
WWE NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff Results Two Titles Change Hands, WALTER Remains NXT UK Champion

The NXT UK Championship is on the line today at 2PM EST when NXT UK takes over Cardiff!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff headlined by the NXT United Kingdom Championship Match between the champion and leader of Imperium WALTER defending against the big strong boy and one half of Moustache Mountain Tyler Bate!

-We open the show with a video package for all of the matches on today’s show.

Noam Dar vs Travis Banks

Dar backs Travis into the corner for a clean break and mocks him before Travis backs him up for second clean break. Dar goes for an ankle lock, but Travis kicks him away before Dar dodges a kick and offers to shake Travis’s hand before Travis drops him with a right hand. Travis kicks Dar and sends him out of the ring before hitting a PK from the apron and rolling Dar back into the ring for a quick two count before Dar crotches him on the top rope and clotheslines him off of it for a two count. Dar slams Travis into the ropes for a two count before he starts to focus on the left knee and shoulder of Travis until he comes back with a basement dropkick into a bridging German suplex for a two count. Travis misses a diving stomp, but hits a running uppercut in the corner and Dar goes for a cross face Travis reverses into one of his own and Dar rolls to the ropes for the break.

Dar slaps Travis and Travis his a roundhouse kick before he goes for a diving roundhouse, but Dar is ready and locks in a kneebar before Travis turns it into a figure four and they hit each other with slaps. Dar sends Travis out of ring and kicks him off of the apron before he does Kawada kicks and Travis hits a shotgun dropkick into a diving stomp for a near fall. Travis then hits a Slice of Heaven off of the barricade and another diving stomp for a near fall before hitting an enzuigiri and a shining wizard before Dar hits the Nova Roller for the pin and the win.

Winner: Noam Dar defeats Travis Banks via pinfall with the Nova Roller.

-We are told that Cesaro has issued an open challenge before Ilja Dragunov shows up and walks past him.

Ilja Dragunov vs Cesaro

Cesaro puts Ilja in several headlocks before he catches him and they dodges each others strikes before Cesaro drops Ilja with an uppercut and they exchange chops. Ilja drops Cesaro with a rolling chop and hits a senton for a quick two count before Cesaro tosses him out of the ring and into the barricade. Back in the ring Cesaro hits a scoop slam into a leg drop for a quick two count before hitting a back drop suplex and a big swing before hitting a clothesline. They exchange standing switches before Ilja hits a dead lift release German suplex and a suicide dive before hitting a missile dropkick for a near fall. Cesaro hits a GTS for a near fall before hitting a flying uppercut for another near fall and Ilja hits a DVD into the corner before hitting a high angle senton for a near fall.

Cesaro then hits a pop-up uppercut into the Neutralizer for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cesaro defeats Ilja Dragunov via pinfall with the Neutralizer.

-Cesaro then teases he’s going to attack Ilja after the match before he shakes his hand and leaves.

NXT UK Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Match

Grizzled Young Veterans (c) vs Mark Andrews & Flash Morgan Webster vs Gallus (Mark Coffey and Wolfgang)

Mark and Zack kick things off, Mark showing off his superior athleticism before Zack grounds the high flying Welshman and James comes in only to be double teamed for a quick two count. Wolfgang sends Mark out of the ring and hits James with right hands before James tags Flash in and Flash hits a pop up dropkick. All six men square off before it’s just Flash and Mark, Flash hitting a huricanrrana to Mark before Zack tags himself in and Flash hits him with an enzuigiri before Flash and Mark hit topes. Back in the ring GYV retake control of Flash and hit their signature backbreaker diving knee drop at ringside before James exchanges words with Wolfgang and hits Flash with a backbreaker for a two count. Zack tags himself in and tosses Mark Coffey out of the ring before Flash tags in Mark who hits both Zack and James with a flurry of strikes before Flash and Mark hit topes out of one side of the ring, then the other.

