
WWE NXT UK Results for 7/10/19 The Hunt & Dave Mastiff vs Gallus

The Hunt teams up with Dave Mastiff to take on Gallus in a huge six man tag team main event today at 3PM EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, we hope your day is going well and are ready for NXT UK! if you’re looking for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more check out Fightful Select and be sure to check out our forums!

-We open the show with a recap of Imperium taking out Moustache Mountain after their loss to Grizzled Young Veterans before it’s announced that Trent Seven will update us on Tyler’s condition.

Ilja Dragunov vs Ashton Smith

Ilja and Ashton lock up before Ashton puts the Russian torpedo in a side headlock before Ilja hits him with chops and a high cross body. Ilja hits a senton and Ashton locks in a toe hold before Ilja kicks him away and hits a Gotch style powerbomb before dropping Ashton with a knee strike. Ashton comes back with a fisherman’s suplex for a one count before Ilja hits a bicycle knee into a discus lariat before hitting him with the Moscow Torpedo for the pin and the win.

Winner: Ilja Dragunov defeats Ashton Smith via pinfall with the Moscow Torpedo.

-We get a recap of the past several weeks of the feud between Xia Brookside and Jinny as well as the insertion of Jazzy Gabbert as Jinny’s muscle. Xia is interviewed backstage where she says that she gets to face Jinny next week in a one on one match as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Nina Samuels as she walks around outside and interviews the NXT UK Universe among other things.

Candy Floss vs Toni Storm

Candy and Toni exchange wrist locks before Toni takes Candy down with a leg scissor and the two grapple on the mat until Toni gets to her feet and helps Candy up. They lock up again and Candy locks in a cravat before she goes for a Fujiwara armbar that Toni turns into a pin attempt for a quick two count. Toni puts Candy in a headlock before she rolls her up for a two count and Candy repeatedly wrenches the arm and wrist of Toni until she hits her with a stiff forearm for a near fall. Toni rocks Candy with uppercuts before Candy hits a code breaker for a near fall and Toni drops her with a boot to the chest for a two count. They then exchange pin attempts until Toni hits a lariat for a near fall and Toni hits Storm Zero for the pin and the win.

Winner: Toni Storm defeats Candy Floss via pinfall with Storm Zero.

-When she leaves up the ramp Candy is attacked by Kay Lee Ray who runs off when Toni goes after her as we go to commercial.

-We get a video package for Ligero before Trent Seven comes out to the ring to address the attack by Imperium last week and an update on Tyler’s condition. Trent talks about how NXT UK was built on British Strong Style with the help of Moustache Mountain, Pete Dunne and others before saying that the mat Imperium says is sacred is theirs and that he is coming for WALTER and that he will be doing it for Tyler and Pete and that he doesn’t care about the title.

-Mark Andrews cuts a promo outside about Kassius Ohno before it’s announced that he will face Ohno next week.

The Hunt & Dave Mastiff vs Gallus

Everyone brawls to start the match before Dave and The Hunt clear the ring and Mark comes in and gets the advantage on Primate before Wolfgang comes in and whips him into the corner. Wolfgang lifts Primate to his corner by his beard and Joe tags in before locking in a straight jacket hold and tosses him into the corner, Gallus cutting the ring in half and making frequent tags until Primate gets the tag to Mike Hitchman who is now just Wild Boar. Mark chokeslams Wild and Wolfgang hits a flying cross body for a two count before Joe picks Wild up and drives him into the corner repeatedly. Joe hits a spine buster for a near fall and Wild knocks Mark and Wolfgang off of the apron before Joe runs into him. Gallus cut the ring off again and chain together offense until Joe hits a power slam for a near fall and mocks Wild before locking in a bear hug.

Wild rips at the face of Joe and gets tossed towards Gallus corner before Wild hits a jawbreaker and Mark dives for his ankle to keep him from making the tag to Dave. Wild hits an overhead suplex and tags in Dave who hits a high back body drop to Mark before hitting a running cross body and suplexing Joe and Wolfgang. Mark drops Dave with an enzuigiri before Joe comes in and Dave hits a fall away slam to Joe for a near fall that Wolfgang breaks up. Dave hits a Finlay roll with Mark onto Wolfgang before Joe hits a powerslam to Dave and an overhead suplex to Primate before he spears Wild. Dave then hits a German suplex to Mark before hitting a cannonball and Primate hits a diving headbutt to Joe before Joe hits Wild with All the Best for the Bells for the pin and the win.

Winner: Gallus defeat The Hunt and Dave Mastiff when Joe pins Wild Boar with All the Best for the Bells.

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