
MLW Fusion Episode 69 Results Davey Boy Smith Jr. vs Timothy Thatcher

The muscle of the Hart Foundation takes on the Submission Magician and the Von Erichs take on the Spirit Squad!

Low-Ki vs Jimmy Yuta

Jimmy backs Low-Ki into the corner for a clean break before Low-Ki knocks Jimmy out with a boot for the referee stoppage win.

Winner: Low-Ki defeats Jimmy Yuta via referee stoppage.

-We get a video package MLW War Chamber and a video package recapping the chaos Mance Warner has caused for Promociones Dorado the past several weeks before we get a promo by Dynasty.

The Von Erichs vs The Spirit Squad

Ross and Marshall go right after Mike and Kenny as soon as the match starts before dropkicking them out of the ring and toss them back into the ring before Marshall takes out both Mike and Kenny with a powerslam and a lariat. The Von Erichs then win with a claw suplex for the pin and the win in a matter of moments.

Winner: The Von Erichs defeat the Spirit Squad via pinfall with a claw suplex combination.

-Contra Unit come out after the match and brawl with the Von Erichs before a mysterious man sprays mist in the eyes of Marshall, temporarily blinding him before everyone is separated and Marshall is helped to the back.

Gringo Loco vs Zenshi

They kick things off by countering each other and several flips before Zenshi hits a sunset flip into a roll up for a few two counts. Zenshi sends Loco out of the ring and hits a twisting senton from the apron before they’re back into the ring and hits a 450 for a near fall. Loco then catches Zenshi in midair and hits a tombstone for the pin and the win.

Winner: Gringo Loco defeats Zenshi via pinfall with a tombstone piledriver.

Timothy Thatcher vs Davey Boy Smith Jr.

They lock up to start the match before Davey takes Tim down and Tim counters into a pin attempt for a quick two count before they get to their feet and Davey takes Tim back down with a side headlock takeover. Tim counters into head scissor before they get back to their feet and shake hands before Tim takes Davey down. Davey starts focusing on the arm of Tim until Tim locks in a single leg Boston crab and Davey kicks him away. Davey kicks Tim’s legs several times before Tim locks in a heel hook and Davey kicks him in the face before Tim hits a belly to belly and snaps the leg of Davey before locking in another heel hook. They go back and forth until Davey locks in a sharpshooter and Tim gets to the ropes right before tapping, the crowd erupting as both men collapse onto the mat. They exchange strikes until Davey gets a near fall off of a back slide and the two get a series of pin attempts until they decide to strike again until Davey hits a German suplex.

Tim comes back with two German suplexes of his own before hitting a Tiger suplex for a near fall, Davey kicking him in the chest several times before Tim goes for a double wrist lock. Tim transitions from the double wrist lock to an armbar and a triangle before Davey powers out and powerbombs Tim to get free. Davey then locks in a cross face submission for the tap and the win.

Winner: Davey Boy Smith Jr. defeats Timothy Thatcher via submission with a cross face.

-Davey is then interviewed after the match by his sister where he says that he’s coming for Alexander Hammerstone and that she can keep dating him if she wants to as we go off the air.

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