
Southern Underground Pro: All Hell Breaks Loose Results – The Bonestorm Championship Is Defended, Plus Marko Stunt Says Goodbye To SUP

Welcome to Fightful.com’s live coverage & discussion for Southern Underground Pro: All Hell Breaks Loose. We’ll be bringing you full, match by match coverage of every bout on the card. You can also send in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

AC Mack def. Logan Stunt

Cabana Man Dan def. Marko Stunt 

SUP Bonestorm Championship
Brett Ison def. Anthony Henry, O’Shay Edwards & James Drake to retain the title

B-Boy w/Daniel Makabe def. Kevin Ku w/Dom Garrini

Dom Garrini def. Zach Cooper

Jaden Newman def. Manders

Allan Angels def. BP IV

Dom Garrini def. Manders

Craig Mitchell def. Alex Zayne 

– Daniel Makabe makes his way to the ring with the 2019 Scenic City Invitational Tournament Trophy, Makabe announces that he cannot compete tonight due to an ear injury. Zach Cooper comes to the ring to question why Makabe isn’t wrestling tonight, Cooper wants everybody to sing happy birthday to him. Violence Is Forever makes their way to the ring and Dom Garrini grabs the microphone, Garrini challenges Cooper to a match and Cooper accepts.

Dom Garrini vs. Zach Cooper

The match begins with Cooper getting Garrini in a headlock, Garrini escapes and he nails Cooper with a knee strike. Garrini pulls Cooper to the ground before stomping on him, Cooper kicks Garrini in the midsection before applying a headlock. Garrini gets free and he goes for an arm bar on Cooper and Cooper gets to the ropes, Cooper doesn’t get up after getting to the ropes and the referee calls for the bell as Cooper is injured.

Winner: Dom Garrini, via injury

After the match, a bunch of wrestlers and officials come from the backstage area to check on the injured Cooper.

Manders vs. Jaden Newman

The match begins with Newman jumping Manders during his entrance, Newman corners Manders and nails him with a bunch of strikes. Manders is knocked out of the ring and he attacks Newman with strikes as he gets out of the ring, Newman fights back and nails Manders with more strikes of his own. Manders and Newman battle back into the ring, Manders corners Newman while landing an avalanche and more strikes. Manders then nails Newman with a delayed vertical suplex, Newman fights back and he kicks a charging Manders in the face. Newman then hits Manders with a top rope high cross body for a near fall, Manders rolls out of the ring and Newman follows him out there. Manders then nails Newman with a back suplex on the ring apron, Newman beats the count into the ring and Manders levels him with chops. Newman fights back and Manders cracks him with a shoulder tackle, Manders then hits Newman with half of the Alabama Stampede. Newman escapes the grasp the Manders and he lands a running forearm strike to the back of the head for a three count. 

Winner: Jaden Newman

Allan Angels vs. BP IV

The match begins with BP IV offering Angels a sip of his drink before failing to sneak attack him, Angels then hits BP IV with a knee strike. Angels then hits BP IV with a frog splash for a near fall, Angels then knocks BP IV out of the ring with a drop kick. Angels drinks something and he spits it in the eyes of Angels, BP IV gets Angels in the ring before landing a senton for a near fall. BP IV traps Angels in the corner while stomping away on him, BP IV catches Angels with a suplex for a near fall. BP IV goes for a standing twisting moonsault and he misses it badly, BP IV recovers to nail Angels with a back elbow strike. BP IV goes for a Keg Stand and Angels nails him with a drop kick, Angels then hits BP IV with an enzaguri. BP IV recovers and sends a charging Angels out of the ring, Angels returns to nail BP IV with a knee strike. Angels locks BP IV in a modified single leg crab and BP IV gets to the ropes a short time later, BP IV recovers and he nails Angels with a pop up German suplex and an Angle Slam for a near fall.

BP IV goes to the crowd and he grabs a can of beer, BP IV drinks it and he starts getting sick from said drink. Angels then nails BP IV with a Wing Snapper for a three count.

Winner: Allan Angels

Cabana Man Dan vs. Marko Stunt

The match begins with Stunt getting Dan down while getting a few near falls on some pin attempts, Dan fights back and he gets Stunt in an odd looking submission hold. Stunt gets free and he knocks Dan out of the ring before landing a suicide dive, Stunt gets Dan in the ring before landing a top rope splash for a near fall. Dan recovers and he nails Stunt with a leg lariat followed by a knee strike, Dan then drops Stunt before landing an over the top mule kick. Stunt fights back and he exchanges pin attempts with Dan, Stunt and Dan have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Dan drops Stunt before locking in an inverted sharp shooter and Stunt eventually gets to the ropes, Stunt goes to the ring apron before kicking Dan in the face. Stunt then hits Dan with a springboard double stomp for a near fall, Stunt goes to the top rope and he misses a swanton bomb attempt. Stunt recovers and he nails a rolling Dan with a drop kick, Stunt grabs Dan’s title belt and he opts for his fannie pack instead.

