
WWE 205 Live Results for 8/20/19 Ten Man Tag Team Match Captained by Gulak & Lorcan

The Boston Brawler and the Master of the Submission select teams for a huge ten man main event match!

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Captain’s Challenge Ten Man Elimination Tag Team Match

Team Gulak (Drew Gulak, Ariya Daivari, Angel Garza, Tony Nese & Mike Kanellis) vs Team Lorcan (Oney Lorcan, Jack Gallagher, Akira Tozawa, Humberto Carrillo & Isaiah Scott)

All ten men square off and exchange strikes until team Oney clears the ring and everyone besides Jack hit a Mary Poppins dive. Oney and Drew kick things off by grappling before Oney backs Drew into the corner and Scott gets the tag, dropping the Cruiserweight champion several times before Drew tags in Angel. Angel gets hit with an arm drag and Scott tags in Humberto, the cousins mirroring each other and doing flips until Angel shakes Humberto’s hand and whips him into the corner. Team Gulak isolate Humberto in their half of the ring, chaining together tags and offense all the while mocking Oney and the rest of his team. Akira comes in and locks in an octopus stretch on Mike before Mike comes back with a DDT and eliminates Akira before Jack knocks him out with a headbutt and eliminates him.

Tony comes in and eliminates Jack off of a distraction by Ariya before Tony and Scott go back and forth until Scott hits some unique offense and gets a near fall. Tony drops Scott with a back elbow and Angel hits a leg drop before dropping Scott with a kick for a two count and locking in a rear chin lock as we see cut to the back to Jack, Akira and Brian Kendrick arguing until Jack leaves. We return to the camera feed in the ring with Tony having Scott in a stretching hole before dropping him and tagging Angel back in, Scott taking them both out before Angel yanks him down from the apron and sends him face first into it. Ariya comes into the match for the first time and whips Scott into the corner sternum first for a two count before Drew focuses on joint manipulation and Angel applies a hammer lock before transitioning into an abdominal stretch. Scott fights his way free and exchanges strikes with Angel before Scott hits a discus lariat and Oney gets the blind tag before Tony hits a jumping stomp for a near fall.

They counter each other until Oney hits a half and half to eliminate Tony before Angel comes in and Oney tags Humberto in, Humberto hitting a standing moonsault for a two count before he and Scott hit a double hip toss into superkicks. Scott takes out Drew from the apron and hits a diving stomp to Ariya before rocking Angel with a kick and a diving stomp to Angel for a near fall that Drew breaks up. Ariya distracts Scott before Drew hits a reverse spinning neckbreaker for the pin and the elimination to Scott before Humberto comes in and he exchanges strikes with his cousin. Angel superkicks Humberto when he’s upside down for a two count before Ariya hits a neckbreaker for another two count and locking in a side headlock. Team Gulak do everything they can to keep Humberto from tagging in Oney until he finally gets the tag and takes down Gulak, Garza and Daivari with chops before hitting Ariya and Angel with a double blockbuster.

Oney hits a tope and tosses Drew over the announce table before Drew hits him with a chair and eliminates himself via disqualification before Angel crotches Humberto on the top and Ariya slams him down before Humberto hits a springboard headbutt and tags in Oney. Oney chops Ariya and nearly knocks him out of the ring before hitting running back elbows and Ariya catches him with a superkick. Ariya misses a diving splash and they counter each other’s finishers before Oney rolls him up for the pin and the elimination. Angel gets a near fall off of a diving cross body before Angel gets a near fall off of a leverage pin and Humberto rolls him up for a very close near fall. Angel gets a near fall before Humberto hits an enzuigiri and a missile dropkick into an Arabian press for the pin, elimination and the win for his team.

Winner: Team Lorcan defeats Team Gulak when Humberto Carrillo pins Angel Garza with an Arabian press.

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