
Match Ratings For WWE Smackdown Live 5/28/19, Podcast Notes From Sean Ross Sapp

Kofi Kingston defeated Kevin Owens

  • Kevin Owens comes out and says he didn’t even attack Big E, but he’s going to soften Kofi Kingston up for Dolph Ziggler at Super Showdown.
  • Kofi Kingston appears and calls Owens a liar.
  • To me, this seems like a way to beat Kevin Owens because they think he can take it since he’s not going to Saudi Arabia. Someone not going to their next big show shouldn’t mean they are disposable as far as strength of booking. That being said, losing to Kofi isn’t a big deal since he’s so protected.
  • Owens controls most of the match, but can’t hit a Stunner.
  • That Air Kofi doesn’t look like it’s fun to do or take.
  • After an SOS, Owens tosses Kofi all around the ringside area.
  • Owens lands a really great Bullfrog splash. Later, he does a another good Swanton. He’s on tonight.
  • Kofi Kingston catches KO with a Trouble in Paradise. His hot streak continues, both in booking and in the ring.
  • Dolph Ziggler is shown looking on backstage.

Tag Team Titles

  • I love that Daniel Bryan brings up earth-unfriendly facts based on wherever it is that he’s going. He wants to save the tag team division and the planet.
  • Seems like they’re named the Planet’s Tag Team Champions.
  • Heavy Machinery come out and I’m pretty sure Tom Phillips just called them the “largest tag team in WWE history.” I’d be surprised if they landed in the top 30.
  • Heavy Machinery want the Tag Team Championships, and Daniel Bryan thinks it’s funny and accepts, then walks away.

Mandy Rose (w/ Sonya Deville) defeated Carmella

  • Mandy and Sonya are backstage handing out copies of Mandy’s Muscle and Fitness, and force one into Ember’s hands after spoiling Jekyll and Hyde for her.
  • Mandy has her magazine in the ring, and ends up slamming Carmella into the second turnbuckle.
  • Mandy’s bicycle knee is amazing, and Carmella sold it great.
  • Carmella goes through a nice series of offense. These are a couple of overachievers based on preconceived notions.
  • I don’t much care for the distraction roll up though.

Backstage Crappenings

  • Aleister Black is MOODY again. He’s begging for someone to call him out. That was the best of Aleister Black’s MOODY promos.
  • Undertaker is coming.
  • Balor is unable to compete tonight. Andrade and his improving English cut a promo on him.

24/7 Title
R-Truth (c) defeated Drake Maverick to retain the title
Elias defeated R-Truth (c) to become champion

  • R-Truth is with Carmella, talking about the pressure of being the 24/7 champion.
  • I don’t have a clue what brand Drake Maverick is supposed to be on, technically.
  • Jinder Mahal tries to beat R-Truth, but can’t. Carmella is having her match, so R-Truth is alone to run away from Drake Maverick.
  • Shane is joined by Elias and Drew McIntyre. He throws to a video highlight of himself.
  • Shane McMahon using Kevin Dunn’s name for heat. Fantastic.
  • R-Truth and Drake Maverick are in the ring during the Shane celebration and Truth hits a front suplex and successfully defends the 24/7 Championship.
  • Truth is attacked and then gets pinned by Elias.
  • Shane McMahon makes a match for Elias & Drew against Truth & Reigns tonight. The 24/7 rule is suspended until after the match. Good heel move.

Bayley defeated Lacey Evans (w/ Charlotte Flair)

  • Charlotte Flair and Lacey Evans are such a great fit together. They cut a funny promo backstage. I guess Lacey is the WILD CARD but I can’t keep track at this point.
  • Charlotte is good on commentary. She mentions possibly being tag team champions with Lacey.
  • Lacey dominates Bayley with really elementary work. I’m not sure I understand the headstand Bronco Buster, Carmella already uses a version of that move.
  • Bayley attacks Charlotte Flair at ringside.
  • Lacey has Bayley pinned, but a Charlotte backfire distraction allows for Bayley to win.
  • Charlotte Flair attacks Lacey Evans after the match and threatens her.

(24/7 rule suspended during the match)
Roman Reigns & R-Truth defeated Elias & Drew McIntyre (w/ Shane McMahon)

  • R-Truth is attacked by Elias and Drew before the match, leaving Roman AGAINST THE ODDS. Reigns helps him out, so apparently he’s more important than Reigns’ cousin Lance.
  • Truth is beaten up really badly in the corner, and Drew overhead belly-to-belly suplexes Truth.
  • Truth manages to incapacitate both opponents.
  • Reigns Superman punches Shane, and Drew WHIFFS on a Claymore and lands on the table.
  • Spear on Elias for the win. Right after he won the title. Lol.

24/7 Championship
R-Truth defeated Elias (c) to become champion

  • Reigns spears Elias. Truth wins.
  • Did this make Roman Reigns look nice, or just make it look like he didn’t give a shit about the 24/7 Title?

Rating guide

10- Perfect, 9- MOTY Territory, 8- Excellent, 7- Great, 6- Good, 5- Average to above average, 4- Slightly below average, 3 or below: Poor

Each match starts at a 5 and slides up and down based on entertainment, execution, time, environment, reaction and stakes. The ratings are in no way an indication of a “star rating,” which is a completely different system. A standard, non-offensive “TV match” lands at a 5.The gap between 5.75-6 is generally the largest, with anything reaching 6 being recommended viewing.
These are opinions, and incredibly inconsistent ones. Don’t take them too seriously, and have (and share) your own!

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