
NJPW G1 Climax 29 Day 2 Results: Chaos Has A Big Night In Block B Action

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NJPW G1 Climax 29 Block B

Hirooki Goto def. Jay White

Tomohiro Ishii def. Jeff Cobb

Toru Yano def. Tetsuya Naito

Jon Moxley def. Taichi

Juice Robinson def. Shingo Takagi

Non-Tournament Matches

Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki) def. Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Yoshi-Hashi)

Kenta, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks def. Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & Ren Narita

Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens) def. Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru)

Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi) def. Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay & Yuya Uemura

Kota Ibushi, Will Ospreay & Yuya Uemura vs. Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi)

The match begins with Evil and Ibushi having a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ibushi drops a charging Evil with a kick before landing a standing moonsault for a near fall. Ibushi attacks Evil with more kicks while Evil is on a knee, Evil recovers and Ibushi hurts his ankle before eating a shoulder tackle. A brawl breaks out between both teams that spills to the arena floor for some, Evil holds Ibushi down while wrenching away on his ankle. Bushi tags in and he traps Ibushi in the ropes before twisting away on his ankle, Bushi then nails Ibushi with a middle rope missile drop kick. Sanada tags in and he works over the injured ankle of Ibushi, Evil tags in and he drops Ibushi after landing a few strikes.

Evil goes for Darkness Falls and Ibushi gets free to drop Evil with a head kick, Ospreay and Sanada get tagged in by their respective partners. Ospreay nails Sanada with a springboard forearm strike for a near fall, Sanada fights back and he nails a charging Ospreay with a drop kick. Bushi tags in and Ospreay takes out two members of LIJ, Uemura tags in and he nails Bushi with a drop kick. Uemura locks Bushi in the Boston crab and Bushi gets to the ropes to break the hold, Evil and Sanada hit the ring to triple team Uemura with Bushi for a near fall. Uemura shocks Bushi with a roll up for a near fall, Bushi recovers to hit Uemura with an enzaguri followed by a code breaker for a three count.

Winners: Los Ingobernables (Evil, Sanada & Bushi)

Suzuki-Gun (Lance Archer & Yoshinobu Kanemaru) vs. Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens)

The match begins with Owens and Kanemaru jumping their opponents from behind, Archer and Fale clear the ring before going after each other. Archer goes for the EVD Claw on Fale and Owens tags in before attacking Archer, Archer drops a charging Owens with a shoulder block. Archer corners Owens before landing multiple avalanches, Archer goes for a choke slam and Owens escapes before Kanemaru tags in. Owens and Kanemaru exchange roll ups before Owens locks him in a modified STF, Archer and Fale hit the ring to choke slam their opponents. Archer and Fale have a brawl on the arena floor, Fale grabs a cable wire and he starts choking Archer with it. Archer fights back and he attacks Fale with a piece of the guardrail, Owens and Kanemaru battle each other in the ring.

Kanemaru nails a charging Owens with a drop kick to the knee, Owens recovers to hit Kanemaru with a spinning elbow strike. Archer returns and he nails Kanemaru with a Derailer, Fale returns and he attacks Kanemaru before getting liquor spit in his eyes. Kanemaru then hits Owens with a tornado DDT for a near fall, Owens avoids Deep Impact and he nails Kanemaru with a knee strike. Owens nails Kanemaru with a package pile driver for a three count.

Winners: Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & Chase Owens)

Hiroshi Tanahashi, Shota Umino & Ren Narita vs. Kenta, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks

The match begins with Narita and Connors doing some chain wrestling, Narita trips up Connors before wrenching away on his leg. Umino tags in as Connors nails Narita with a chop, Fredericks tags in and he wrenches away on the arm of Umino. Umino gets free and he applies a headlock to Fredericks, Umino and Fredericks exchange shoulder tackles until Fredericks goes down. Narita hits the ring and he double teams Fredericks with Umino, Fredericks fights back to hit Umino with a slam and multiple chops. Connors tags in and he double teams Umino alongside Fredericks, Kenta tags in and he levels Umino with some strikes. Kenta drops Umino with a back elbow strike before attacking the opposing team, Connors tags in and he attacks Umino before tagging Fredericks in.

