
WWE 205 Live Results for 6/25/19 WWE Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender Match

The No Fly Era begins tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live, exclusively on the WWE Network!

Hey there Fight Fans! We hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and will stick around for the next hour for 205 Live!

-We open the show with Drew Gulak on screen saying that he’ll face the winner of Akira Tozawa versus Tony Nese tonight at Extreme Rules.

Jack Gallagher vs Mike Kanellis w/Maria Kanellis

Mike is hesitant to engage with Jack, backing off repeatedly when he goes for a test of strength before they initiate one that Jack easily wins. Mike stretches Jack before Jack kicks him repeatedly in the face and trips him for a quick two count off of a roll up. Jack takes Mike down with a side headlock before Mike backs him into the corner and Jack stands on his head in the corner. Jack dropkicks Mike out of the ring and gets distracted by Maria at ringside before Mike sends Jack into the ring post and hits a suplex onto the floor. Jack gets back into the ring at the last second and Mike stomps on him before locking in a rear chin lock.

Jack gets to his feet and elbows his way free before Mike turns him inside out with a lariat for a two count. Mike whips Jack into the corner and counters a diving move into a Michinoku driver for a near fall. Mike then gets a near fall off of a superkick with the tights before Jack headbutts him and falls on top of Mike for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jack Gallagher defeats Mike Kanellis via pinfall with a headbutt.

-After the match Mike seemingly quits, telling Maria to go to the back as he left the crowd.

-We then get promos from Tony Nese and Akira Tozawa backstage ahead of their number one contender match later tonight. We cut to Drake Maverick in his office on the phone regarding Mike Kanellis quitting.

Humberto Carrillo vs Local Talent

Humberto does several flips and plays to the crowd before hitting a whirlwind kick and a springboard arm drag into a dropkick and a PK for a two count. Humberto hits a springboard back elbow for a two count before Humberto hits a missile dropkick and the Arabian Press for the pin and the win.

Winner: Humberto Carrillo defeats a local performer via pinfall with the Arabian Press.

-We get a recap of Oney Lorcan versus Ariya Daivari last week before we cut backstage to Ariya being interviewed. Ariya says that he paid Oney back before Oney attacks him from behind as we go to commercial.

-Lucha House Party versus the Singh Brothers in a tornado tag match is announced for next week.

Cruiserweight Championship Number One Contender Match

Tony Nese vs Akira Tozawa

Tony takes Akira down and rocks him with a back elbow and drops him with a boot before Akira hits a huricanrrana and a cannonball off of the apron and into Tony into the barricade. Akira tosses Tony back into the ring and gets caught up top for a quick two count by Tony before Tony drops Akira with a back elbow for another quick two count. Tony locks in a body scissor before Tony counters a fireman’s carry and applies a waist lock before Akira rocks him with a boot and hits a fireman’s carry slam. Akira hits a suicide dive that sends Tony over the announce table before hitting a missile dropkick for a two count once they’re back in the ring. Akira locks in an octopus stretch before Tony powers free and hits a spinning side slam before dropping Akira with a wheel kick.

Akira sends Tony out onto the apron before Tony hits a tope to the outside and tosses Akira back into the ring before hitting a moonsault for a near fall. The two exchange chops until Akira rocks Tony with a jab and counters a pump handle suplex before Tony catches Akira on the top turnbuckle and Akira hits a Canadian destroyer for a near fall. Akira misses a diving senton before getting a near fall off of a crucifix before Tony powerbombs him for a near fall. Akira then hits a bridging German suplex for a near fall before Tony hits a reverse piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tony Nese defeats Akira Tozawa via pinfall with a reverse piledriver to become the new number one contender for Drew Gulak’s Cruiserweight Championship.

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