
WWE 205 Live Results for 9/10/19 Drew Gulak & Tony Nese vs Humberto Carrillo & Lince Dorado

The Golden Linx teams up with the Mexican Superstar to take on The Submission Master and The Premiere Athlete!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for a huge tag team main event on tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

Akira Tozawa & The Brian Kendrick vs Jack Gallagher & KUSHIDA

Jack and Akira get things started off by grappling until Jack counters a PK and they exchange quick one counts before Brian gets the blind tag and sends Jack shoulder first into the ring post, sending Jack through the ropes and out of the ring before rolling him back into the ring for a quick two count. Akira and Brian double up on Jack for a two count before Akira chops Jack across the chest and drops him with a right hand before Brian hits a snap float over suplex for a two count. Akira and Brian isolate Jack until he gets the tag to KUSHIDA who drops both of his opponents and hits a cartwheel dropkick to both Kendrick and Tozawa. KUSHIDA hits a rolling DDT into an armbar before Akira breaks it up and hits a PK to the arm of Akira before Brian locks in The Captain’s Hook. KUSHIDA counters into a pin attempt before sending Brian out of the ring, but Brian pulls Jack from the apron before KUSHIDA can tag him in. KUSHIDA then drops both Brian and Akira with a back elbow before submitting Brian with the Hoverboard Lock.

Winner: KUSHIDA and Jack Gallagher defeat The Brian Kendrick and Akira Tozawa via submission when KUSHIDA submits Brian with The Hoverboard Lock.

-The Singh Brothers cut a promo about Bollywood and Akira Tozawa and The Brian Kendrick as we go to commercial.

Lince Dorado, Humberto Carrillo & Gran Metalik Ariya Daivari, Tony Nese & Drew Gulak

Tony and Lince start the match off before Tony, Drew and Ariya isolate Lince, chaining together offense and tags until Metalik gets the tag. Metalik sends Tony out of the ring and goes for a dive off of the apron before Tony turns him inside out with a shoulder block before Drew rips at his mask. Ariya gets a quick two count and locks in a rear chin lock before Drew rocks Metalik like a baby until he hits a power slam for a two count before Tony locks in a body scissors. Tony grapevines the legs of Metalik and keeps him from getting anywhere near his corner before Metalik comes back with a bulldog and tags in Humberto who hits several dropkicks. Humberto hits a standing moonsault and a springboard cross body before hitting a springboard roundhouse kick and a moonsault to the outside that takes everyone out before hitting a missile dropkick for a near fall. Everyone hits a move before Drew hits a falcon arrow for a near fall before Drew and Ariya hit a double suplex and Tony a 450 for a near fall before everyone hits a move and all six men collapse to the mat. Drew hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall and Humberto hits an enzuigiri before hitting a corkscrew moonsault to the outside and Lince hits a shooting star press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Lince Dorado, Gran Metalik and Humberto Carrillo defeat Drew Gulak, Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari via pinfall when Lince pins Drew with a shooting star press.

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