
WWE 205 Live Results for 6/18/19 The Singh Brothers vs The Lucha House Party

Tag teams clash and the new challenger for Tony Nese will be revealed tonight at 10pm EST after Smackdown! Live!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope you enjoyed Smackdown! Live and are ready to see who will challenge the Cruiserweight champion Tony Nese at Stomping Grounds this Sunday night!

Lucha House Party vs The Singh Brothers

Lince and Samir start the match off before Lince dropkicks both Singh Brothers and he and Lince clear the ring LHP double up on Samir with a double hip toss into a wheel barrow splash into a leg drop for a two count. Lince hits a diving cross body and Samir yanks him from the top before Sunile comes in and stomps Lince in the corner while playing to the crowd. The Singhs isolate Lince and make frequent tags until Lince fights his way out of the corner and tags Metalik in. Lince hits a springboard clothesline and a missile dropkick before hitting a wrecking ball dropkick and a springboard cross body to the outside. Lince then hits a shooting star press for a near fall before Samir pins Lince with a roll up with the tights for the win.

Winner: The Singh Brothers defeat the Lucha House Party via pinfall when Samir pins Lince with a roll up while holding the tights.

The Brian Kendrick vs Local Talent

Brian’s opponent drops him with a forearm before Brian dropkicks him and beats him down in the corner before whipping him into the corner and hitting a running clothesline and several flying elbows. Brian then dropkicks his opponent and hits Sliced Bread #2 for the pin and the win.

Winner: The Brian Kendrick defeats a local performer via pinfall with the Sliced Bread #2.

Ariya Daivari vs Oney Lorcan

Oney hits a running clothesline in the corner before Ariya rolls out of the ring and tries to escape into the crowd, Oney grabbing him and tossing him back into the ring. Ariya rolls back out of the ring and tries to escape again before Oney puts him back ant dropkicks him before hitting him with right hands and a clothesline. Ariya superkicks Oney and catches him up on the top turnbuckle before hitting a diving arm breaker. Ariya focuses on the arm of Oney until Oney counters a million dollar dream and Oney comes back with a running blockbuster for a near fall. Oney chops Ariya with his good arm before hitting him with uppercuts and a half hatch suplex before Ariya rolls out of the ring. Oney dives out of the ring and Ariya tosses him over the announce table before beating on him in mount on top of the table. Ariya drags Oney up onto the stage and sends him into the LED board before the officials make him leave.

Winner: Double Count Out.

-After the match Ariya turns Oney inside out with a wrist lock lariat before leaving.

-It is then announced that Tony Nese will be defending his Cruiserweight Championship in a triple threat match against both Akira Tozawa and Drew Gulak as we go off the air.

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