
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 9/6/19 Champions vs All Stars Match

The champions of Ring of Honor Wrestling take on the best of Ring of Honor on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

-We open the show with a video package for various ROH World champions, including World champion Matt Taven, Television champion Shane Taylor and the tag champions The Briscoes.

-We get a recap of Joe Hendry interrupting Dalton Castle before all four champions are interviewed backstage ahead of the All Star Champion Match in tonight’s main event.

-Kenny King tries to team up with Coast 2 Coast, but they’re very hesitant to give him a shadow of a doubt.

-We get highlights from Austin Gunn and Brian Johnson from the Top Prospect tournament in which Brian won with a famouser and another match between Ken Dixon and Haitian Sensation in which Haitian won with the Haitian Vacation as well as Dak Draper and Makita in which Dak won with The Magnum Drop.

Champions vs All Stars Match

Matt Taven, The Briscoes & Shane Taylor vs Jeff Cobb, Kenny King, Jay Lethal & Rush

Matt and Jeff come in to start the match before Jeff immediately tags in Rush and Matt takes out as soon as he tags in and tags in Jay. They run the ropes until Jay drops Rush with a shoulder block and they exchange right hands before Rush drops him with a headbutt. Lethal comes in and Rush spits in the face of Jay before Mark and Lethal exchange standing switches, Mark taking Lethal down with a side headlock. Lethal comes back with a hip toss into a cartwheel dropkick before Kenny gets the tag and dropkicks Mark out of the ring before Shane comes in and asks for Jeff Cobb and he obliges. They try to knock each other over, but no one moves an inch before Jeff dropkicks Shane as we go to commercial.

We return to Matt and Jeff in the ring, Jeff chopping Matt in the corner before Matt dropkicks him and Jeff drops him with a shoulder block. Jeff hits a one armed delayed suplex and Lethal hits a diving double ax handle before everyone tags in and out and chops Matt. Rush whips Kenny into Matt and they hit a double shotgun dropkick before Jay slaps Kenny in the face to tag himself in before Matt gets the tag to Jay Briscoe. Briscoe rocks Lethal with an uppercut and counters a Lethal Injection before Lethal counters the Jay Driller before Lethal is ganged up on in the corner when Rush inadvertently distracts the referee as we go to commercial.

Mark and Lethal exchange chops before Kenny tags himself in and drops Mark with an ax kick for a two count before suplexing him for another two count. The Briscoes double up on Kenny before Jay and company isolate Kenny on their corner until everyone brawls and end up at ringside before The Briscoes hit the Redneck Boogie for a near fall. Kenny then rolls Jay up for the pin and the first elimination as we go to commercial.

Lethal and Taven exchange chops before Lethal hits the Lethal Combination and Matt rushes to tag in Shane. Kenny tags himself in and mocks Jay before Kenny dodges Shane’s strikes and sends him out of the ring before hitting a corkscrew cross body to Shane and a spinebuster to Mark. Kenny hits a question mark kick before Shane hits a running sit-out piledriver for the pin and the elimination. Shane hits Lethal with several backbreakers for a two count before Mark punches and kicks Lethal in the corner and hits a slam onto the mat as we go to commercial.

Jay knocks Mark from the top and teases Hail to the King before hitting the Lethal Injection for the pin and the elimination before Matt runs in and tries to get an easy pin on Jay before he hits a shoulder breaker. Shane gets the tag and beats on Lethal before he goes for a German suplex and Jay counters and tags in Rush right after the referee accidentally gets taken out. Rush hits a snap German suplex and a shotgun dropkick before Matt low blows Lethal and hits a knee before Shane hits a running knee of his own for a near fall. Jeff sends Shane out of the ring and Matt hits Flight of the Conquer before Jay hits a springboard dropkick and Shane counters the Lethal Injection into a sit-out piledriver for the pin and the elimination. The four men left brawl before Jeff counters the Climax and hits a variation of Tour of the Islands before Rush and Matt exchange strikes and Rush drops Shane with a running forearm before Matt hits Rush with a chair for the disqualification and the elimination. Matt chokes Rush with a chair to the throat before Rush powers up to his feet and Matt quickly leaves the ring before Jeff hits a running powerslam to Shane. Shane rocks Jeff with a headbutt before Jeff hits a snap German suplex and Rush hits The Bull’s Horns for the pin, elimination and the win.

Winner: Rush, Jeff Cobb, Jay Lethal & Kenny King defeat Shane Taylor, Matt Taven and The Briscoes.

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