
WWE NXT Results for 8/28/19 Street Profits vs Undisputed Era for the NXT Tag Team Championship

It’s an NXT Tag Team Championship Rematch tonight at 8pm EST on the WWE Network!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope your day has been a great one and you’re ready for tonight’s edition of NXT headlined by the NXT Tag Team Championship Rematch from NXT Takeover:Toronto II!

Io Shirai vs Cami Fields

Io immediately hits a running dropkick and plays to the crowd before hitting a running back elbow in the corner and a high knee before dropping her with a shotei. Io then hits running knees in the corner into a moonsault for a near fall that she herself breaks up and locks in the Harajuku clutch before Cami taps for the win.

Winner: Io Shirai defeats Cami Fields via submission with the Harajuku Clutch.

-Io grabs a kendo stick before Candice LeRae runs her off as we go to commercial.

Keith Lee vs Dominik Dijakovic

The two big men lock up before Dom rocks Keith with strikes and Keith drops him with a shoulder block before trapping him in the ropes and chopping him with both hands. Dom comes back with a boot that drops Keith and beats on him in a heap in the corner before Keith comes back with rolling forearms and a springboard cross body for a two count. Keith hits a lariat for a near fall that turns Dom inside out before hitting a uranage onto the edge of the apron and Dom drops him off of the apron with a superkick before hitting a corkscrew senton over the top rope. Keith catches Dom in midair before Dom hits a suplex and a moonsault for a near fall before Keith hits a Spanish fly from the top for a very close near fall. Keith then gets caught up top before Dom hits Feast Your Eyes for the pin and the win.

Winner: Dominik Dijakovic defeats Keith Lee via pinfall with Feast Your Eyes.

-We return from commercial to an extended video package showcasing the NXT career of Johnny Gargano.

-NXT Women’s champion Shayna Baszler and the other Horsewomen come out to the ring before they’re interrupted by NXT UK’s former Women’s champion Rhea Ripley who says that Shayna had beaten everyone but her before they leave her in the ring.

-We then get an extended video package for Pete Dunne where he talks about his goals and why he’s come back to NXT proper.

-The NXT Championship match between Adam Cole and Jordan Myles as well as Velveteen Dream and Kona Reeves is announced for next week’s show.

NXT Tag Team Championship Match

Street Profits (c) vs Undisputed Era

Bobby and Ford start the match off Kyle comes in and locks in a headlock before keeping the high flying Ford grounded with chain grappling and various submissions. Angelo gets the tag and hits a spinebuster before taking Kyle down to the mat and SP hit a double flap jack into an assisted splash for a two count. Bobby comes in and Ford hits him with an enzuigiri and a slingshot forearm before Bobby drops Ford with a back elbow and Kyle kicks him in the corner. UE isolate Ford in their half off the ring and cut him off from Dawkins while focusing on his leg until Ford comes back and Angelo sends Kyle out of the ring by launching Bobby into him. Angelo hits a spear to Bobby for a two count and hits a half and half suplex after Kyle gets the blind tag and UE hit Chase the Dragon for a near fall.

Kyle locks in a kneebar that Ford breaks up before everyone hits a move and Kyle locks in a triangle before Angelo hits a buckle bomb to get free. SP then get a near fall before Bobby pulls Kyle out of the ring and Ford misses a frog splash before UE hit High Low for the pin and the win.

Winner: Undisputed Era defeat the Street Profits via pinfall when they pin Montez with High Low to become the new NXT Tag Team champions.

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