Dan grabs a flip flop and both try attacking each other with their weapons, Stunt trips up Dan with the fannie pack. Dan gets up and he assaults Stunt with the flip flop, Dan then hits Stunt with a super kick before placing a belt on top of him for a near fall. Stunt fights back and he nails Dan with an enzaguri, Stunt goes for the Markout and Dan shocks him with a roll up for a three count.

Winner: Cabana Man Dan

– Manders comes out to the ring and he brings a referee, Manders demands another match and Dom Garrini answers the challenge.

Dom Garrini vs. Manders

The match begins with Garrini catching Manders in a flying triangle choke, Manders gets to the ropes and Garrini takes him down with a judo throw. Garrini gets Manders in the twister and Manders gets to the ropes, Manders rolls out of the ring and Garrini takes him out with a suicide dive. Garrini attacks Manders with strikes before throwing him into the ring post, Garrini holds Manders and he allows the fans to chop him. Manders fights back and he propels Garrini into the ring post multiple times, Manders gets Garrini back in the ring and he nails him with multiple avalanches. Manders then hits Garrini with an exploder suplex for a near fall, Manders holds Garrini down while applying a straightjacket hold. Garrini gets free and Manders nails him with a pump kick to the face, Manders misses a charge and Garrini nails him with a release German suplex. Manders recovers and he nails Garrini with his own release German suplex, Garrini and Manders have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring.

Garrini catches Manders in a flying guillotine choke and Manders escapes to land a Stampede for a near fall, Manders goes for a power bomb and Garrini gets him in a triangle choke. Manders gets free and he nails Garrini with a power bomb for a near fall, Garrini drills a charging Manders with a knee strike and pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Dom Garrini

Kevin Ku w/Dom Garrini vs. B-Boy w/Daniel Makabe

The match begins with B-Boy backing Ku into the corner before letting him go free, B-Boy works on the arm of Ku until Ku slaps him in the face. B-Boy gets angry and he knocks Ku out of the ring with a forearm strike, Ku gets back in the ring and he trips up B-Boy while wrenching away on his leg. B-Boy gets up and Ku trips him up again and B-Boy gets to the ropes before Ku can apply any holds, B-Boy gets up and he has a striking exchange with Ku. Ku misses a charge in the corner and B-Boy drops him before applying an STF, Ku quickly gets to the ropes to break the hold. B-Boy and Ku have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ku ends the exchange by nailing B-Boy with a gut wrench suplex. Ku keeps B-Boy down while applying a modified STF, Ku releases the hold and he stomps away on the injured knee of B-Boy. B-Boy fights back and he drops Ku with a headbutt, Ku charges at B-Boy and B-Boy stops him before landing a tornado DDT into a kimura. 

Ku eventually gets to the ropes and B-Boy has to release the kimura, B-Boy picks up Ku to nail him with a few strikes. Ku recovers to hit a charging B-Boy with an inverted Angle Slam, Ku gets B-Boy in a single leg crab and B-Boy gets to the ropes. B-Boy and Ku have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, B-Boy nails Ku with a brain buster from out of nowhere for a three count.

Winner: B-Boy

– AC Mack comes to the ring and he has a microphone, Mack says he is the rightful winner of the 2019 Scenic City Invitational before doing his own ring introduction.

Logan Stunt vs. AC Mack

The match begins with Mack drilling Stunt with a chair shot before the bell even sounded, Mack grabs the microphone and he wants to see if everybody is listening now. Marko Stunt comes to the ring to help his brother as Mack berates the crowd, the referee rings the bell as Mack trash talks the crowd and Stunt knocks him out of the ring. Stunt goes out of the ring to attack Mack with a ton of strikes, Stunt smashes the face of Mack into the merchandise table. Stunt throws Mack into the ring post before landing a knee strike, Mack uses a fan as a shield before attacking a distracted Stunt. Mack drags Stunt into the VIP area of the arena, Stunt fights back and he smashes Mack’s face into a table in the VIP area. Stunt jumps to the rafters and Mack causes him to fall crotch first onto a sideways set up table, Mack then suplexes Logan into the steel post and the ringside edge. Mack gets Stunt in the ring before getting a near fall on a pin attempt, Mack argues with the ref and Stunt almost kicks the ref afterwards. Mack nails Stunt with a low blow and he rolls him up for a three count.

