
WWE NXT Results for 7/3/19 Breeze vs Strong, the NXT Breakout Tournament Continues

Prince Pretty takes on The Messiah of the Backbreaker tonight at 8pm EST exclusively on the WWE Network!

Good evening Fight Fans, it’s time for NXT from Full Sail Live in Orlando, Florida as we continue the NXT Breakout Tournament!

Aliyah w/ vs Mia Yim

Aliyah uses Mia’s aggression against her and takes her down before Mia drops her with a shoulder tackle and dropkicks her. Vanessa pulls Aliyah out of the ring before Mia can hit a rolling kick in the corner and Aliyah kicks her in the back before Mia locks in a tarantula in the ropes. Aliyah hits an enzuigiri for a two count and locks in a variation of a bow and arrow before missing a drive by. Mia hits a cannonball and an overhead suplex that sends Aliyah out of the ring before hitting a suicide dive that takes out both Aliyah and Vanessa. Mia then hits a fall away slam into Protect Ya Neck for the pin and the win.

Winner: Mia Yim defeats Aliyah via pinfall with Protect Ya Neck.

-After the match Mia sends Vanessa into the ring steps before she goes to the announce table and says that she coming for Shayna Baszler and her NXT Women’s Championship before leaving as we get a recap of the NXT Women’s Championship Steel Cage match between Shayna and Io Shirai last week in which Shayna retained.

-William Regal is interviewed about Io’s attack in Candice LeRae before The Forgotten Sons barge into his office and demand a title shot before he tells them that they’re now at the back of the line. Regal then announces that the Street Profits will defend their NXT Tag Team Championship against Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch next week.

-We get a segment of Adam Cole’s championship victory tour where he visits Johnny Gargano’s family’s pizza shop and puts a picture of himself on the wall of fame before leaving. Adam then goes to a wrestling school that Johnny visited before tells them that Johnny is a liar and tells them to give up before leaving.

KUSHIDA vs Local Talent

KUSHIDA takes his opponent down and twists his ankle before locking in a chin lock and a neck crank into a side headlock. KUSHIDA hits a hand spring back elbow into a drop toe hole and snaps his opponent’s arm before hitting a hip toss into a basement dropkick. KUSHIDA then locks in what is now being called the Sakuraba Lock for the tap and the win.

Winner: KUSHIDA defeats a local performer via submission with the Sakuraba Lock.

-Tyler Breeze is interviewed backstage about his match against Roderick Strong later tonight. Tyler talks about how he ran NXT long before Undisputed Era came to NXT.

NXT Breakout Tournament First Round Match

Isaiah “Swerve” Scott vs Cameron Grimes

Grimes takes Scott down to the mat as soon as the match starts before Scott reverses into a side headlock takeover. Grimes locks in a straight armbar before wrenching the arm of Scott and Scott takes Grimes down, Grimes getting right back to his feet before dropping Scott with a forearm to the spine. Scott dropkicks Grimes and rocks him with a right hand before hitting a snapmare into a diving elbow drop for a two count. Grimes snaps Scott in the ropes and clotheslines him for a two count before Scott comes back with a frankensteiner and clotheslines Grimes before landing on his feet when Grimes sends him over the top rope. Scott hits a flat liner for a near fall before Grimes hits a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall of his own and Scott sends Grimes out of the ring with a variation of an ax kick before hitting a tope. Back in the ring they go back and forth until Grimes hits a variation of a Spanish fly and a jumping double stomp for the pin and the win.

Winner: Cameron Grimes defeats Isaiah Scott via pinfall with a jumping stomp to advance to the next round of the tournament.

Bianca Belair vs Local Talent

Bianca shoves her opponent repeatedly before beating on her and sending her into the turnbuckle before tossing her across the ring. Bianca spears her opponent into the corner and finishes with a military press slam into two powerbombs and the K.O.D. for the pin and the win.

Winner: Bianca Belair defeats a local performer via pinfall with the K.O.D.

-We get a video package for Matt Riddle training.

Tyler Breeze vs Roderick Strong

They lock up and Strong takes Tyler down with a single leg before Tyler counters a Boston crab and they grapple before Strong locks in a side headlock. Strong counters an unprettier before Tyler hits a neckbreaker and gets distracted by the referee before Strong chops him. Tyler dropkicks Strong before Strong dumps him out of the ring and Tyler dodges a baseball slide before sending Strong face first into the apron. Strong drops Tyler back first against the edge of the ring steps and the barricade before tossing him back into the ring and stomping his back. Tyler comes back with right hands before Strong dropkicks him for a two count and locks in a stretching submission.

Tyler elbows his way free before Strong drives him into the corner and Tyler hits a jawbreaker before sending Strong out of the ring. Tyler hits Strong with an enzuigiri and a diving forearm off of the apron before tossing Strong back into the ring and hitting a running clothesline in the corner into a backstabber for a near fall. Strong and Tyler exchange strikes on the top turnbuckle until Strong hits a superplex for a near fall before Tyler kicks Strong away when he goes for the Strong hold. Tyler superkicks Strong for a near fall before they exchange strikes until Bobby Fish and Kyle O’Reilly make their way down to ringside. Tyler then superkicks Bobby off of the apron before Strong hits The End of Heartache for the pin and the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong defeats Tyler Breeze via pinfall with The End of Heartache.

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