UFC Fight Night Rochester: dos Anjos vs. Lee Results & Live Coverage

Results and live coverage for UFC Fight Night Rochester: dos Anjos vs. Lee!

Welcome to’s live coverage & discussion for tonight’s UFC Fight Night Rochester: dos Anjos vs. Lee.

We’ll be bringing you full, fight by fight coverage of every bout on the card and you can watch along with us, sending in your feedback on our Disqus boards below!

Fight Card

Prelims (ESPN+, 5 pm, ET)

Julio Arce defeated Julian Erosa via 3rd Round KO (1:49 – Head Kick)

Zak Cummings defeated Trevin Giles via 3rd Round Submission (4:01 – Guillotine Choke)

Ed Herman defeated Patrick Cummins via 1st Round TKO (3:39)

Grant Dawson defeated Mike Trizano via 1st Round Submission (2:27 – Rear Naked Choke)

Michel Pereira defeated Danny Roberts via 1st Round Knockout (1:47)

Desmond Green defeated Charles Jourdain via Unanimous Decision (30-27 x2, 29-28)

Aspen Ladd defeated Sijara Eubanks via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 29-28)

Main Card (ESPN+, 8 pm ET)

Davi Ramos defeated Austin Hubbard via Unanimous Decision (30-27 x3)

Charles Oliveira defeated Nik Lentz via 2nd Round TKO (2:11)

Vicente Luque defeated Derrick Krantz via 1st Round TKO (3:52)

Felicia Spencer defeated Megan Anderson via 1st Round Submission (3:24 – Rear Naked Choke) 

Ian Heinisch defeated Antonio Carlos Junior via Unanimous Decision (29-28 x3)

Rafael Dos Anjos defeated Kevin Lee via 4th Round Submission (3:47 – Arm Triangle)

Julio Arce vs. Julian Erosa

Round One

Feeling out process here early as both men look to find their range. After 90 seconds though the pair met inside, briefly trading blows before returning to range. That trend continued, with things threatening to explode as Arce began to dictate things from the front foot. A clinch that altered things, allowing Erosa to take control and push his foe back. Further exchanges commenced there as Arce fired back, regaining center cage until Erosa responded with dynamic striking flurries. A wild scramble then led us to the round’s close. Close round but one that Erosa’s activity likely earned him.

Round Two

Both men are right to work here in the 2nd, exchanging strikes with bad intentions early. Arce landed a solid left hand but Erosa was equal to it, keeping his output high as Arce continued to seek counters. Arce was now on the back foot consistently, circling as Erosa really pushed the pace. However, the quality of his work is undeniable and in this round, I think it was probably enough to level things up. 

Round Three

This fight’s trends continue here early, with Erosa the aggressor as as Arce quite consistently picks good shots while on the back-foot. Aesthetically, this doesn’t look great for Arce but he’s having real success with punches UNTIL a sudden HEAD KICK flattens Erosa out of nowhere. Huge knockout win for Arce.

Winner: Julio Arce via 3rd Round KO (1:49 – Head Kick)

Zak Cummings vs. Trevin Giles

Round One

Cummings is offering differing looks here early, switching stance and edging forward as Giles looked to settle in himself. Not much action through 2 minutes but things then began to heat up, with Giles landing some punches until Cummings responded with a nice kick to the body. Cummings is the aggressor here but he’s eating counters for his troubles, already marking up and struggling to find any consistent offense too. At the round’s close, Cummings achieved the clinch but failed to make anything of it. Giles round for me but his lack of aggression may cost him.

Round Two

Nice right hand lands for Giles early and he looks to be taking center cage until Cummings’ gritty approach pushed him back again. With more openings becoming available, Cummings’ offense is beginning to be more successful but Giles is landing too as both men begin to exchange. A kick strays low from Giles though and we have a break from the action as a result. As we restart, Cummings lands a nice left hand and gains the clinch, failing to maximize it but remaining aggressive regardless. The round ends with more solid clinch-work from Cummings and I personally think he’s leveled this one up.

