
NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 12 Results: Chaos Members Meet In The Main Event, Plus Suzuki-Gun Members Collide In Tag Action!

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 12. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

NJPW G1 Climax 29 B Block

Hirooki Goto def. Tomohiro Ishii

Jay White def. Taichi

Tetsuya Naito def. Juice Robinson

Toru Yano def. Jon Moxley

Jeff Cobb def. Shingo Takagi

Non-Tournament Matches

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & Yoshi-Hashi) def. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi)

Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Homna & Toa Henare def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & Ren Narita

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.) def. Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) def. Kenta, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks

Kenta, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens)

The match begins with Connors scoring a takedown on Takahashi before wrenching away on his arm, Takahashi gets free and he nails Connors with a few strikes. Connors recovers and he nails Takahashi with a shoulder tackle followed by a slam, Connors then drops Takahashi with a hip toss for a near fall. Connors looks for a suplex and Takahashi bites his hand to get free, Connors misses a drop kick and Takahashi nails one of his own. A brawl breaks out between both teams and it spills all over the place, Takahashi gets Connors in the ring before tagging Owens in. Owens uses a slingshot to propel Connors into the bottom rope, Owens drops Connors before landing an elbow drop. Fale tags in and he stands on the back of a downed Connors, Fale traps Connors in the corner while landing clothesline smashes. Takahashi tags in and he nails a swinging Connors with a thrust kick, Connors then nails a charging Takahashi with a drop kick.

Kenta tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team, Kenta nails a charging Takahashi with a power slam for a near fall. Fale hits the ring and Kenta uses a drop kick to knock him out of the ring, Takahashi drops Kenta before landing a drop kick. Fredericks and Owens get tagged in by their respective partners, Fredericks drops a charging Owens wit a drop kick. Fredericks then hits Owens with a hip toss and elbow drop for a near fall, Takahashi interferes and he attacks Fredericks as he gets Owens in a single leg crab. Fredericks then hits a charging Takahashi with a spine buster, Owens recovers and he nails Fredericks with a Jewel Heist for a near fall. Connors hits the ring and Takahashi nails him with a clothesline, Fredericks shocks Owens with a roll up before eating a knee strike. Owens then hits Fredericks with a package pile driver for a three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens)

Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

The match begins with Suzuki and Sabre Jr attacking Kanemaru and Archer during their entrance, the four pack of competitors brawls all over the arena. Suzuki and Kanemaru brawl in the aisle while Archer and Sabre Jr battle in the ring, Sabre Jr attacks Archer with European uppercuts before getting dropped with a chop. Archer then drops a charging Sabre Jr with a shoulder block, Suzuki interferes and he catches Archer in a rope assisted arm bar. Kanemaru and Suzuki continue their brawl while Archer and Sabre Jr also battle on the arena floor, Suzuki grabs a bunch of chairs and he attacks Kanemaru with them. Archer and Sabre Jr eventually get back in the ring and Sabre Jr gets Archer in the octopus stretch, Archer gets free and Sabre Jr goes for a guillotine choke. Archer gets free and Sabre Jr nails him with an overhead kick to the arm, Archer nails Sabre Jr with a Derailer before tagging Kanemaru in.

Sabre Jr quickly gets Kanemaru in an abdominal stretch and Archer breaks it up, Archer and Suzuki battle in the ring. Kanemaru nails Sabre Jr with a reverse DDT for a near fall, Kanemaru misses Deep Impact and Sabre Jr rolls him up for a near fall. Sabre Jr catches Kanemaru in a second roll up for a three count.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Minoru Suzuki & Zack Sabre Jr.)