Mark hits a standing assisted 450 for a near fall that James breaks up before Mark Coffey takes out both Andrews and Flash before Wolfgang hits a slingshot into a Samson drop by Mark Coffey onto Mark Andrews for a near fall. Flash takes out Coffey with a diving cross body and Flash hits a bicycle knee into a reverse huricanrrana by Mark Andrews for a near fall before Zack crotches Mark Andrews on the top turnbuckle and Mark knocks Coffey off of the top before hitting a shooting star press onto everyone at ringside. Mark Andrews hits Zack with Stundog Millionaire before Flash hits a swanton for a very close near fall and GYV come back with Helter Skelter by Zack and a 450 by James for yet another near fall. Everyone hits a move until they collapse and Gallus take control, clearing the ring before Wolfgang throws Mark Coffey over the top rope and onto everyone at ringside before getting a near fall that Flash breaks up. Everyone gets in the ring and brawls until Flash hits Coffey with a Canadian destroyer and James and Zack hit Wolfgang with a variation of a doomsday device through the ropes.

GYV and Flash and Mark Andrews brawl before Mark hits a double Stundog Millionaire and Flash a 630 senton for a near fall that Zack breaks up by dragging James out of the ring. GYV then hit Flash with A Ticket to Mayhem for a near fall before Mark Andrews hits Zack with a shooting star press when he’s pinning Flash before rolling Flash over for the cover for the pin and the win.

Winner: Flash Morgan Webster and Mark Andrews become the new NXT UK Tag Team champions by defeating Grizzled Young Veterans and Gallus via pinfall when Flash pins Zack after Mark hits a shooting star press.

Last Man Standing Match

Dave Mastiff vs Joe Coffey

Dave runs at Joe who runs at him with a chain before they brawl on the ramp and get into the ring where Joe beats Dave down and focuses on his injured ribs. Dave whips Joe across the ring and knocks the top turnbuckle off in one corner before Joe counters a German suplex and goes for a diving move, but the ropes give way and he falls to the mat. Joe hits a suplex, but Dave is right back up and sends Joe out of the ring before Joe hits Dave with a pool cue and sets up a table against the barricade before Dave suplexes him onto the floor. Joe breaks the pool cue over the back of Dave and Dave hits Joe with a cricket bat before Joe sends Dave through the table he set up and Dave gets up at the count of eight before hitting Joe with a release German suplex onto the floor. Dave hits Joe with a chain and sets up a table of his own before they fight over the chain and Dave hits Into the Void to Joe through the table before Joe gets up at the count of eight and tries to escape to the sanctity of the NXT UK Universe.

Dave hits Joe with a chair and Joe punches the chair away before hitting All the Best for the Bells and they both get up at eight before they joust with chairs. They end up at the announce table before Dave hits a rolling senton onto the table and they go onto the stage above the announce desk and brawl until they fall off through a table set up by the stage. Joe then gets to his feet at the count of nine, kicking a case out from under Dave so he can’t get up in time for the win.

Winner: Joe Coffey defeats Dave Mastiff when he is the last man standing and Dave cannot answer the ten count.

-We see WALTER getting ready backstage before we see Teegan Knox in the crowd.

NXT UK Women’s Championship Match

Toni Storm (c) vs Kay Lee Ray

Kay immediately gets out of the ring and teases getting back into the ring several times before Toni hits a suicide dive and sends Kay into the barricade before rolling her back into the ring. Toni drops Kay with a clothesline and kicks and stomps her before Kay comes back with kicks of her own and locks in a stretch before hitting a front suplex for a quick two count. They slap each other until Toni hits a superkick into a clothesline and a German suplex into another clothesline before Kay counters Storm Zero and Toni hits a sunset driver for a two count. Toni hits Storm Zero for a near fall and Kay hits several superkicks into a Gory bomb for a near fall of her own before she sets Toni up on the top turnbuckle and Kay counters a super Storm Zero before Toni hits a release German suplex off of the top for a near fall, Kay getting her foot on the bottom rope before Toni hits a suicide dive. Kay hits a flipping senton and nearly lands on her head before they’re back in the ring and Kay hits a Gory bomb into the top rope and a third Gory bomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kay Lee Ray defeats Toni Storm via pinfall with a Gory bomb to become the new NXT UK Women’s champion.