Round Three

Giles is holding his feet here more in the 3rd but while his speed is clear, that’s only allowing Cummings to get more comfortable. His own success has encouraged him to continue the approach regardless, edging forward and landing some solid counters as Cummings reaches. However, he’s now staying in Cummings’ range and as a result, he’s DROPPED by an overhand left. Cummings seized from there, snatching the Guillotine Choke and eventually forcing the tap.

Winner: Zak Cummings via 3rd Round Submission (4:01 – Guillotine Choke)

Patrick Cummins vs. Ed Herman

Round One

Herman is immediately pushed back by some solid punches here early, with Cummins pushing forward behind a hard jab. A right hand then landed in transition but Herman fired back with one of his own, slowly warming into things as the punches began to fly. Both men are throwing with bad intentions here and neither is showing off much defense either. Cummings then shifted gears, scoring a takedown that ultimately didn’t prove a factor. Back on the feet and Cummins’ right hand is continuing to land until a sudden knee dropped him in the clinch.

Herman follows up and closes the show too, landing ground and pound to force the stoppage. 

Winner: Ed Herman via 1st Round TKO (3:39)

Grant Dawson vs. Mike Trizano

Round One

Trizano is on the front foot immediately here, pushing forward with strikes but then forced against the fence. Dawson is looking for a takedown but Trizano soon escaped nonetheless, walking forward once more. While Trizano’s output is high, Dawson is keeping with him and eventually, he secured a takedown too. Trizano fought to his feet but Dawson stayed on his back before transitioning to a clinch against the cage. They were soon back at range regardless, with Trizano busting Dawson up as the latter fought through it to end the round with another takedown.

Round Two

Yet again, Dawson quickly halted Trizano’s momentum here, scoring the takedown and taking mount. Trizano then gave his back and eventually, Dawson finished the fight via Rear Naked Choke. 

Winner: Grant Dawson via 1st Round Submission (2:27 – Rear Naked Choke)

Michel Pereira vs. Danny Roberts

Round One

A right hand seemingly rocks Roberts early and Pereira attempts a Showtime Kick before landing yet another right hand. He then attempted a Rolling Thunder Kick. The wild strikes didn’t stop there either, briefly chasing Roberts and then landing a FLYING KNEE to wobble Roberts before finishing him off via violent right hand. 

Winner: Michel Pereira via 1st Round KO (1:47)

Desmond Green vs. Charles Jourdain

Round One

The hometown favorite strikes first here, landing a kick to the body as well as a neat counter right hand. Jourdain is pushing forward though, attempting kicks of his own but mostly falling short. Green’s southpaw right hand is finding a home with regularity early on, landing around his foe’s guard almost every time. A salvo of body shots came next and then a hard straight left hand too. Jourdain’s offense is seemingly heating up slightly but he was swiftly taken down for his troubles anyway, eating some solid ground and pound as a result. Nonetheless, Jourdain made it upright and the pair exchanged strikes as the round came to a close. 

Round Two

Another left hand gets things started for Green here but Jourdain then tripped him, scoring some success as Green returned to range. Desmond went back to work from there though, landing a flying knee but eating constant low-kicks along the way. That tactic has begun to mark Green’s leg but he’s pushing forward regardless, targeting the body once more. Jourdain’s aggression is increasing either way, now acting the aggressor as Green keeps him on the end of a decent 1-2. While unable to land much outside of his low-kicks, Jourdain’s output is impressive.

Round Three

That same trend continues in round three, with Green landing decent punches while Jourdain pushes forward behind more low-kicks. Green is seemingly slowing and that’s allowing Jourdain to dictate things slightly, making his foe circle while refusing to back up for long. However, Green’s punches are continuing to find a home throughout and with 80 seconds remaining, the home-town fighter scored a takedown too. Jourdain fought upright but Green took him down again only for Jourdain to stand up once more and chase his opponent to the buzzer.

Winner: Desmond Green via Unanimous Decision (30-27 x2, 29-28)

Sijara Eubanks vs. Aspen Ladd

Round One

Ladd pushes forward here early but eats some strikes for her troubles. Eubanks then went for the takedown, slamming Ladd to the mat and eventually settling in half guard. Ladd then looked to escape and briefly gave up her back before standing upright and avoiding some attempts at another slam. She then defended a single leg and caught the guillotine, forcing Eubanks to scramble and give up her own back as well. After a transition, Ladd lost position but dragged Sijara back to the mat regardless.