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & Ren Narita vs. Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Homna & Toa Henare

The match begins with Narita attacking Homna with a series of strikes, Narita eventually drops Homna with a shoulder tackle. Umino taga sin and he double teams Homna with Narita for a near fall, Henare tags in and he has a striking exchange with Umino. Henare eventually drops Umino with a shoulder tackle, Henare picks up Umino and attacks him with chops. Ibushi tags in and he drops a swinging Umino with some strikes of his own, Homna tags in as Umino gets triple teamed in the corner. Homna drops Umino before landing a falling headbutt, Homna then drops a charging Umino with a back elbow strike for a near fall. Umino recovers and nails Homna with a suplex, Tanahashi tags in and he cleans house against the opposing team. Tanahashi misses an elbow drop and Homna nails him with a falling headbutt, Ibushi tags in and he drops Tanahashi before landing a standing moonsault for a neaf fall. Tanahashi recovers and nails Ibushi with a dragon screw leg whip, Ibushi recovers and nails Tanahashi with a head kick.

Henare and Narita get tagged in by their respective partners, Narita backs Henare into the corner while landing a bunch of strikes. Henare traps the arms of Narita while landing headbutts and a clothesline, Henare nails Narita with Rampage for a near fall. Tanahashi gets in the ring and Ibushi nails him with a double stomp, Narita catches Henare in a roll up for a near fall. Henare nails Narita with a uranage for a three count.

Winners: Kota Ibushi, Tomoaki Homna & Toa Henare

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi)

The match begins with Evil kicking Ospreay and getting him in a headlock, Ospreay gets free and he nails Evil with hurricarana before faking a suicide dive. Ospreay nails a returning Evil with more strikes before landing a standing shooting star press for a near fall, Evil uses a referee distraction to nail Ospreay with a thrust kick. A brawl breaks out between both teams and some of that brawl takes place on the arena floor, Evil drops Ospreay with a neck breaker for a near fall. Sanada tags in and he attacks the injured neck of Ospreay with some strikes, Sanada nails Ospreay with a neck breaker before tagging Bushi in. Bushi nails Ospreay with a neck breaker before tagging Evil in, Evil corners Ospreay before landing a running clothesline. Evil looks for a suplex and Ospreay counters with a stunner, Okada and Sanada get tagged in by their respective partners and Okada cleans house against the opposing team. Okada nails Sanada with a DDT for a near fall, Okada goes to the top rope and he nails Sanada with a cross body block.

Sanada recovers and he looks for Skull End and Okada gets free to land a flapjack, Yoshi-Hashi tags in and Sanada drops kicks him in the knee. Bushi tags in and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with a missile drop kick, LIJ triple teams Yoshi-Hashi before landing a triple drop kick for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi recovers and nails Bushi with a clothesline for a near fall, Yoshi-Hashi gets Bushi in a butterfly lock and Sanada breaks it up. Okada hits the ring and he nails Sanada with a drop kick, Ospreay then hits Evil with a springboard forearm strike. Bushi returns and he nails Yoshi-Hashi with an enzaguri, Yoshi-Hashi recovers and he catches Bushi in a butterfly lock to force a tap out.

Winners: Chaos (Kazuchika Okada, Will Ospreay & Yoshi-Hashi)

NJPW G1 Climax 29 B Block
Jeff Cobb vs. Shingo Takagi

The match begins with Takagi nailing Cobb with a knee strike to the midsection, Takagi fails at dropping Cobb with some shoulder tackles. Takagi drops Cobb and Cobb recovers to nail him with a drop kick, Cobb then knocks Takagi to the ring apron after landing a wrist clutch suplex. Takagi gets to the arena floor before chop blocking the knees of Cobb, Takagi gets Cobb in the ring and he lands a second chop block. Takagi holds Cobb down while pulling back on his leg, Cobb gets free and Takagi immediately nails him with a few strikes. Cobb recovers and nails Takagi with an overhead release suplex, Cobb then hits a cornered Takagi with a few strikes. Cobb would then nail Takagi with a spinning back suplex and a standing moonsault for a near fall, Cobb sets up for a power bomb and Takagi counters with a back body drop. Takagi then nails Cobb with a back suplex before landing multiple running clotheslines in the corner, Takagi places Cobb on the top rope and he follows him up there.

