
WWE Superstars Recap For October 28

Welcome to the Fightful recap for the Friday, October 28 edition of WWE Superstars, your commentary team is Tom Phillips and Corey Graves.

Neville vs. Titus O’Neil

The match begins with O’Neil tossing Neville into the corner before kicking him in the gut, Neville fights back by attacking O’Neil with chops. Neville hits O’Neil with a low drop kick followed by a super kick, O’Neil retreats to the arena floor and Neville catches him with a suicide dive. Neville brings O’Neil in the ring and he hits him with a standing shooting star press to get a near fall, Neville charges at O’Neil and he eats a boot to the face. O’Neil brings Neville to the corner to attack him with a plethora of punches and stomps, O’Neil brings Neville away from the corner to nail him with a slam before applying a chin lock.

Neville starts fighting back and O’Neil drops him with a clothesline for a near fall, O’Neil throws Neville into the corner before nailing him with a Stinger Splash. Neville drops a charging O’Neil with a boot to the face, Neville goes up to the top rope and he nails O’Neil with the Red Arrow for the three count.

Winner: Neville

The first Raw Flashback of the show airs, we see the response to Goldberg’s return to the WWE from Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar.

Our next Raw Flashback airs, we see the contract signing for WWE Hell In A Cell between WWE Raw Women’s Champion Sasha Banks and Charlotte.

Sin Cara, Lince Dorado & Cedric Alexander vs. Tony Nese, Drew Gulak & Ariya Daivari

The match kicks off with Cara taking Nese down with an arm drag and he works on his arm afterwards, Nese breaks free and he drops Cara with a shoulder tackle. Cara propels a charging Nese across the ring before tagging Dorado in, Dorado attacks Nese with an axe handle from the top rope. Alexander tags in and he attacks Nese’s injured arm with an axe handle drop, Cara tags back in and he attacks Nese with another axe handle drop. Nese gains control for his team by catching Cara with a front suplex, Gulak tags in and he works over Cara before tagging Daivari in. Daivari works with Gulak to throw Cara into the turnbuckles, Gulak tags back in and he applies the chin lock to Cara.

Cara breaks free and he tags in Dorado, Dorado quickly nails Gulak with a high cross body followed by a kick to get a near fall. Dorado is placed on the ring apron by Gulak and he is knocked into the barricade after a distraction from Daivari. We go to commercial and we return to see Daivari holding Dorado in the chin lock, Dorado breaks the lock and Daivari nails him with a running knee strike for a two count. Gulak tags back in and he stomps on a downed Dorado, Gulak holds Dorado down and he focuses on his arm. Dorado fights back and Nese tags in before nailing Dorado with a super kick, Nese holds Dorado in a chin lock to slow the wrestler down. Nese taunts the opposing team and Dorado drops him with a missile drop kick, Alexander gets the tag and he cleans house on his opponents.

Alexander then cracks Daivari with a handspring enzaguri to the head, Alexander follows that up by nailing Daivari with a springboard clothesline. Dorado and Cara knock all the opposing team members out of the rope before taking them all out with suicide dives, Alexander hits Daivari with the Lumbar Check for the three count.

Winners: Sin Cara, Lince Dorado & Cedric Alexander

The final Raw Flashback of the show shows us Seth Rollins defeating WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho in a triple threat match, then Owens brutal attacks on Rollins after the match.

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