
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 8/2/19 Impact Tag Team Championship Match

The Diamond of Profesional Wrestling looks to take out every member of OvE one by one tonight at 10pm EST after Unbreakable on Twitch TV!

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Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Unbreakable and are ready for IMPACT proper on Twitch TV! We hope you have a great weekend and I’ll see you back here Tuesday night with Smackdown! Live!

-We open tonight’s show with a recap of last week’s including Tessa Blanchard laying out Sami Callihan.

X-Division Championship Number One Contender Match

Wentz vs Aiden Prince vs Rohit Raju vs Chuck Mambo vs Cody Deaner vs Petey Williams

Rohit and Cody brawl as everyone else rolls out of the ring and watch before they tumble out of the ring and Chuck and Aiden come in, Aiden hitting a huricanrrana before Wentz comes in and clears the ring. Petey hits Wentz with a huricanrrana and teases a Canadian destroyer before Petey applies a sharpshooter and Cody rocks Rohit with right hands before Petey hits a slingshot code breaker that sends Rohit out of the ring. Cody gives Petey a Canadian flag and he and Petey hit suicide dives before Wentz superkicks Rohit and uses him as a step ladder to hit a tope to the outside and take everyone else out as we go to commercial. Cody rocks Rohit and clotheslines him before Mambo hits a springboard dropkick and Aiden kicks him out of the ring before Wentz gets a near fall off of a hand spring high knee. Wentz hits a springboard cutter before Petey hits a Canadian destroyer for a near fall and Rohit misses a cannonball before Cody DDTs him and everyone hits a move until Aiden hits a 450 on Cody for the pin and the win.

Winner: Aiden Prince defeats Cody Deaner, Wentz, Petey Williams, Rohit Raju and Chuck Mambo when he pins Cody with a 450 to gain a future shot at the X-Division Championship.

-Sami Callihan cuts a promo backstage ahead of Madman Fulton’s match against Tessa Blanchard.

-Tessa Blanchard meets with Rich Swann, Rich warning her about how dangerous Madman Fulton is and offers her his help before she turns him down.

Havok vs John E. Bravo w/Taya Valkyrie

John bends down and kisses the hand of Havok before she knees him in the face and hits a running clothesline in the corner before tossing him across the ring and chokeslamming him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Havok defeats John E. Bravo via pinfall with a chokeslam.

-Su Yung shows up on the screen and speaks for the very first time.

-Ethan Page tries to calm Josh Alexander down ahead of their title defense against The Rascalz in tonight’s main event.

Stone Rockwell vs Ace Austin

Ace attacks Stone before the match starts and Stone hits a scoop slam into a sliding lariat before he catches Ace in midair and slams him to the mat. Stone hits a spinning uranage backbreaker into a running senton before Ace hits The Fold for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ace Austin defeats Stone Rockwell via pinfall with The Fold.

-Eddie Edwards then attacks Ace after the match in retaliation for Ace trying to pick up Alissa last week before we see Madison Rayne walk into the locker room when Tessa is getting ready, but Tessa wants nothing to do with her.

-Alissa and Eddie argue backstage before she leaves and we see a scene from the break where Moose attacked Stone Rockwell. Moose then attacks Stone again before he’s interrupted by Fallah Bahh, Moose mocking him before inviting him into the ring for a match.

Moose vs Fallah Bahh

Moose stomps Bahh whenever he tries to get into the ring before Bahh sends him into the ring post and hits a running splash in the corner into a running hip attack and a sit-down splash for the pin and the win

Winner: Fallah Bahh defeats Moose via pinfall with a sit-down splash.

Tessa Blanchard vs Madman Fulton w/Sami Callihan

Tessa dodges Fulton and hits him with forearms before he tosses her into the corner and she goes for the Magnum, but he counters before she counters and he hits a dead lift chokeslam. Tessa rolls out of the ring and Sami mocks her before Fulton drags her back into the ring by her hair and suplexes her from the apron into the ring. Tessa slaps Fulton and gives him a thumbs down before he locks in a bear hug and she pulls out one of his dreadlocks before he slams her down and misses a running senton. Tessa rocks Fulton with strikes before he drops her with a boot and Sami tosses a chair into the ring before demanding that Fulton kill her before Tommy Dreamer attacks him. Fulton then goes to chokeslam Tommy before Tessa wears a kendo stick out on him and she and Tommy clear the ring.

Winner: No Contest.

-We get a recap of Rhyno attacking Michael Elgin last week before Michael cuts a promo backstage, setting up a match between the two at Bound for Glory.

-We get an IMPACT Plus Flashback match featuring the Motor City Machine Guns and Generation Me who would go on to become The Young Bucks.

-Jimmy Jacobs tries to get an interview with Brian Cage at his home before he’s turned away as we go to commercial.

-Rhyno cute a promo backstage about Michael Elgin before Jake Crist and Aiden Prince for the X-Division Championship is announced for next week’s show.

IMPACT Tag Team Title Match

The North (c) vs The Rascalz

Josh and Trey kick things off with Josh taking Trey down repeatedly, showing off his superior grappling skills before Trey shows off his superior athleticism and speed. Trey hits a springboard arm drag to Ethan into a dropkick before tagging in Dez who hits a running swanton for a two count and kicks Ethan in the corner before The Rascalz cut the ring in half and double up on Ethan for a near fall. Josh takes out both of the Rascalz and sends Dez out of the ring before hitting Trey with a blue thunder bomb for a near fall before Dez and Ethan get tagged and Dez sends Josh into Ethan before sending Josh out of the ring and hitting Ethan with a moonsault before hitting a tope to the outside as we go to commercial.

Josh gets the blind tag and the Rascalz hit him with a flurry of moves for a near fall before Ethan hits a running powerslam onto the floor with Dez and Josh starts to focus on the foot and ankle of Trey to keep him grounded. Josh locks in an ankle lock before Trey sends him into the turnbuckle and Josh catches him up top before Trey hits cheeky nandos into a 619 and Josh hits a sit-out backbreaker for a near fall. Josh applies a backbreaker and Ethan hits a variation of a burning hammer for a near fall that Dez breaks up before all four men exchange strikes until Josh catches both Trey and Dez and hits a double powerslam for a near fall. Josh piles the Rascalz on top of each other before missing a moonsault and they hit a double 619 before Dez hits a meteora and Ethan pulls the referee out of the ring for a near fall before Dez hits a suicide dive and Ethan takes him out. The North then hit a cutter into a release German suplex and double Styles clash for the pin and the win.

Winner: The North retain their IMPACT Tag Team titles by defeating The Rascalz via pinfall when they hit Trey with a double Styles clash.

-We end the show with The North fighting off a attack by Ortiz before Daga evens the odds as we go off the air.

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