Takagi nails Cobb with a superplex, Takagi looks for a clothesline and winds up exchanging exploder suplexes with Cobb. Takagi and Cobb also exchange clotheslines in the middle of the ring, Takagi ends the exchange by dropping Cobb with a Pumping Bomber for a near fall. Takagi escapes the grasp of Cobb to land a Guerrero Special for a near fall, Takagi nails Cobb with another Pumping Bomber for a near fall. Takagi goes for Made In Japan and Cobb counters by landing a clothesline, Takagi fights back and Cobb nails him with a power bomb for a near fall. Takagi recovers and he nails Cobb with a crucifix bomb, Takagi follows up by landing Made In Japan for a near fall. Takagi looks for the Pumping Bomber and Cobb lands a release German suplex, Cobb then hits Takagi with a Tour Of The Islands for a three count.

Winner: Jeff Cobb

NJPW G1 Climax 29 B Block
Toru Yano vs. Jon Moxley

The match begins with Yano shooting water into the face of Moxley, Moxley chases Yano into the ring and Yano tries apologizing. Yano goes for a low blow and Moxley blocks it, Yano offers Moxley a DVD and the inside of the case is filled with money. Moxley kicks it away before nailing Yano with a few strikes, Moxley knocks Yano out of the ring after nailing him with a slap. Moxley follows him out of the ring and Yano throws him into the barricade, Moxley fights back and he throws Yano into the barricade. Yano recovers and he nails Moxley with an inverted atomic drop, Moxley grabs Yano’s tape and he tapes him to the barricade. Yano makes it back into the ring and both competitors go for hair pulls, Moxley and Yano pull off turnbuckle pads and they swing them at each other. Yano catches Moxley with a low blow and roll up for a near fall, Moxley recovers and he sends Yano into the exposed corner. Moxley uses a running knee strike to knock Yano out of the ring, Moxley then sets a table up near the crowd.

Moxley grabs Yano and he smashes him face first into the table, Yano recovers to low blow a charging Moxley and Shota Umino. Yano tapes Moxley and Umino together before getting back in the ring, Moxley fails to beat the count and the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Toru Yano, by count out

NJPW G1 Climax 29 B Block
Juice Robinson vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match begins with an impatient Naito jumping Robinson as he was preparing in the corner, Naito drops Robinson and stomps away on him. Robinson chokes Naito until the referee breaks it up, Robinson then takes Naito down with a few arm drags before using a clothesline to knock him out of the ring. Robinson follows Naito out of the ring and Naito nails him with a neck breaker on the arena floor, Naito then nails Robinson with a drop kick. Naito then nails a seated Robinson with a running drop kick to the back, Naito follows that up by throwing Robinson into the barricade. Robinson gets back in the ring and Naito nails him with a series of strikes, Naito drops Robinson before landing a slingshot drop kick. Naito slows things down by holding Robinson in a sleeper hold before applying a modified full nelson, Naito releases the hold and he nails Robinson with a neck breaker for a near fall. Robinson fights back and Naito nails him with Robinson’s patented jabs, Robinson recovers and he nails Naito with his jabs.

Robinson then cracks a charging Naito with a leg lariat, Robinson then nails a cornered Naito with some running clotheslines. Robinson eventually drops Naito with a leaping clothesline, Robinson goes to the top rope and leaps off as Naito charges, Naito then nails Robinson with an enzaguri. Robinson catches a leaping Naito and nails him with a full nelson slam for a near fall, Robinson looks for a power bomb and Naito counters with a hurricarana. Naito then nails Robinson with a rope assisted neck breaker, Naito places Robinson on the top rope and he follows him up there. Robinson starts fighting back and they both fall of the ropes, Robinson gets up first and he nails Naito with a few strikes before going to the top rope with him. Robinson then hits Naito with a top rope hurricarana and a power bomb for a near fall, Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Naito counters by landing a release German suplex. Naito then connects with a tornado DDT on Robinson, Robinson fights back and Naito hits him with a reverse rana followed by Destino for a near fall.

Naito goes for Destino again and Robinson counters by landing the Juice Box, Robinson goes for a Left Hand Of God and Naito counters by landing a wheel kick. Robinson eventually drops Naito with a lariat for a near fall, Robinson goes for Pulp Friction and Naito counters with a brain buster for a near fall. Naito follows up by nailing Robinson with Destino for a three count.

