
WWE NXT UK Results for 6/19/19 Women’s Championship Number One Contender Battle Royal Match

The women of NXT clash in a battle royal to determine the next challenger for Toni Storm’s NXT UK Women’s Championship!

Good afternoon Fight Fans, and welcome to our coverage of today’s edition of NXT UK!

Kenny Williams vs Kassius Ohno

Ohno focuses on the arm of Kenny and takes him down before locking in a straight armbar. Ohno traps Kenny in the ropes and stomps his head before chopping him and locking in a rear chin lock and a rolling senton. Kenny gets his knees up when Ohno goes for a senton and gets a near fall off of a roll up before hitting a PK and a wrecking ball dropkick. Kenny then hits a springboard back elbow for a near fall and Ohno traps him in the ropes before hitting a rolling elbow for the pin and the win.

Winner: Kassius Ohno defeats Kenny Williams via pinfall with a rolling elbow.

-Imperium with the newest member Alexander Wolfe come down to the ring as we go to commercial.

-We return to Marcel and Fabian talking before Alexander explains why he joined Imperium, explaining the opportunity being something he couldn’t pass and that they treat professional wrestling with respect. Wolfe says that NXT UK is not a playground and that they will protect the legacy of the sport before WALTER calls out his next challenger Travis Banks. WALTER says that NXT UK General Manager Johnny Saint made the match for next week and says that they chased Pete Dunne away before calling Travis a fool. Travis then comes out onto the stage and says that WALTER needs to bring everything he has.

-We then get a segment where Noam Dar is interviewed before he talks to Kenny Williams outside and tries to form an alliance since Kenny’s partner Amir Jordan is out due to an injury before he leaves.

The Hunt vs Gallus (Mark Coffey & Wolfgang)

All four men brawl as soon as the match starts before they spill out of the ring and Mike hits a senton to Mark. Mark boots Mike and hits a full nelson slam before Wolfgang comes in and rains down right hands on Mike before Mark chops him and Wolfgang locks in a full nelson. Mike gets to his feet and Mark gets the blind tag and locks in an arm triangle, Gallus tagging in and out and reapplying the holds until he finally gets the tag to Primate. Primate then drops Wolfgang and hits him with clubbing blows in the corner before hitting an overhead belly to back suplex and Gallus hit a pop-up powerslam for the pin and the win.

Winner: Gallus defeat The Hunt via pinfall with a pop-up powerslam.

-Gallus then attack The Hunt after the match before they’re ran off by Dave Mastiff.

-Moustache Mountain are interviewed backstage where it’s announced that they will be challenging the Grizzled Young Veterans for the NXT UK Tag Team Championship in three weeks.

NXT UK Women’s Championship Number One Contender Battle Royal Match

Everyone brawls except Jazzy who stands in the center of the ring watching everyone else, then tosses Rena over the top rope before eliminating another unnamed opponent and Candy Floss. Xia sends Kay through the ropes, but she remains in the match before Piper and Xia team up to eliminate Jazzy. Piper, Xia and Isla try to eliminate Jinny, but Jazzy catches her and puts her back into the ring. Xia eliminates Jinny as soon as she gets back into the ring and Rhea eliminates Kelly before eliminating Isla. Piper then eliminates Nina before Piper and Rhea exchange strikes until Piper hits a cannonball and Xia eliminates Rhea who pulls Piper down by her hair, Xia thinking she’s won before Kay comes back into the ring and eliminates Xia for the win.

Winner: Kay Lee Ray is the last woman in the ring and gains an opportunity to face NXT UK Women’s champion Toni Storm.

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