Kenta tags back in and he kicks a downed Umino in the back for a near fall, Umino fights back and he nails Kenta with a missile drop kick. Tanahashi tags in and he immediately gets into a striking exchange with Kenta, Tanahashi eventually drops Kenta with a flying forearm strike. Tanahashi slams Kenta before landing a middle rope swanton bomb for a near fall, Kenta fights back and Tanahashi nails him with a dragon screw leg whip. Tanahashi locks Kenta in the Texas cloverleaf until Connors breaks it up, Kenta then nails a charging Tanahashi with a cyclone knee strike. Fredericks and Narita get tagged in by their respective partners, Fredericks and Narita immediately get into a striking exchange. Narita ends the exchange by nailing Fredericks with a suplex for a near fall, Narita catches Fredericks in a Texas cloverleaf until Connors breaks it up.

Narita the takes out a charging Connors with an overhead release suplex, Fredericks then nails a charging Narita with a drop kick followed by a spine buster. Fredericks applies the single leg crab to Narita and Narita taps out.

Winners: Kenta, Clark Connors & Karl Fredericks

Chaos (Kazuchika Okada & Yoshi-Hashi) vs. Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki)

The match begins with some chain wrestling between Okada and Sabre Jr, Sabre Jr gets Okada down while wrenching away on his arm. Okada and Sabre Jr then exchange boots to the faces, Okada drops Sabre Jr before landing a drop kick. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and Suzuki gets a tag a few moments later, Suzuki and Yoshi-Hashi have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring. Suzuki drags Yoshi-Hashi out of the ring and a brawl breaks out between both teams, Suzuki attacks Yoshi-Hashi with a chair and a piece of the guardrail. Sabre Jr gets Okada in an abdominal stretch on the arena floor, Yoshi-Hashi makes it back into the ring and Suzuki kicks him in the injured shoulder. Suzuki then wrenches away on the head of Yoshi-Hashi before applying a kimura, Sabre Jr tags in and he stomps away on the injured arm of Yoshi-Hashi.

Suzuki tags in and he works over the injured arm of Yoshi-Hashi with Sabre Jr, Suzuki drops Yoshi-Hashi before landing a penalty kick for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi gets up and he has another striking exchange with Suzuki, Yoshi-Hashi finally drops a charging Suzuki with a clothesline. Okada and Sabre Jr get tagged in by their respective partners, Okada drops Sabre Jr with a clothesline before landing a DDT. Okada looks for a kryptonite krunch and Sabre Jr counters into a submission hold, Sabre Jr then applies the octopus stretch to Okada until Yoshi-Hashi breaks it up. Yoshi-Hashi fights Suzuki on the arena floor and he throws him into the barricade, Okada then nails a charging Sabre Jr with a drop kick. Yoshi-Hashi tags in and he nails a cornered Sabre Jr with a running chop, Yoshi-Hashi then hits Sabre Jr with a suplex.

Okada and Yoshi-Hashi then decide to double team Sabre Jr, Yoshi-Hashi catches Sabre Jr with a blockbuster for a near fall. Yoshi-Hashi then nails a tripped up Sabre Jr with a thrust kick, Sabre Jr fights back and Yoshi-Hashi nails him with a clothesline. Sabre Jr catches Yoshi-Hashi in an arm bar from out of nowhere to force a tap out.

Winners: Suzuki-Gun (Zack Sabre Jr. & Minoru Suzuki)

G1 Climax 29 Block B
Juice Robinson vs. Shingo Takagi

The match begins with Robinson backing Takagi into the ropes before letting him go free, Takagi grabs Robinson to land some knee strikes to the midsection. Robinson and Takagi exchange shoulder tackles until a striking exchange breaks out, Robinson and Takagi exchange elbow strikes until Robinson lands a leg lariat. Takagai rolls out of the ring and he eventually nails Robinson with a DDT on the arena floor, Takagi gets Robinson into the ring before landing a slingshot knee drop. Takagi follows that up by nailing Robinson with a knee strike followed by a shoulder tackle, Takagi then hits Robinson with a suplex for a near fall. Takagi slows things down further by holding Robinson in a chin lock, Robinson gets free and he has another striking exchange with Takagi.

Takagi eventually drops Robinson during the exchange and he clotheslines Robinson out of the ring afterwards, Robinson sets up for a dive and Robinson nails him with a slingshot spear. Robinson then drops Takagi multiple times with various elbow strikes and a spine buster, Robinson hits Takagi with a top rope high cross body for a near fall. Takagi fights back and Robinson drops him with a full nelson bomb for a near fall, Robinson then attacks Takagi with his signature jabs. Takagi recovers to nail Robinson with a right followed by a lariat, Takagi and Robinson exchange some running clotheslines in the corners. Robinson goes for a cannonball and Takagi gets out of the ring, Takagi then hits Robinson with a wheelbarrow slam for a near fall.

