
WWE NXT UK Results for 8/14/19 Ilja Dragunov vs Kassius Ohno

The Russian Dragon takes on the Knockout Artist at 3pm EST exclusively on the WWE network!

Welcome to todays live coverage for WWE NXT UK! We hope you enjoy the show and I’ll see you tonight at 8pm for the flagship NXT!

Flash Morgan Webster vs Mark Coffey

Flash gets a quick one count off of a sunset flip before sending Mark out of the ring, but misses a springboard cross body and Mark tries to bait Mark into hitting him at ringside. Back in the ring Mark whips Flash across the ring and hits a belly to belly for a quick two count before Mark slams Flash who lands awkwardly for another quick two count. Mark distracts himself with Mark before Flash hits a suicide dive and a moonsault once they’re back inside for a two count, Mark hitting a chokeslam for a near fall. Flash rocks Mark with a bicycle knee and misses a flipping senton before Mark takes out Wolfgang at ringside and Mark takes him out. Flash then pins Mark with an inside cradle for the pin and the win.

Winner: Flash Morgan Webster defeats Mark Coffey via pinfall with an inside cradle.

Toni Storm is interviewed where just says that she’ll be ready for Kay Lee Ray at NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff. We then see Jordan Devlin being interviewed before Rhea Ripley and Piper Niven brawl next to him until they’re separated by officials.

Kenny Williams vs Travis Banks

They dodge each other before taking each other down and Kenny drops Travis with a flying back elbow for a quick two count. Travis chops Kenny and kicks his legs before hitting a snapmare into a PK and they dodge each other’s topes until Travis lands a suicide dive and a diving stomp once they’re back in the ring for a near fall. Kenny hits a one percent for a near fall and drops Travis with a lariat and sends him off of the apron with a back elbow. Kenny then hits a suicide dive into a diving uppercut for a near fall before Travis hits the Kiwi Crusher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Travis Banks defeats Kenny Williams via pinfall with the Kiwi Crusher

Nina Samuels vs Isla Dawn

They go back and forth before Nina puts Isla on a straight jacket and Isla comes back with a dropkick before Isla drops Nina again with a high knee for a two count. Nina hits a diving cross body for a two count before Isla comes back with a kick into a bridging German suplex for a near fall before Nina rocks her with a forearm and hits an ushigaroshi for the pin and the win.

Winner: Nina Samuels defeats Isla Dawn via pinfall with an ushigaroshi.

-It’s announced that Joe Coffey and Dave Mastiff will rematch at NXT UK Takeover:Cardiff in a last man standing match.

-We get a video of Walter’s wrestling school where we see how hard he is on his students, brutalizing them to send a message to Tyler Bate.

-The Hunt versus Imperium’s Barthel and Aichner.

Ilja Dragunov vs Kassius Ohno

They lock up to start the match before exchanging ilja locks in a headlock and a cravat before ilja drops Ohno with a knee and hits a running senton. Ilja applies a cravat before Ohno sends his arm into the ring post and sends ilja throat first into the bottom rope. Ohno focuses on the injured arm of ilja before nearly knocking him out with a boot and hitting a neckbreaker for a two count. Ohno goes for a hammer lock suplex before ilja reverses into a suplex of his own and wrenches Ohno down to the mat before hitting several running clotheslines. Ilja ducks a discus elbow by Ohno and hits a 619 lariat before Ohno stomps his hand and hits a flipping side slam for a near fall.

Ilja rocks Ohno with an enzuigiri before ilja hits a release German suplex and a suicide dive before tossing Ohno back into the ring. Ilja hits a coast to coast dropkick for a near fall before Ohno catches him on the top turnbuckle and ilja hits a sit-out powerbomb for a very close near fall. Ohno shields himself with the referee and sends ilja into the ring post before knocking him out with a discus elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kassius Ohno defeats ilja Dragunov via pinfall with a discus elbow.

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