
Kurt Angle Believes Undertaker And Goldberg Can Still Wrestle If They Are Given The Right Opponents

Kurt Angle takes to Facebook for another Q&A session.

Kurt Angle has officially been retired for three months but once a week on his Facebook page, he hosts a Q&A session for fans and he kept the tradition going yesterday and one of the questions asked of Angle was for his thoughts on the current WWE product. Angle believes that in his opinion, the shows are as a good as they’ve been in years and that goes for the wrestling as well. Angle dove into WWE being a publicly traded company and noted that things that flew by in the early 2000s will not be able to make it on TV today.

“The shows are about as good as they’re going to be. Keep in mind that WWE is a world wide phenomenon. It’s bigger than ever. With that comes responsibility. WWE is a publicly traded company that gears toward children and families. During the attitude era, wwe catered to young adults. The storylines were Rated R type storylines. WWE can not do those types of storylines anymore. And IF they do, it has to be done very carefully. WWE has shareholders that are involved in the product. The shareholders want the company to remain a “family” type show. That’s the difference in writing. As far as the wrestling is concerned, it’s every bit as good now as it ever was. These are strictly my opinions, but I think they’re accurate.” Angle noted.

The Undertaker versus Goldberg match from WWE Super ShowDown was brought to Kurt Angle’s attention and he shared that he does not see himself coming out of retirement. Angle believes that both The Undertaker and Goldberg have the ability to still wrestle if they are given the right opponents.

“I don’t see any scenario that would force me to come out of retirement, I plan on staying retired. You need to give Goldberg and Undertaker credit for getting in there and doing what they did. Both are big guys and “power” wrestlers. I believe they both still have the ability to wrestle again if given the right opponents. I believe they both would have great matches with smaller wrestlers. Especially at their age. That’s my opinion.” He shared.

To watch the Fightful podcast crew express their thoughts about Undertaker versus Goldberg at Super ShowDown, click here.

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