NXT United Kingdom Championship Match

WALTER (c) vs Tyler Bate

WALTER backs Tyler into the corner for a clean break and Tyler starts kicking the legs of the champion before they have a test of strength that Tyler nearly gets pinned with several times. Tyler powers up to his feet and drives WALTER into the ropes for a clean break before rocking WALTER with punches and kicks until WALTER takes him down with a side headlock takeover. Tyler gets to his feet and WALTER takes him right back down to the mat before he gets up again and WALTER hits a shoulder block before they tease their finishers. Tyler hits a scoop slam and a shoulder block that sends WALTER out of the ring before dropkicking him several times when he’s back in the ring, Tyler hitting a huricanrrana and sending WALTER back out of the ring. WALTER catches Tyler when he goes for a suicide dive and powerbombs him onto the apron before booting him off of the apron and into the barricade.

Tyler is looked at by medical staff before he gets to his feet and back into the ring at the last second before WALTER hits a scoop slam and stomps Tyler down when he tries to mount any offense. WALTER locks in a sleeper before Tyler collapses when he goes for a DVD and WALTER elbows him in the wide or the head before locking in a choke, Tyler getting to the ropes for the break. WALTER traps Tyler in the ropes and hits him with clubbing blows before Tyler falls out of the ring and down onto the floor and WALTER stretches him when he gets back into the ring. Tyler counters a stock hold and WALTER hits a senton for a near fall before booting Tyler and chopping him, Tyler getting to his feet only for WALTER to lock in a stretch with Tyler bent across the top turnbuckle. Tyler suplexes WALTER off of the apron and down onto the floor before he rolls WALTER back into the ring and hits several sit-down sentons and diving headbutts.

Tyler hits a running uppercut in the corner before WALTER catches Tyler in midair with a chop and Tyler powers out of a Boston crab by WALTER before they counter suplexes until Tyler hits one. Tyler rocks WALTER with several clotheslines before hitting a rolling kick and a t-bone suplex into a standing shooting star for a near fall. WALTER counters the Tyler Driver ’97 several times before hitting a shotgun dropkick and Tyler counters a powerbomb into the Tyler Driver ’97 for a near fall and Tyler laboriously gets to the top turnbuckle before WALTER chops him down and Tyler rocks him with a jumping uppercut. Tyler snaps the fingers of WALTER before hitting a superplex for a near fall and they exchange chops and open handed palm strikes until Tyler falls and WALTER falls on top of him with all of his weight on Tyler’s back.  WALTER hits a t-bone suplex for a near fall and Tyler counters a powerbomb into an airplane spin before he hits a burning hammer and a suicide dive when WALTER rolls out of the ring. Tyler rolls WALTER back into the ring and hits a dead lift, bridging German suplex for a near fall before Tyler hits his finisher for a near fall and immediately follows up with a diving senton for another near fall.

Tyler overwhelms WALTER with strikes before he comes back with chops and locks in a choke before Tyler falls back and breaks it before WALTER goes right back to it and Tyler escapes over the ropes. WALTER chops Tyler in the back of the neck and suplexes him onto the apron before hitting a diving splash for a near fall and another suplex for a near fall. WALTER then powerbombs Tyler for a one count before WALTER chops him in the throat and turns him inside out with a lariat for the pin and the win.

Winner: WALTER retains his NXT United Kingdom Championship by defeating Tyler Bate via pinfall with a lariat.

-After the match WALTER celebrates with Imperium before they go to the back and Trent Seven and Pete Dunne console Tyler and British Strong Style hug as we go off the air.

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