
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 7/9/19 Roman Reigns vs Dolph Ziggler

Kevin Owens squares off with Dolph Ziggler, Finn Bálor faces Shinsuke Nakamura in a non title match and Aleister Black’s opponent will be revealed!

Good evening Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of tonight’s edition of WWE Smackdown! Live!

-We open the show with Dolph being interviewed earlier today before Kevin shows up and they argue before they start fighting and are broken up by Shane McMahon and security before Shane bars Kevin from the arena. Next Shane is interviewed backstage about canceling the match before saying that he’s going to come up with a new main event before leaving. Kevin comes out from the crowd and says that no one ever wanted Shane to get the spotlight and gets on the announce table before Shane has his mic cut and makes his way to the sound area and Kevin runs away as security come to chase him and drag him out of the arena.

Finn Bálor vs Shinsuke Nakamura

Shinsuke elbows Finn repeatedly before Finn hits a basement dropkick and Shinsuke drives him into the corner before hitting Bad Vibrations as we go to commercial.

We return to Finn in control, dropping Shinsuke with clotheslines before hitting a running chop in the corner into a slam for a quick two count. Shinsuke counters a sling blade and hits a sliding German suplex before Finn counters a Kinshasa with a sling blade and Shinsuke catches him up top. They end up on the apron before Shinsuke hits a diving knee that sends Finn off of the apron and down onto the floor before sending him into the barricade and the ring post. They both get back in the ring at the last second before Shinsuke tosses Finn back out and hits a Kinshasa before rolling back into the ring. Finn gets back into the ring at the count of nine once more before Shinsuke tosses him right back out and sends him into the barricade and the steps before Finn gets back in at the count of nine a third time. Shinsuke then hits the Kinshasa for the pin and the win.

Winner: Shinsuke Nakamura defeats Finn Bálor via pinfall with the Kinshasa.

-We go backstage to Shane talking to Drew McIntyre and Elias and Dolph shows up before Shane announces Roman Reigns versus Dolph for the main event.

-The Smackdown! Women’s champion Bayley comes out to the ring for the contract signing for her title defense at Extreme Rules where she’ll have to defend it in a 2 on 1 Handicap match against both Alexa Bliss and Nikki Cross. Nikki comes out to the ring as we get a recap of last night’s RAW where Bayley slapped Nikki and hit her with a Bayley to Belly and a diving elbow drop. They exchange words before signing the contract and they square off as Carmella makes her way to the ring for her match against Nikki as we go to commercial.

Nikki Cross vs Carmella

Nikki hits a running cross body and hits Carmella with right hands before driving her into the corner and stomping her. Nikki hits a snapmare into a dropkick for a quick two count before slamming her head into the mat repeatedly and hits a snap suplex for another quick two count. Nikki stretches Carmella before Carmella comes back with strikes and Nikki clotheslines her before missing a flying cross body. Carmella comes back with clotheslines and an inverted atomic drop into a bronco buster before Nikki counters a superkick and Carmella gets a near fall off of an inside cradle. Nikki then hits a spinning neckbreaker for the pin and the win.

Winner: Nikki Cross defeats Carmella via pinfall with a spinning neckbreaker.

-We get a video package for Kofi Kingston versus Samoa Joe at Extreme Rules before we get a taped promo from Joe backstage.

-We get a recap of the The Kabuki Warriors defeating the Iconics in Japan to gain a future title shot before we see Paige, Asuka and Kairi confronting Peyton and Billie backstage and Paige slaps Billie before the Iconics leave, acting like they’re sick.

-The New Day come out to the ring before they’re joined by Daniel Bryan, Rowan and Heavy Machinery for what’s being called a Tag Team Title Summit. Daniel insults New Day before New Day insult Rowan and Heavy Machinery declare that they’re going to become the new tag team champions.

-We get a recap of the tag team match from last night on RAW between Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon versus Roman Reigns and Cedric Alexander. Roman is then interviewed backstage about his tag match with The Undertaker at Extreme Rules.

Otis Dozovic vs Xavier Woods vs Daniel Bryan

Daniel immediately gets out of the ring before Otis drops Xavier and Daniel jumps on his back before Otis tosses him across the ring and Daniel and Xavier try to suplex Otis before he hits a double delayed suplex for a quick two count. Otis is in control of both men until Rowan takes out everyone before Tucker and E send him over the announce table and Tucker and E are ejected from ringside as we go to commercial.

Xavier hits a missile dropkick for a two count before Daniel catches him in a cross face that Otis breaks up before Xavier taps. Daniel kicks Otis before Otis spins him around and slams him before Otis hits an overhead suplex and running splashes in opposite corners before he hits the caterpillar. Xavier then superkicks Otis and hits a gut buster to Daniel before Otis hits a pop-up powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Otis Dozovic defeats Xavier Woods and Daniel Bryan when he pins Xavier with a pop-up powerslam.

-We get a recap of last week’s show where Kevin Owens and Dolph Ziggler teamed up to take on Heavy Machinery for a chance at a title shot at Extreme Rules.

Ember Moon is confronted in catering by Mandy Rose and Sonya Deville before they challenge her to find a tag partner for a match next week.

-We get a taped promo from Ali outside at night before we go to Aleister Black in a dark room and an empty chair in another room before Aleister is told that his opponent has denied identifying himself at this time. Black says that he doesn’t care who he is before someone walks around the chair and sits down before revealing himself as Cesaro. Cesaro says that he knocked on his door to pick a fight with him before Black says that he will give him the fight he wants.

Roman Reigns vs Dolph Ziggler

Shane, Elias and Drew make their way down to ringside once the match starts as we go to commercial.

Dolph tries to take Roman down with a single leg, but he shoves him away before they lock up and Roman backs Dolph into the corner for a clean break. Roman sends Dolph into the top turnbuckle repeatedly before dropping him with a back elbow and Dolph counters a Samoan drop into a dropkick. Dolph hits a jumping elbow drop for a quick two count before punching and kicking him in the corner before Roman drops him with an uppercut and a drive by at ringside. Roman tosses Dolph back into the ring before Drew sends Roman into the ring post when the referee is busy with Dolph before Dolph whips Roman into the barricade and tosses him back into the ring for a near fall. Roman takes out Elias on the apron with a superman punch before Dolph hits a Zig Zag for a near fall and Roman hits a superman punch to Dolph for a very close near fall. Roman then takes out Drew and Elias before Dolph superkicks Roman and Kevin comes out of nowhere and hits a stunner to Shane before Roman spears Dolph for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roman Reigns defeats Dolph Ziggler via pinfall with a spear.

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