
WWE NXT UK Results for 7/17/19 Kassius Ohno vs Mark Andrews

Kassius Ohno and Mark Andrews headline today’s episode of NXT UK at 3pm EST!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, hopefully you are having a great day. We hope you’re ready for today’s edition of NXT UK featuring Kassius Ohno and Mark Andrews in our main event!

-NXT UK assistant general manager Sid Scala gives us a run down of tonight’s show.

Saxon Huxley & Tyson T-Bone vs Imperium (Fabian Aichner & Marcel Barthel)

Fabian takes Tyson down immediately and messes with his hair before he shoves him away and drops him with a shoulder block. Tyson comes back with a right hand and a clothesline before Fabian catches him and hits a powerslam Imperium double team Saxon until Marcel beats and stomps him in the corner until the referee pulls him off of him. Imperium isolate Huxley in their half of the ring, hitting a double dropkick that sends him out of the ring before he gets back in and Marcel locks in a rear chin lock. Saxon gets to his feet and drops Marcel with a clothesline before Fabian takes out Tyson at ringside and sends him into the ring steps. Fabian then drops Saxon from behind before Imperium hit a diving uppercut powerbomb for the pin and the win.

Winner: Imperium defeat Saxon Huxley and Tyson T-Bone via pinfall when Imperium pin Saxon with a diving uppercut powerbomb.

-Travis Banks is interviewed about his failed attempt to become NXT UK champion and that this is just the beginning for him.

Xia Brookside vs Jinny w/Jazzy Gabbert

Xia rolls Jinny up for a quick two count and dropkicks her before Jinny puts Xia in a headlock and Xia hits a running cross body for a two count. Jinny drops Xia with a chop and misses a running splash in the corner before Xia hits double knees in the back of Jinny and gets distracted by Jazzy at ringside. Jazzy tosses Xia into the ring and Jinny stomps her for a two count before locking in a stretching submission akin to a surfboard stretch before raining down right hands in mount. Xia then accidentally sends Jinny into the referee and gets tripped by Jazzy before Jinny rolls her up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jinny defeats Xia Brookside via pinfall with a roll up.

-Imperium are interviewed where Alexander says that they took out all of British Strong Style aside from Trent Seven and WALTER will break him in half.

-Gallus are in their trailer arguing before they regroup and Joe says that he wants Dave Mastiff in a singles match.

Toni Storm comes out to the ring to talk about her next challenger Kay Lee Ray, saying that she’s changed and she’s sick the mind games and she’s ready whenever Toni is. Kay comes out onto the stage and says that she’s more prepared than Toni is before challenging her to have the right now and immediately changing her mind before saying that she’s going to challenge her at NXT UK Takeover: Cardiff. Kay then says that she’s going to make Toni’s life a living hell until then before leaving.

-We go backstage to Sid saying that next week there will be the first ever six woman tag team match between Kay Lee Ray, Jinny and Jazzy Gabbert and Toni Storm, Xia Brookside and Piper Niven.

Kassius Ohno vs Mark Andrews

They lock up and Ohno hits a snapmare before Ohno locks in a cravat and takes Mark down to the mat for a quick one count before Mark dropkicks Ohno and hits an arm drag before Ohno rolls out of the ring. Mark hits a baseball slide before Ohno catches him when he goes for a suicide dive and sends him into the steel connecting the turnbuckle to the ring post. Back in the ring Ohno hits a running leg drop for a quick two count before choking Mark in the ropes and taking him back down to the mat with a cravat. Ohno hits a backbreaker for a a two count before he stomps Mark in the corner and sits down on him before he pushes Mark off of the top turnbuckle and down to the floor. Ohno chops Mark at ringside and rolls him back into the ring before Mark hits several enzuigiri into a huricanrrana over the top rope.

Back in the ring Mark hits a diving huricanrrana for a near fall before hitting a standing moonsault for another near fall. Ohno drops Mark with a strike to the back for a near fall before he chops Mark and rocks him with a bicycle knee before Mark hits a reverse huricanrrana for yet another near fall. Mark hits Stundog Millionaire into a tornado DDT before Ohno counters a shooting star press into a cravat suplex and drops him with a boot before Mark counters into a roll through for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mark Andrews defeats Kassius Ohno via pinfall.

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