
WWE Smackdown! Live Results for 5/7/19 New Smackdown! Live Tag Team Champions Crowned

Shane McMahon is in the building to declare new Tag Team champions, Ali takes on Andrade and more tonight at 8pm EST on USA Network!

Hey Fight Fans, we hope your day is going well and are ready for Smackdown! Live! Enjoy the show and if you’re interested in exclusive content check out Fightful Select for exclusive podcasts, breaking news and more!

-AJ Styles comes out to the ring to start the show and talks about the wild card rule and how four members of RAW can show up on Smackdown! Live and vice versa. Sami Zayn comes out and says that AJ has a toxic ego that is out of control and AJ calls his hygiene into question before they’re interrupted by New Day. They then set up a triple threat match for the WWE Championship in tonight’s main event as we go to commercial.

Ali vs Andrade

Andrade is in control as we come back to the match already in progress before Ali hits a Spanish fly and Ali is attacked by Randy for the disqualification.

Winner: Ali defeats Andrade via disqualification when Randy Orton interferes.

-After the match Randy hits a pop-up RKO to Ali and one to Andrade in midair when he goes for a springboard cross body.

-We get an extended video package for Roman Reigns.

-Shane McMahon comes out and talks about his attack by The Miz before declaring Daniel Bryan and Rowan as the new Smackdown! Live Tag Team champions. The Usos come out to the ring and says that Roman gave them permission to come to Smackdown! Live before saying that everyone earns the titles. Shane then makes a tag title match between the four as we go to commercial.

WWE Smackdown! Live Tag Team Championship Match

The Usos vs Daniel Bryan & Rowan

Daniel and Jey get things started with Jey hitting several arm drags before whipping Daniel into the corner and Jimmy comes in. The Usos double team Daniel for a quick two count before Daniel tags in Rowan who drops Jimmy with a boot and slams him to the mat before hitting a jumping splash for a quick two count. Rowan beats Jimmy down in the corner and Daniel gets a quick two count off of a running splash in the corner by Rowan. Jimmy then goes to tag in Jey, but Rowan pushes him off of the apron and Rowan hits a running cross body as we go to commercial.

Daniel is in control of Jimmy as we return to the action until Jey gets the blind tag and clotheslines Brian for a near fall. Daniel counters a diving splash into a cross face and Jimmy superkicks him before Jey comes in and Jimmy gets the blind tag. The Usos hit a double superkick before Jimmy hits a diving splash for a very close near fall, The Usos clearing the ring before they’re taken out at ringside. Jey superkicks Rowan and Bryan before Rowan hits him with the Iron Claw for the pin and the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan and Rowan defeat The Usos via pinfall when Rowan pins Jey with the Iron Claw to become the new Smackdown! Tag Team champions.

-We get a Firefly Fun House segment.

-We return to the ring to Shane talking about the Money in the Bank match before he’s attacked from behind by The Miz. The Miz then fights off the B Team before Shane attacks him with a chair.

Ember Moon & Carmella vs Sonya Deville & Mandy Rose

Sonya and Carmella start the match off with Sonya showing off her superior strength before Mandy comes in and hits a shoulder breaker. Carmella gets the tag to Ember who clotheslines Mandy and a running back elbow in the corner before Mandy rocks Ember with a knee and hits her finisher for the pin and the win.

Winner: Sonya Deville and Mandy Rose defeat Carmella and Ember Moon via pinfall.

-After the match Paige comes out onto the stage with Asuka and Kairi Sane before we go to the back to an interview with Matt who is joined by R-Truth, seemingly forming a tag team with the two. They are then attacked by Lars Sullivan who takes out Matt and powerbombs Truth through a table as we go to commercial.

WWE Championship Triple Threat Match

Kofi Kingston (c) vs AJ Styles vs Sami Zayn

AJ sends Sami out of the ring and exchanges kicks with Kofi before Kofi hits a springboard splash and dropkicks Sami out of the ring whenever he tries to get back inside. AJ chops Sami in the corner and Kofi rolls AJ up for a quick two count before hitting a splash to the back of AJ for another two count. Kofi and AJ clothesline Sami before Kofi hits a boom drop and yanks both Kofi and AJ off of the apron as we go to commercial.

Sami is in control as we return to the ring before AJ comes back with a flurry of strikes and Sami hits a tornado DDT for a near fall. Kofi hits an enzuigiri before Sami hits a superplex and AJ hits a frankensteiner before Kofi hits the SOS, the two exchanging strikes until they drop each other and Kofi counters a Phenomenal Forearm with Trouble in Paradise. Kofi knocks AJ off of the apron before Kevin attacks Xavier at ringside and Sami hits a blue thunderbomb for a near fall. Kofi gets his shoulder up when Sami hits another blue thunderbomb before Sami hits it a third time for another near fall. Kofi then hits Trouble in Paradise when Sami goes for the Helluva Kick.

Winner: Kofi Kingston retains his WWE Championship by defeating Sami Zayn and AJ Styles when Kofi pins Sami with the Trouble in Paradise.

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