
IMPACT Wrestling Results for 5/10/19 Ethan Page vs RVD

All Ego takes on The Whole Damned Show and OvE square off with Tommy Dreamer, Rich Swann, Willie Mack and Fallah Bahh in an OvE Rules Match!


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Moose & Josh Alexander vs LAX

Josh and Santana start the match off by exchanging wrist locks before Santana chops him in the corner and twists him before tagging in Ortiz. LAX double team Josh for a quick two count and Moose comes in and dropkicks Ortiz off of the top and down onto the floor where Josh sends him into the railing and tosses him back into the ring. Josh comes in and stomps Ortiz in the corner before Moose chokes him and Josh hits a jumping knee drop. Ortiz hits a sunset flip for a two count before Josh takes him down with a headlock and Ortiz counters a suplex into a cutter. Ortiz tags in Santana who boots Moose off of the apron and dropkicks Josh before LAX hit a flap jack and moose breaks up a pin attempt.

Moose then powerbombs Santana and hits Go to Hell for a near fall before Moose accidentally boots Josh and LAX hit a double inverted suplex for the pin and the win.

Winner: LAX defeat Josh Alexander and Moose via pinfall.

Taya Valkyrie vs Madison Rayne

Rayne rushes Taya, but she’s quick to leave the ring and Rayne gives chase until Taya catches her coming back into the ring and dropkicks her. Taya then hits Rayne with forearms in the corner as we go to commercial.

We return to the ring to Taya in control until Rayne hits a huricanrrana and an arm drag before Taya bends her around the ring post. Rayne counters Road to Valhalla and gets nearly knocked out with a forearm before Taya steps on her and Rayne hits a tornado DDT. Rayne then hits an enzuigiri for a near fall before a variation of eat defeat for another near fall, Taya hitting a side slam and kicking Rayne until Rayne locks in a Boston crab and Taya quickly taps for the win.

Winner: Madison Rayne defeats Taya Valkyrie via submission with a single leg Boston crab.

-We get an IMPACT Plus Flashback to Allie vs Tessa Blanchard vs Su Yung from last August.

Jordynne Grace vs Alexia Nicole

Jordynne tosses Alexia around the ring and hits a delayed suplex before she swings her around and tosses her away. Jordynne then hits a blue thunderbomb into a package piledriver for the pin and the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace defeats Alexia Nicole via pinfall with a package piledriver.

Ethan Page vs RVD

RVD kicks Ethan out of the ring where he regroups with Josh and RVD sends Ethan into Josh before kicking Ethan over the railing. Ethan trips RVD on the apron and sends him into the ring steps before rolling him back into the ring and chopping him in the corner. Ethan then hits a spinning backbreaker and suplexes RVD before RVD hits a running wheel kick and Five Star Frog Splash for the pin and the win.

Winner: RVD defeats Ethan Page via pinfall with a Five Star Frog Splash.

Desi Hit Squad vs The Deaners vs Brent Banks & Aiden Prince vs The Rascalz

Everyone brawls to start the match before Raj beats down Aiden and DHS double team him for a quick two count. Banks gets knocked off apron, but Aiden tags in Jake and The Deaners double team Rohit for a two count. The Rascalz take out Jake and clear the ring before The Rascalz hit dueling topes to the outside. Back in the ring Rohit then wins with a roll up while holding the tights for the pin and the win.

Winner: Desi Hitt Squad defeat The Rascalz, The Deaners and Aiden Prince and Brent Banks via pinfall.

OvE Rules Match

OvE vs Rich Swann, Willie Mack, Fallah Bahh & Tommy Dreamer

We return to the ring to the match already in progress with Rich and Bahh in control before the ring is cleared and Willie hits a tope to the outside that takes out everyone. Dave hits a moonsault off of the top before Tommy hits a cannonball off of the apron and Bahh hits a suicide dive as we go to commercial.

We come back to Willie, Rich and Tommy with a ladder and chairs before Tommy spins with the ladder on his head and takes out everyone who gets in his way. Fulton takes out Willie and Tommy before Jake hits a tornado DDT onto a chair for a near fall, Bahh dropping him with a trash can before hitting a belly to belly onto the trash can for a near fall that Dave breaks up. Bahh catches Dave up top before Fulton powerbombs Bahh through two chairs set up in the ring and Dave hits a diving stomp onto a chair for a near fall. Rich hits a Lethal injection to Dave before Jake hits a diving cutter off of a ladder for a near fall that Bahh breaks up. Bahh hits Fulton with a Samoan drop in midair before Tommy hits a double DDT onto Legos and Bahh hits a running splash in the corner.

Willie then hits a stunner with a chair to Fulton before Sami hits him with a stop sign and hits a piledriver onto Legos for the pin and the win.

Winner: OvE defeat Willie Mack, Tommy Dreamer, Rich Swann and Fallah Bahh when Sami pins Willie with a piledriver.

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