rollins is getting his ass whipped early on.
  • We come back from commercial to see Rollins doing his best to fight Braun off.
  • A superkick lands for Rollins, then two Frog Splashes, but Braun Strowman kicks out.
  • Rollins stumbled on a suicide dive, but Strowman catches him. This all went as good as possible. Commentary played it up well.
  • Strowman mows him down.
  • Strowman sets up for a Powerslam, but the Fiend is here.
  • Mandible Claw on Braun Strowman
  • Seth Rollins gets one, too.

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5. The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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