Winner: Tetsuya Naito

NJPW G1 Climax 29 B Block
Taichi vs. Jay White

The match begins with both competitors rolling out of the ring while taunting each other, White and Taichi then go after their opponents cornerman. White and Taichi eventually start brawling on the arena floor, Taichi throws White into the barricade and White does the same to him. They both get back into the ring and a striking exchange breaks out, Taichi and White rake their eyes before Taichi lands a thrust kick. Gedo goes after Miho Abe and White uses the distraction to knock Taichi out of the ring, White grabs Taichi and throws him into the barricade. White waits for Taichi to get back in the ring before dropping him with chops, Taichi recovers to nail White with an enzaguri before landing a follow up one in the corner. White recovers to hit Taichi with a DDT followed by a brain buster for a near fall, White sets up for Kiwi Krusher and Taichi escapes to have another striking exchange.

Taichi eventually ends the exchange by dropping White with an enzaguri, White avoids the Axe Bomber to nail Taichi with a uranage followed by a Kiwi Krusher for a near fall. Taichi and White exchange back drop suplexes until White stays down, Taichi then cracks a kneeling White with a head kick for a near fall. Gedo jumps on the ring apron to distract Taichi and he argues with kanemaru, Taichi nails White with a roll up after landing a low blow for a near fall as Gedo pulled the referee out of the ring. Gedo hits the ring and he attacks Taichi from behind, Kanemaru hits the ring and Gedo low blows him. Taichi then takes out Gedo before eating a low blow from White, White goes for Blade Runner and Kanemaru spits the alcohol in his eyes. Taichi nails White with an Axe Bomber and power bomb for a near fall, Gedo interferes again and Kanemaru goes after him. Taichi escapes Blade Runner to hit Whit with a head kick, White avoids a super kick to hit Taichi with a sleeper suplex. White then nails Taichi with a brain buster and Blade Runner for a three count.

Winner: Jay White

NJPW G1 Climax 29 B Block
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Hirooki Goto

The match begins with Goto briefly getting Ishii in a headlock, Ishii and Goto exchange shoulder tackles and strikes until Ishii goes down. Goto traps Ishii in the corner while stomping away on him, Ishii gets free and he nails Goto with a suplex. Ishii and Goto exchange chops until Goto goes down, Ishii and Goto continue having striking exchanges. Goto and Ishii go back and forth until Goto drops Ishii with a clothesline, Goto then hits Ishii with a spinning heel kick and belly to back suplex for a near fall. Ishii recovers and he nails Goto with a belly to back suplex, Ishii traps Goto in the corner while landing a plethora of strikes. Goto returns the favor and he nails Ishii with a ton of strikes, Ishii and Goto have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Ishii ends the exchange by nailing Goto with a power slam, Ishii sets up for a power bomb and Goto counters with a back body drop.

Goto then cobbers Ishii with a lariat, Goto then hits a cornered Ishii with a running clothesline before landing a rope assisted neck breaker for a near fall. Ishii fights back and he places Goto on the top rope before another striking exchange breaks out, Goto eventually takes out Ishii with a super code red for a near fall. Ishii and Goto exchange some lariats until both competitors go down, Ishiia nd Goto have another striking exchange until Goto goes down. Ishii then hits Goto with a power bomb for a near fall, Ishii then hits Goto with a release German suplex followed by a sliding lariat for a near fall. Goto recovers and he nails Ishii with a reverse GTR, Goto then applies a sleeper hold to Ishii. Goto releases the hold to hit Ishii with a Ushigoroshi for a near fall, Goto keeps Ishii on a knee while landing a bunch of kicks. Ishii fights back and Goto drops him with a headbutt, Goto then hits Ishii with a reverse GTR and mid-kick for a near fall. 

Ishii tries fighting back and Goto nails him with a sit out GTR, Goto then hits Ishii with a GTR for a three count.

Winner: Hirooki Goto

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