
WWE 205 Live Results for 7/9/19 Oney Lorcan vs Ariya Daivari

Two of the top Superstars in 205 Live go head to head in hopes of positioning themselves for a shot at Drew Gulak’s Cruiserweight Championship.

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready for tonight’s edition of 205 Live!

The Brian Kendrick vs Sunile Singh

Singh dances before Brian drops him and Sunile attacks Brian from behind when he’s distracted by Samir and locks in a rear chin lock. Brian gets free, but Sunile hits a backbreaker and misses a diving elbow drop before Brian comes back with strikes and whips Sunile into the corner. Brian then hits a dropkick and a superkick before Sunile counters Sliced Bread #2 and Brian locks in the Captain’s Hook for the tap and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick defeats Sunile Singh via submission with the Captain’s Hook.

-The Singhs attack Brian after the match before they’re run off by Akira Tozawa.

-We get an extended video package for Humberto Carrillo where he talks about his childhood and road to the WWE and 205 Live.

Jack Gallagher vs Devin Justin

Jack takes Devin down to the mat and bends his wrist before dropping him with a shoulder block before stretching him into a backslide for a quick two count. Jack pays tribute to SANADA with a paradise lock in the ropes before hitting a suplex and he gets distracted by Mike Kanellis at ringside. Jack then knocks his opponent out with a headbutt for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher defeats a local performer via pinfall with a headbutt.

-Mike meets with Drake backstage before Drake fines him and Mike threatens him before leaving.

Anything Goes Match 

Oney Lorcan vs Ariya Daivari

They brawl before the match starts and Oney turns Ariya inside out with a lariat before sending him into the steps. Oney hits a running back elbow in the corner before Ariya sends him over the top rope and down onto the floor before smashing his face into the announce table. Oney suplexes Ariya onto the floor and Ariya whips him into the barricade before tossing him into the ring and grabbing a ladder. Ariya puts the ladder into the ring and sets it up in the corner before Oney sends him into the ladder and props it against the ropes. Ariya counters a suplex onto the ladder before Oney hip tosses him onto it for a two count.

Oney sets up a chair in the ring before Ariya counters a suplex into a reverse DDT for a two count, Ariya choking Oney with a chain before he traps Oney in the chair and locks in a camel clutch. Ariya tears at the face of Oney and plays to the crowd before Oney sends Ariya face first into the chair with a drop toe hold. Oney hits a running blockbuster and a running uppercut that sends Ariya out of the ring before he hits a tope and tosses Ariya back into the ring. Oney grabs a table and puts it into the ring before Ariya superkicks him when he’s getting back into the ring and Oney throws a trash can at him when he’s coming off of the apron. Daivari hits a diving splash off of a ladder for a near fall before he sets up two tables in the ring before he grabs a third when one leg breaks on the second table. The referee moves the second table out of the ring before he sets the third up with the first and lies Oney on top of one of them. Oney gets up and meets Ariya up top before he hits a superplex through the tables for the pin and the win.

Winner: Oney Lorcan defeats Ariya Daivari via pinfall with a superplex through two tables.

-We end the show with a video package for the Cruiserweight Championship match between the champion Drew Gulak and the challenger Tony Nese at Extreme Rules this Sunday night.

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