
LIVE STREAM: Pac vs. Hangman Page From Nottingham, England, And Full Coverage

Welcome to our live coverage of Hangman Page vs. Pac. This match was originally set for AEW Double or Nothing, but instead ran this past weekend in Nottingham, England. We’ll provide a full rundown of the match as it happens.

Pac vs. Adam “Hangman” Page

Pac brings up that he’s been unbeaten for the last 20 months, and nobody in the country has the balls to step face-to-face to him. He’s makes an open challenge. Adam “Hangman” Page answers to a great ovation.

The match gets underway, and spills outside pretty quickly. Hangman runs Pac into the barricade before going back inside. Pac tries to roll over Page’s back, but runs right into a boot. Pac finally turns the tides by pushing Page off the top rope and landing a dive.

Pac is working Page over big time in the ring. But Pac misses a moonsault to the outside, just to eat one from Page, leaving both men on the floor. Page drags Pac into the ring and connects with a big dropkick, but Pac escapes the Dead Eye. However, Pac ends up jumping off the top rope, right into Page’s foot, which is followed by a Hangman superkick.

Pac scores a couple of German suplexes, but it doesn’t get the job done. A superplex doesn’t do it either, but it was a beauty. Pac misses a big shooting star press, which leads to Page hitting a Dudebuster. Pac kicks the referee in the ballsack. Page gets a Buckshot Lariat, but the ref calls for the DQ. 

Winner: Adam “Hangman” Page via DQ

Pac returns after the match to crack Page with a chair. He pillmanizes the Hangman by attacking his ankle. He says the only reason he was going to Vegas was to hurt and maim Page. He says his work is done, and he’s not going to Vegas, Double or Nothing, or AEW.

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