
WWE NXT Results for 8/14/19 NXT Breakout Tournament Finals

The inaugural NXT Breakout Tournament comes to a close tonight at 8pm EST!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT headlined by the finals of the first ever NXT Breakout Tournament.

-We open the show with a video package recapping NXT Takeover: Toronto II.

Breezango vs Forgotten Sons (Steve Cutler & Wesley Blake) w/Jaxson Ryker

Steve and Fandango start the match off, Fan sending Steve out of the ring before Tyler gets the tag and hits a diving clothesline off of the apron and a back body drop onto the floor. Blake gets the tag and drops Fandango off of the distraction by Jaxson before hitting a jumping knee drop and an xplex for a two count. Fan fights off both of FS, but Jaxson keeps Fan from tagging in Tyler and tanks Tyler from the apron before the referee bares him from ringside. Fandango hits a powerslam to both Blake and Cutler before hitting a tornado DDT and Blake hits a lariat before setting Fandango in his corner. Tyler breaks up a near fall when FS hit a frankensteiner into a diving splash for a near fall before Breezango clear the ring and Fandango hits a tope to the outside before hitting a slingshot elbow drop off of a back stabber from Tyler for the pin and the win.

Winner: Breezango defeat the Forgotten Sons via pinfall.

-We get a video package for the North American Championship match from this past weekend where Velveteen Dream retained his title in a triple threat match against Pete Dunne and Roderick Strong.

-Pete Dunne is interviewed after the match where he says that he would have won the belt if it weren’t for Dream and that he’ll take the belt from Dream no matter what it takes.

-We get a video package recapping the NXT Breakout Tournament in its entirety before the finals between Cameron Grimes and Jordan Myles.

-Undisputed Era complain about their loss in the NXT Tag Team Championship match where they lost to the Street Profits before we get a video package for Io Shirai.

-We get a video recapping the NXT Women’s Championship match where Shayna Baszler retained against Mia Yim before we get one recapping the NXT Championship match in which Adam Cole retained against Johnny Gargano when he beat him in a two out of three falls match.

Matt Riddle versus Killian Dain is announced for next week’s show.

NXT Breakout Tournament Finals Match

Cameron Grimes vs Jordan Myles

 Cameron locks in a waist lock before applying a rear chin lock and drops Jordan with a shoulder block before Jordan dropkicks his knee for a quick two count. Jordan hits a dragon screw for a quick two count and kicks the leg of Cameron before they end up outside and Cameron hits a superman forearm before rolling Jordan back into the ring. Cameron stomps Jordan in the corner and takes his eyes before sending him into the second turnbuckle for a two count before clotheslining him and locking in a straight armbar. Jordan hits another dragon screw and rocks him with punches before flipping and hitting a basement dropkick into a PK from the apron. Jordan rolls Cameron back into the ring and hits a diving cross body for a near fall before Cameron hits an xplex for a near fall. Jordan hits a backbreaker into a German suplex for a near fall before Cameron hits a Spanish fly for a near fall and beats on Jordan before Cameron tweaks his knee and hits a superkick. Jordan then hits a brainbuster into a 450 for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordan Myles defeats Cameron Grimes via pinfall with a 450 splash to win the NXT Breakout Tournament and an NXT Championship title shot.

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