Eubanks refused to settle with her back taken though and stood up again, creating space and unleashing an onslaught of strikes before finishing the round with some heavy ground and pound too.

Round Two

Eubanks is continuing to control the striking here in the 2nd but Ladd rushed her back to the fence in response. She eventually scored the takedown too, securing mount and then taking the back. Eubanks defended the choke terrifically though, somehow managing to escape twice but failing to score any offense along the way. Ladd then went to work with some elbows, dominating proceedings and seemingly hurting Eubanks as the 2nd round came to a close. 

Round Three

Yet again, Ladd is walking into some hard shots on the feet but she’s now firing back more than ever, having some success as well. Before long, she captures the clinch, landing a few elbows before returning to range. The exchanges continued from there, with both women landing heavy shots as Ladd refused to back up in response to Eubanks’ shots. She was eating them nonetheless but continued to fire back before shooting a takedown with one minute to go. Eubanks defended it though and the pair brawled to the bell!

Winner: Aspen Ladd via Unanimous Decision (30-26, 29-27, 29-28)

Main Card

Austin Hubbard vs. Davi Ramos 

Round One

Ramos is the aggressor early, pressing forward as Hubbard looks to get comfortable. Both men then traded kicks to the groin, forcing a pause in action before swiftly restarting. Ramos isn’t producing immense activity here but he’s throwing with hard intentions and seems in control too. He soon exploded with a combination, seemingly rocking his foe until an eye-poke paused things again. At the restart, Ramos landed another dynamic combination, briefly shaking Hubbard but leaving him basically unmoved. The takedown then followed, with Ramos taking the back only for the clock to prevent a finish.

Round Two

Hubbard was the aggressor this time, pushing forward and even landing a sharp knee before eating two hooks for his troubles. Ramos then pressed Hubbard back in response, clinching his foe but failing to keep him grounded. The striking exchanges have evened out now, with Hubbard’s offense finding consistency as Ramos more willingly gives round. The wide hooks continue to land though, knocking Hubbard back as Ramos then scored a takedown after all. 

Round Three

After pushing forward early, Hubbard was then rocked, finally struggling to stand up in response to Ramos’ power. Suddenly the Brazilian had his man badly hurt and he jumped on top, controlling things until only 90 seconds remained. After a referee stand-up, Hubbard somehow had the energy to still push forward, even getting the better of exchanges and finishing the fight in top position.

Winner: Davi Ramos via Unanimous Decision (30-27 x3)

Nik Lentz vs. Charles Oliveira

Round One

After clinching early, these two then separated, with Lentz having some success until Oliveira caught his kick and flurried. He began to look for elbows too, closing distance and going to work in sporadic clinches. Lentz attempted a takedown in response but Oliveira soon regained distance, continuing to control things and busting Lentz up along the way. A jumping front kick came next but Oliveira was then taken down, swiftly reversing and landing on top. He was immediately active from there, constantly transitioning and unleashing some elbows as well. Very tough round for Lentz but one he survived nonetheless. 

Round Two

Oliveira jumped all over Lentz here in round two but was taken down for his troubles. ‘Do Bronx’ caught a Guillotine along the way though, seemingly forcing Lentz to tap but the referee didn’t stop proceedings and so the fight continued anyway. An upkick then caused a break in the action, soon returning to their prior position as Oliveira quickly stood back up. He unsurprisingly regained control from there, eventually catching a kick and dropping Lentz with a right hand. Ground and pound followed and this one was over.

Winner: Charles Oliveira via 2nd Round TKO (2:11)

Derrick Krantz vs. Vicente Luque

Immediately jumping his foe, Krantz landed two big right hands and then looked for a takedown. Luque snatched a guillotine in response but Krantz shook him off, retaining control and even taking the back. He soon lost position though, briefly attempting a guillotine of his own before both men fought to their feet. Luque went to work from there, landing a jab and low-kick as he steadily began to up the ante. That led to a crisp right hand and then the finish, with Luque landing a knee before swiftly closing the show moments later.

