
Ring of Honor Wrestling Television Results for 5/24/19 Episode #401 Jay Lethal vs Kenny King

Two former champions clash, Silas Young holds a seminar and Flip Gordon is in action on this week’s episode of Ring of Honor Wrestling television!

Flip Gordon vs Karl Fredericks

They shake hands and Karl takes Flip down before going for an armbar, but Flip blocks it and rolls Karl up for a quick two count. Karl hits a running splash in the corner and a hip toss into an elbow drop for a quick two count. Flip comes back with a jawbreaker before Karl sends him over the top rope and onto the apron. Flip hits an enzuigiri and a springboard dropkick into a springboard neckbreaker and a superkick before locking in an STF for the tap and the win.

Winner: Flip Gordon defeats Karl Fredericks via submission with an STF.

-The former ROH World Television champion Jeff Cobb comes out to the ring and talks about losing his title to Shane Taylor and how he’s never been pinned or submitted before saying that he’s setting his sights on the ROH World Heavyweight Championship and Matt Taven. Matt then comes out onto the stage and teases a title defense before leaving.

-Silas Young comes out next and demonstrates what you’re not supposed to do in the ring and things that are illegal on a local performer he got to volunteer before kicking his assistant out of the ring.

Jay Lethal vs Kenny King

They exchange waist locks and Jay pushes free of a side headlock before Kenny takes Jay down and gets a quick one count. Jay hits a springboard dropkick to Kenny who’s on the apron and sends him down onto the floor. Jay hits a suicide dive and rolls Kenny back into the ring and hits Hail to the King for a near fall. Kenny counters the Lethal Injection into a blue thunderbomb for a near fall before they exchange strikes and counter each other’s finishers. Jay rocks Kenny with a back elbow before Kenny dodges the Lethal Injection several times and low blows Jay before hitting a Lethal Injection of his own for the pin and the win.

Winner:Kenny King defeats Jay Lethal via pinfall with the Lethal injection.

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