Robinson looks for Pulp Friction before nailing Takagi with a Juice Box, Robinson follows up by nailing a cornered Takagi with a cannonball. Robinson places Takagi on the top rope and he follows him up there, Robinson then hits Takagi with a superplex followed by a jackhammer for a near fall. Takagi escapes Pulp Friction to nail a downed Robinson with a sliding lariat, Robinson and Takagi exchange clotheslines and other strikes until Takagi lands a Saito Suplex. Robinson avoids a lariat to nail Takagi with a lariat of his own, Takagi escapes Pulp Friction to nail a Guerrero Special. Takagi crushes Robinson with a lariat for a near fall, Takagi attacks Robinson with more clotheslines before Robinson rolls him up for a near fall.

Robinson then cracks Takagi with a pair of Hand Of God punches, Robinson then hits Takagi with Pulp Friction for a three count.

Winner: Juice Robinson

G1 Climax 29 Block B
Jon Moxley vs. Taichi

The match begins with Taichi attacking Moxley in the crowd as Moxley was making his entrance, Taichi grabs Moxley and he throws him into the barricade. Taichi grabs a fan’s umbrella and he attacks Moxley with it, Moxley fights back and he attacks Taichi with some strikes. Taichi recovers and he shoves Moxley into the ring post, Taichi grabs a steel chair and he attacks Moxley with it. Moxley tries getting up and Taichi nails him with the Axe Bomber, Moxley gets in the ring and Taichi nails him with a buzzsaw kick for a near fall. Taichi goes for a super kick and Moxley avoids it before eating an enzaguri, Moxley fights back and he nails Taichi with a plethora of strikes. Moxley follows that up by dropping Taichi with a clothesline, Taichi goes to the ring apron and Moxley knocks him to the arena floor.

Moxley then takes out Taichi with a suicide dive to the arena floor, Moxley finds a table and he sets it up on the arena floor. Taichi tries putting Moxley through the table and Moxley winds up using a uranage to put Taichi through the table, Moxley gets Taichi back in the ring before landing a running knee strike for a near fall. Taichi recovers and he shoves Moxley into the referee before landing an enzaguri, Miho Abe gives Taichi a steel chair and Moxley takes it from him. Moxley throws the chair at a charging Taichi and he hits him in the head, Moxley goes for his finisher and Taichi shocks him with a roll up for a near fall. Taichi goes for a super kick and Moxley counters with a Death Rider for a three count.

Winner: Jon Moxley

G1 Climax 29 Block B
Toru Yano vs. Tetsuya Naito

The match begins with Naito purposely taking his time to take his wardrobe off, Naito then avoids locking up with Yano. Yano goes for the turnbuckle pad and Naito attacks him from behind, Yano removes a turnbuckle pad and Naito takes it away from him. Naito goes for a turnbuckle pad and Yano attacks him from behind, Naito starts doing all of the Yano mannerisms. Naito shocks Yano with a roll up for a near fall, Naito trips up Yano in the corner before landing a drop kick. Naito grabs the turnbuckle pad before shoving the referee down, the referee returns to take the turnbuckle pad away and Yano rolls up Naito for a near fall. Yano blinds the referee so he can low blow Naito, Yano pulls Naito’s shirt over his head and spears him. Yano then rolls up Naito with a handful of tights for a three count.

Winner: Toru Yano

G1 Climax 29 Block B
Tomohiro Ishii vs. Jeff Cobb

The match begins with Ishii putting Cobb in a headlock, Cobb easily gets free before exchanging some strikes with Ishii. Ishii and Cobb exchange shoulder tackles until Ishii goes down, Cobb nails Ishii with a headbutt and some follow up strikes. Cobb follows Ishii around the ring while attacking him with chops, Ishii gets angry and he fights back by landing strikes of his own on a cornered Cobb. Ishii and Cobb stay in the center of the ring while exchanging tons of chops and headbutts, Cobb ends the exchange by nailing Ishii with an overhead release suplex. Cobb corners Ishii before landing a jumping European uppercut, Cobb then drops Ishii with a twisting back suplex. Ishii and Cobb get into another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ishii ends the exchange and he drops Cobb with a shoulder tackle.