Winner: Vicente Luque via 1st Round TKO (3:52)

Megan Anderson vs. Felicia Spencer

After catching a kick early, Anderson landed a hard right hand here but Spencer then secured the clinch, pushing Anderson back to the fence as a result. She then took Anderson’s back in transition, landing some ground and pound before eventually forcing the submission via Rear Naked Choke. 

Winner: Felicia Spencer via 1st Round Submission (3:24 – Rear Naked Choke)

Ian Heinisch vs. Antonio Carlos Junior

Round One

The Brazilian was aggressive right away here, throwing some strikes and then scoring a swift takedown too. After briefly thinking leg-lock, Carlos Jr settled in Heinisch’s half guard but his foe stood back up, simply refusing to stay on the mat. He eventually ended up there regardless, having his back taken but scrambling free and finding himself mounted as a result. Carlos Jr closed out the dominant round in top position.

Round Two

Heinisch got off to a good start in the 2nd, landing a solid right hand and throwing some strong low-kicks. An eye-poke then briefly halted things but as the action restarted, Carlos Jr changed levels and scored another takedown. This led us back to a similar position, with the Brazilian controlling Heinisch against the fence. Heinisch then somehow came out on top, taking control and unleashing some ground and pound too. 

Round Three

Carlos Jr is back to being aggressive early in the 3rd but Heinisch responded well, flurrying big and seemingly wobbling his foe along the way. He then landed a low knee in the clinch though, halting the action as a result. Once it restarted, Heinisch continued to build momentum, winding up in top position and then landing a heavy knee in transition. Carlos Jr continued to battle though, looking for another takedown but slipping off and winding up on the bottom. He soon countered though, reversing the position as another wild scramble commenced. Once again, Heinisch came out on top, holding top position until the fight’s final buzzer.

Winner: Ian Heinisch via Unanimous Decision (29-28 x3)

Rafael Dos Anjos vs. Kevin Lee

Round One

Lee immediately took the initiative here, playing the aggressor and jumping all over dos Anjos for the early takedown. He then looked to take the back but dos Anjos smartly stood up and returned to range. On the feet, both men continued to land but Lee then attempted another takedown, pinning his foe against the fence but failing to take him down. Instead, dos Anjos went to work with knees in the clinch before finally creating space. The exchanges continued from there, with both men landing heavy strikes until dos Anjos scored the takedown! Lee fought to his feet and shot an unsuccessful attempt of his own at the end of round one.

Round Two

Dos Anjos’ momentum continued in round two, landing a terrific body kick before being bulldozed to the fence. Lee slammed him to the mat from there but dos Anjos used his guillotine for the sweep as both men returned to the fence. Dos Anjos defended again though and we were soon back at range. The former champion thrived, landing a head kick and then looking for another takedown of his own. Both men then returned to striking distance, landing hard shots each until Lee pushed dos Anjos against the fence once more. After being controlled for a portion, dos Anjos then exploded with strikes, tagging Lee only to sprawl yet another takedown attempt as the round closed. 

Round Three

Upping the ante, dos Anjos jumped Lee with a jumping knee at the bell here, taking center cage and pushing his foe back. He then took Lee down too, taking side control until ‘The Motown Phenom’ fought to his feet. He then got the better of a scramble too, taking dos Anjos back only for him to battle free. Dos Anjos then scored another takedown, controlling proceedings against the fence. Lee reversed position though, landing his own takedown and almost taking dos Anjos’ back again. The struggle for position continued until the buzzer.

Round Four

More fatigued strike exchanges got the penultimate round underway but a low-kick then wobbled Lee, with dos Anjos edging forward until his foe attempted the takedown. Once again, dos Anjos created space but ate some body kicks for his troubles. Lee then wrestled dos Anjos to the fence but things again transitioned back to center cage. Lee then shot another takedown but dos Anjos sprawled, jumping on top of his foe and taking the mount. He then closed the show, catching an Arm Triangle for the win.

Winner: Rafael dos Anjos via 4th Round Submission (3:47 – Arm Triangle)

Thanks for following along folks and now be sure to check out our post-show podcast too!

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