
WWE NXT Results for 7/17/19 Adam Cole Returns, KUSHIDA vs Apollo Crews

The leader of The Undisputed Era returns to Full Sail Live to defend his newly won NXT Championship!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE NXT from Full Sail Live! We hope you enjoy the show and if you’re looking for exclusive content such as podcasts, breaking news and more check out Fightful Select!

Matt Riddle vs Artuo Ruas

They grapple to start the match, Ruas and Riddle both having MMA experience before they counter each other’s arm bars and make their way to their feet. Matt and Artuo exchange strikes before Artuo takes Matt down and hits him with hammer fists before Matt hits the Final Flash and beats on Artuo in mount until the referee calls for the bell.

Winner: Matt Riddle defeats Artuo Ruas via referee stoppage.

-Killian Dain attacks Matt after the match before he hits a running senton and they go through the stage.

-We get promo and video package for the NXT Tag Team champions The Street Profits. We then get cell phone footage of Mia Yim attacking Marina Shafir in the parking, said to be taken by a fan.

NXT Breakout Tournament First Round Match

Dexter Lumis vs Bronson Reed

They lock up and Reed applies a headlock before knocking Dexter down, but he hops back up and sends Bronson out of the ring with a back elbow. Dexter hits a tope and lands on his feet before Bronson hits a running cross body and tosses Dexter back into the ring before Dexter focuses on the throat of Bronson and Bronson nearly over rotates on a powerslam. Bronson drops Dexter with elbows and hits a back body drop into a running splash and a senton for a near fall. Dexter hits a dead lift belly to back suplex into a jumping leg drop for a near fall before he misses a diving senton and Bronson slams him down before hitting a diving splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bronson Reed defeats Dexter Lumis via pinfall with a diving splash to advance to the next round of the tournament.

-Tyler Breeze is interviewed backstage before he’s interrupted by The Forgotten Sons as we go to commercial.

-We get a recap of Io Shirai addressing the NXT Universe last week before it’s announced that she’ll face Kacy Catanzaro next week.

KUSHIDA vs Apollo Crews

Apollo takes KUSHIDA down with a waist lock before KUSHIDA shows off his superior grappling skills for a one count before Crews drops KUSHIDA with a shoulder block and they exchange flips before Apollo dropkicks KUSHIDA. KUSHIDA drops Apollo from the apron with a cartwheel kick before Apollo comes back with a gut buster and hits a delayed suplex for a two count before hitting a running splash in the corner into an overhead belly to back suplex for another two count. KUSHIDA kicks Apollo when he’s upside down and hits a hand spring back elbow before hitting a hip toss into a cartwheel basement dropkick. KUSHIDA hits an enzuigiri into a tornado DDT for a near fall before they counter each other until Apollo drops KUSHIDA with a boot for a near fall. Apollo hits a series of German suplexes and a standing shooting star press for a near fall before KUSHIDA hits a reverse STO into the corner and hits a Pele kick and Apollo drops him with an enzuigiri.

KUSHIDA then catches Apollo on the top turnbuckle and hits a rolling heel kick into an avalanche flying arm bar before he locks in the Sakuraba Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats Apollo Crews via submission with the Sakuraba Lock.

-Keith Lee is interviewed backstage where he talks about being looked over and passed up before saying that he should change the narrative and why it’s him and not Priest people should be talking about before a match between the two is announced for next week.

-The Undisputed Era’s leader and NXT champion Adam Cole come out to the ring and says that they have all of the power and that he’s a fighting champion and ready to face anyone any time. Adam the announces that he’s going to put his championship on the line against Twan Tucker who we saw in the video where Johnny visited the school where he’s training when he was champion and when Adam went back when he went to the school.

-Johnny Gargano comes out and rushes Adam before sending him out of the ring and hits a suicide dive before Johnny chases Adam into the NXT Universe and in the ring until Johnny knocks Adam out and locks in the Gargano Escape until he’s pulled off by officials as we go off the air..

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