
MLW Fusion Episode 72 Results Teddy Hart vs MJF for the MLW World Middleweight Championship

The MLW World Middleweight Championship is on the line on this week’s episode of MLW Fusion!

-We’re told that Mance Warner has been arrested in New York to start the show.

Hijo de La Park vs Zenshi

They run the ropes and do several flips, landing on their feet when either hits a huricanrrana before Hijo hits a suicide dive and chops Zenshi at ringside before crotching him onto the railing. Zenshi goes for a huricanrrana, but Hijo catches him and slings him into the railing and powerbombs him onto the floor before tossing him back into the ring for a quick two count. Hijo hits a flurry of strikes into a flat liner and a release German suplex for a two count before setting Zenshi up top. Zenshi hits a springboard frankensteiner and a running shooting star press for a near fall before hitting a coast to coast dropkick across the ring for a near fall. Hijo hits a Mexican destroyer for a near fall before hitting a pop-up powerbomb, Zenshi getting a near fall off of a huricanrrana. Zenshi then hits Hijo with a brainbuster for the pin and the win.

Winner: Zenshi defeats El Hijo de La Park via pinfall with a brainbuster.

-After the match Hijo attacks Zenshi with a chair and dances.

-Low-Ki is interviewed about joining the MLW World Middleweight Championship and his sights on Teddy Hart before he’s asked about Contra Unit.

-We get a video package for Contra Unit ahead of Jacob’s MLW World Heavyweight Championship title defense.

-We get a vignette for the forthcoming Minoru Tanaka before Salina de la Renta and Jimmy Havoc are interviewed about putting Mance in prison.

-We get a video package for MLW War Chamber in which the rules are explained.

-Tom Lawlor and The Von Erichs cut a promo on Contra before we get a video package from Tom’s perspective for his title shot.

MLW World Middleweight Championship Match

Teddy Hart (c) vs MJF

Teddy rocks MJF with an uppercut and hits a lung blower before he gets distracted by Aria Blake at ringside briefly and stomps MJF in the corner. Teddy locks in a bear hug before hitting a sit-out powerbomb with MJF trapped in the ropes before he applies a hammer lock and hits a hammer lock DDT for a quick two count. MJF rolls out of the ring and uses Aria as a shield before MJF superkicks him and drops him throat first across the railing. MJF launches Teddy into the ring post and stomps Teddy once he’s back in the ring while yelling at the crowd before he chokes him in the corner. Teddy grabs his foot and locks in a heel hook, but MJF is quick to make it to the bottom rope for the break before MJF takes Teddy down and locks in a side headlock. MJF hits an exploder for a two count before Teddy hits a code red for a two count into a running Canadian destroyer and MJF immediately rolls out of the ring.

Teddy hits an Asai moonsault and a diving DDT into a shooting star elbow drop for a near fall before he goes for another one and MJF gets his knees up. MJF applies a sharpshooter before Teddy gets to the ropes and hits a twisting neckbreaker for a near fall before hitting the heat seeking driver for a third near fall. MJF then gets a near fall off of a low blow by Aria before she’s ejected and Teddy hits a diving Canadian Destroyer for the pin and the win.

Winner: Teddy Hart retains his MLW World Middleweight Championship by defeating MJF via pinfall with a diving Canadian destroyer.

-We end the show with a vignette for next week’s World Championship match as we go off the air.

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