
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 6/21/19 Knockouts Championship Match

The Knockouts Championship is on the line, Johnny Impact, Michael Elgin and Rich Swann go head to head and Sami Callihan takes on Tessa Blanchard!

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Good evening Fight Fans, we hope you’re ready for the weekend and ready for tonight’s edition of IMPACT Wrestling!

Tessa Blanchard vs Jake Crist

Tessa immediately hits Jake with forearms and a cutter before sending Jake out of the ring and hitting several suicide dives. Back in the ring Jake takes control and hits her with forearms in the corner before Tessa comes back with forearms of her own and Jake hits a side Russian leg sweep. Jake hits a snap suplex for a one count before Tessa comes back with a tornado DDT for a two count and Jake rakes her eyes. Tessa then hits a jawbreaker and Jake hits a DVD for a near fall before Tessa hits several kicks and the Magnum for the pin and the win.

Winner: Tessa Blanchard defeats Jake Crist via pinfall with the Magnum.

-OvE come out after the match and Sami berates Jake before Eddie Edwards comes out and attacks all of OvE before his match against Madman Fulton as we go to commercial.

Eddie Edwards vs Madman Fulton

Eddie and Fulton brawl at ringside before the match starts, the two getting into the ring after several minutes after Fulton chokeslams Eddie onto the apron; Fulton tossing Eddie into the ring and hitting him with a running splash into a running release slam. Fulton chokeslams Eddie again with one hand this time before hitting an under hook suplex for a near fall. Eddie dropkicks the knee of Fulton and chops him before hitting a huricanrrana and a snap German suplex. Eddie hits a blue thunderbomb for a near fall before knocking Sami off of the apron and hitting a dive onto Sami at ringside before he grabs a kendo stick and Killer Kross appears on the screen. Kross then shows Sandman tied up with a hood on his head before he pours water on him, effectively water boarding him before Fulton capitalizes and hits Eddie with the Downward Spiral for the pin and the win.

Winner: Madman Fulton defeats Eddie Edwards via pinfall with the Downward Spiral.

-Eddie Edwards meets with his wife backstage and explains what’s going on to her before he runs off and she reluctantly follows him.

Moose vs Tommy Dreamer

Tommy drops Moose with a shoulder block, clothesline and a running cross body before Moose rolls out of the ring and Tommy follows. Tommy sends Moose into the ring post and hits a back drop onto the floor before he spits water in his face and pulls up the padding at ringside. Moose drops Tommy onto the apron and hits him with clubbing blows before he chokes him in the ropes once they’re back in the ring. Moose pokes Tommy in the eyes and hits a snapmare into a rear chin lock before Tommy gets to his feet and hits a cutter. Tommy rocks Moose with an elbow and hits a DDT for a near fall before hitting a superplex for another near fall. Tommy turns Moose inside out and rolls out of the ring before he grabs a chair and puts it in the ring. Moose then kicks the chair into Tommy’s face and spears him for the pin and the win.

Winner: Moose defeats Tommy Dreamer via pinfall with a spear.

-After the match Moose teases a coast to coast dropkick before he’s ran off by RVD.

-Taya Valkyrie has a chat with Rosemary before her title defense against Su Yung. Her husband Johnny Impact is then interviewed about the triple threat match that he’ll be in in tonight’s main event against Rich Swann and Michael Elgin.

Knockouts Championship Match

Taya Valkyrie (c) vs Su Yung w/James Mitchell & Jessicka Havok

They hit each other with forearms and Taya boots Su into the corner in a heap before Taya counters an F5 into a release German suplex. Taya hits a German suplex into the corner for a quick two count and a running back elbow into a running hip attack and running knees in the corner for a two count. Su sends Taya shoulder first into the ring post and sends her face first into the middle turnbuckle before getting a two count off of a sunset flip. Su hits a draping sit-out facebuster for a near fall and drops Taya with a slap before Taya hits a jumping arm breaker and focuses on the arm of Su when she goes for the mandible claw. Jessicka then gets up on the apron and gets Su disqualified for the win.

Winner: Taya Valkyrie retains her Knockouts Championship when Jessicka Havok gets Su Yung disqualified.

-After the match Rosemary shows up and James says that all four of them, Su, Taya, Rosemary and Jessicka are invited to a Monster’s Ball match at Slammiversary next month.

-Ace Austin comes out to the ring and talks about his career so far and that he is meant for more than the X-Division before saying that his conquest to the top of IMPACT will begin with the X-Division Championship before issuing an open challenge which the WWE alum TJP answers.

Ace Austin vs TJP

TJP hits a huricanrrana and an arm drag that sends Ace out of the ring before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick and Ace drops him with a forearm before driving him into the apron and hitting a drive by. Ace hits a PK from the apron and tosses TJP into the ring before TJP catches him in midair and powerbombs him before hitting a diving cross body into the Detonation Kick for the pin and the win.

Winner: TJP defeats Ace Austin via pinfall with the Detonation Kick.

-We then cut backstage to Eddie looking for Sandman as we go to commercial.

-Konnan invades the Smoke Show and tells the Rascalz to never try and enter their clubhouse again before saying that they need to bring everything they have in their title match against LAX.

-We get an IMPACT Plus Flashback featuring the Hair vs Mask match between Pentagon Jr. and Sami Callihan from last year’s Slammiversary, but it’s labeled as July 22nd 2019.

-Eddie finds someone, but it’s not Sandman before he attacks Kross and the two get covered in blood as Eddie’s wife looks on in horror as we go to commercial.

-Sami Callihan cuts a taped promo and challenges Tessa Blanchard to a match at Slammiversary.

Rich Swann vs Johnny Impact vs Michael Elgin

Michael and Johnny team up on Rich before they start arguing and Rich gets sent out of the ring with an enzuigiri. Rich hits a diving cross body and Johnny knocks Michael from the apron before Rich hits a suicide dive and Johnny a corkscrew cross body. Everyone counters each other until Michael hits a double German suplex and hits a series of running clotheslines in opposite corners. Rich hits a huricanrrana to Michael and a frankensteiner to Johnny onto Michael for a two count before Johnny hits a PK into a a twisting elbow drop and a standing shooting star press. Michael nearly knocks Johnny out with a rolling forearm before hitting a sit-out side slam for a near fall and Rich hits a double Lethal Injection. Rich sets Johnny up top before Johnny and Michael hit a springboard roundhouse doomsday device into a reverse huricanrrana by Rich. Johnny then hits Rich with Starship Pain before Michael hits several superkicks and Johnny hits a Spanish fly off of the top before Rich hits a 450 out of nowhere for the pin and the win.

Winner: Rich Swann defeats Johnny Impact and Michael Elgin via pinfall when he pins Johnny with a 450 splash.

-After the match Rich takes out both Michael and Johnny when they go to attack him before John E. Bravo shows up and hits Rich with the Ultimate X sign. Johnny and John are then dispatched unceremoniously by the returning Brian Cage who takes out Michael as we go off the air.

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