
Report: Two Counts Dismissed In Lawsuit Between Jeff Jarrett And Anthem

An update on the legal battle between Jeff Jarrett and Anthem. 

Mike Johnson at PWInsider reports that United States District Judge Waverly D. Crenshaw dismissed a couple of counts in the lawsuit between Jeff Jarrett and Anthem on June 24.

The report states that Judge Waverly ruled Anthem did not fall under Tennessee’s jurisdiction and dismissed Jarrett and Global Wrestling Entertainment’s allegations of copyright infringement. 

On the count of jurisdiction, Anthem argued that their base is in Canada, not Tennessee, which the judge ended up siding with them on.

On the count of copyright infringement, Anthem argued that Jarrett and GWE did not file a copyright or trademark on the GWF Amped footage prior to Jarrett giving Anthem license to use the footage. Since Jarrett did not file a copyright and Jarrett does not have possession of the master tapes (IMPACT admitted they deleted the master tapes), he could not claim infringement. The judge once again sided with Anthem.

The latest update says that all sides have been ordered to have written discovery and deposition of all witnesses completed by Dec. 6.  The court has also requested that all expert witnesses be identified and disclosed by the same date with the depositions of those expert witnesses completed before Jan 13, 2020.

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