Winner: AC Mack

Craig Mitchell vs. Alex Zayne 

The match begins with Mitchell dropping Zayne and twisting away on his leg, Zayne gets free and Mitchell trips him up before going for a pin. Mitchell trips up Zayne again and Zayne gets free to land a knee strike, Mitchell falls out of the ring and Zayne goes for a suicide dive. Mitchell blocks the dive and Zayne lands in a garbage can, Mitchell gets Zayne in the ring and Zayne exits to kick Mitchell in the face. Zayne goes for a slingshot swanton bomb and Mitchell gets his feet up, Mitchell nails Zayne with a drop kick to the back of the head for a near fall. Mitchell then decides to just bite the hand of Zayne before wrenching away on his arm, Mitchell goes for a standing moonsault and Zayne gets out of the way. Zayne fights back and Mitchell nails him with a shotgun drop kick for a near fall, Mitchell holds Zayne down while wrenching away on his head. Mitchell backs Zayne into the corner while landing some chops, Mitchell goes to the top rope and he drags Zayne up there with him. Zayne gets free and he nails Mitchell with an enzaguri, Zayne then takes Mitchell down with a hurricarana for a near fall.

Zayne then nails Mitchell with a Baha Blast, Zayne goes to the top rope and he almost lands on his feet after a 630 attempt. Zayne still lands a splash a short time later for a near fall, Zayne and Mitchell have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Mitchell ends the exchange by nailing Zayne with a German suplex followed by a brain buster for a near fall, Mitchell sets up for a pile driver and Zayne escapes to land a knee strike. Zayne then hits a downed Mitchell with a slingshot leg drop for a near fall, Zayne goes to the top rope and Mitchell crotches him. Mitchell goes to the top rope and he nails Zayne with a super package pile driver for a three count.

Winner: Craig Mitchell

SUP Bonestorm Championship
Brett Ison (c) vs. Anthony Henry vs. O’Shay Edwards vs. JD Drake

The match begins with Henry and Drake leaving the ring, Edwards and Ison have a striking exchange before exiting the ring. A brawl breaks out between all the competitors on the arena floor, Henry escapes a power bomb attempt to nail Edwards with a knee strike. Henry jumps on the back of Edwards to apply a sleeper hold, Ison nails Drake with more strikes. Edwards gets free of the sleeper hold to lawn dawn Henry into a metal pole, Edwards and Ison take turns hitting Drake with German suplexes on the inside of the ring. Edwards then nails Ison with a spine buster for a near fall, Drake grabs a chair and he hits Ison and Edwards with it. Henry grabs the chair and he nails Edwards in the leg with it, Henry and Drake double team Ison while Edwards is down on the arena floor. Drake kicks Ison low and then Henry nails him with a double stomp, Ison fights back against Henry and Drake before eating a double super kick. Drake then hits a downed Ison with a senton bomb, Edwards tries getting back in the ring and Henry knocks him to the arena floor. 

Henry grabs the bad leg of Edwards and he smashes it into a garbage can, Drake and Henry go back to double teaming Ison in the ring. Edwards gets back in the ring and Henry attacks his injured leg before dumping him on the arena floor, Ison starts fighting back until Henry and Drake double team him again. Edwards returns to drop Henry and Drake with a double clothesline, Edwards then hits Drake with a choke slam. Edwards catches a leaping Henry and he nails him with a sit out power bomb for a near fall, Ison gets Edwards in a dragon sleeper and Henry breaks it by catching Ison in a triangle choke. Ison powers his way free and Henry drops him with a hurricarana, Drake and Henry go back to double teaming Ison. Drake and Henry have an argument in the ring about who should win the title, Edwards then hits Henry with a burning hammer while Ison hits Drake with a death valley driver. Edwards and Ison have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring until Ison goes down, Henry returns and he gets Ison in an ankle lock. 

Edwards gets free and Ison destroys Henry with a sliding forearm strike, Ison then takes Drake out with a suicide dive. Drake and Ison have a brawl on the arena floor, Henry then hits Ison with a top rope double stomp. Henry then nails Edwards with a top rope double stomp, Drake goes to the top rope and Henry crotches him. Henry attacks Ison with a head kick and then he nails Edwards with a penalty kick, Ison then nails Drake with an Iron Elbow for a near fall. Drake recovers and he nails a charging Ison with a sidewalk slam and a moonsault for a near fall, Drake grabs a chair and Ison blocks him from using it. Ison nails Drake with an Iron Elbow into the steel chair for a three count.

Winner: Brett Ison, still the SUP Bonestorm Champion

After the match, AC Mack comes out and he kicks Brett Ison in the balls, O’Shay Edwards confronts Mack until Anthony Henry jumps him from behind. Some wrestlers come out from backstage to help and they all get laid out, Violence Is Forever comes out with Marko Stunt and Mack’s gang leaves the ring.

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