Ishii follows that up by nailing Cobb with a suplex for a near fall, Cobb recovers and he misses a drop kick against Ishii. Cobb gets back up and he nails Ishii with a suplex followed by a standing moonsault for a near fall, Cobb attacks a kneeling Ishii with a plethora of forearm strikes. Ishii gets up and he corners Cobb before landing a running clothesline, Ishii places Cobb on the top rope and he follows him up there. Ishii then takes Cobb down with a superplex, Ishii attacks Cobb with a lariat and Cobb winds up dropping him with one. Cobb then places Ishii on the top rope and he follows him up there, Cobb then drops Ishii with a superplex of his own for a near fall. Ishii and Cobb have another striking exchange until Cobb drops Ishii with a headbutt, Cobb plants Ishii with a pile driver for a near fall.

Ishii fights back and he nails Cobb with a back drop suplex, Cobb recovers and he slams a charging Ishii to the mat below. Ishii gets back up and he nails Cobb with a power slam followed by a release German suplex, Cobb recovers to hit Ishii with an exploder suplex and drop kick. Ishii recovers again to drop Cobb with a lariat, Ishii goes for a sliding lariat and Cobb blocks it before eating a dragon suplex. Ishii then levels Cobb with a lariat for a near fall, Cobb then hits Ishii with a thrust kick followed by a German suplex for a near fall. Ishii escapes the Tour Of The Islands to nail Cobb with an enzaguri, Ishii nails Cobb with a sliding lariat for another near fall. Ishii and Cobb have another striking exchange in the middle of the ring, Ishii then nails Cobb with a brain buster for a three count.

Winner: Tomohiro Ishii

G1 Climax 29 Block B
Hirooki Goto vs. Jay White

The match begins with White stalling for time by standing outside the ring, Goto chases White into the ring before attacking him with forearm strikes. White goes back out of the ring and Goto follows him out there to throw him into the barricade, Goto gets White in the ring and he drops him with a shoulder tackle. Goto then uses a clothesline to knock White back out of the ring, Goto follows White out of the ring and he gets distracted by Gedo. White gets back in the ring and Goto follows him in there until Gedo interferes, White uses the distraction to knock Goto to the ring apron. White then nails Goto with a few strikes before front suplexing him onto the ring apron, Goto gets back in the ring and White knocks him right back out of it. White follows Goto out there to smash his back into the barricade and ring apron, White then throws Goto into the barricade.

White gets Goto back into the ring before attempting a pin on him, Goto fights back and White drops him with a neck breaker. White picks up Goto before assaulting him with some chops, White holds Goto down while wrenching away on his head. Goto gets free and White shoves him right back down to the mat, White keeps Goto down while stomping away on him. Goto recovers and he drops White with a spinning clothesline, Goto then nails White with a kick that sends him across the ring. Goto then hits a cornered White with a spin kick followed by a Saito suplex for a near fall, Goto keeps White cornered before landing a running clothesline. White recovers and he drops Goto with a DDT, White follows that up by nailing Goto with a series of suplexes. Goto tries fighting back and White suplexes him into the corner, White then hits Goto with a Blade Buster for a near fall.

White slows things down further by briefly holding Goto in a chin lock, Goto gets free and he nails White with a modified neck breaker. White and Goto have a striking exchange in the middle of the ring, White ends the exchange by nailing Goto with a Saito suplex. White attacks Goto with a few more strikes before dropping him with a clothesline, Goto tries fighting back and White drops him with a uranage. The referee tries checking on Goto and White shoves him down, Goto recovers and he nails White with a clothesline. Goto then hits White with another modified neck breaker, Goto then decides to stomp on a downed White. White gets to the ropes while Goto stomps away on him, White fights back and Goto drills him with a headbutt. Goto then hits White with a reverse GTR for a near fall, Goto goes for a GTR again and White gets free.

White looks for Blade Runner and Goto counters by grabbing his hair before landing headbutts, Goto then hits White with the Final Cut. Gedo gets into the ring and Goto chases him out of it, White goes for Blade Runner and Goto counters with a suplex into a uranage for a near fall. Goto then hits White with a death valley driver into a uranage for a near fall, Goto then drops White with a kick. Goto follows up by landing a GTR on White for a three count.

Winner: Hirooki Goto

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