
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 8/9/19 Episode #412 Huge Eight-Man Main Event Match!

Lifeblood and Villain Enterprises continue their heated rivalry in a eight man tag team match in this week’s main event!

-We get a recap of Dragon Lee’s victory over Jonathan Gresham at Manhattan Mayhem before we see Lee and Jon being interviewed about their match, careers and more before we see the Shinobi Shadow Squad training at a wrestling school.

-Karissa Rivera is interviewed backstage where she talks about how Kelly Klein has never faced her in the ring.

The Soldiers of Savagery vs Local Team

Moses and Kaun immediately attack their opponents and send one of them out of the ring before Kaun drops the other with an elbow and Moses sends the one on the outside into the ring post. SOS then hit the opponent left in the ring with a double chokeslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Soldiers of Savagery defeat a local tag team via pinfall with a double chokeslam.

-We get a video recapping the recent ROH Tag Team Championship Match between the champions The Briscoes and The Bouncers in which Jay and Mark retained at Mass Hysteria.

Villain Enterprises vs PJ Black & Lifeblood (Bandido, Mark Haskins & Tracy Williams) 

Marty and Tracy lock up to start the match, the two exchanging waist locks and wrist locks before Tracy ducks a clothesline and takes Marty down to the mat. All eight men get in the ring and square off before the referee regains order and Bandido comes in, hitting Marty with a huricanrrana before dropkicking him. Flip comes in and just gives Bandido the finger before tagging in Brody who chops Bandido and hits an arm drag. Tracy comes in and hits Brody with a missile dropkick before Brody rolls out of the ring and Tracy hits a wrecking ball dropkick that sends Brody into the railing. PCO takes out everyone at ringside with a moonsault and Bandido hits PCO with a sunset flip powerbomb onto the apron.

Brody and Mark go at it in the ring before Brody powerbombs Mark for a near fall and PJ hits a diving stomp before Mark superkicks him and Bandido hits the 21-plex. PJ then hits a springboard 450 for the pin and the win. 

Winner: PJ Black & Lifeblood defeat Villain Enterprises when PJ pins Brody with a springboard 450.

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